(by Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
We have been working hard reformatting the Turfgrass Extension Publications and have started updating with new content. The first one off the press is about Buffalograss.
(By Jared Hoyle and Evan Alderman, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
As I was driving down the road the other day (as I do all the time) I was thinking (that can be trouble), “How can we conserve water in our managed turfgrass systems?” What is going to happen if regulations are passed and they cut water off for turfgrass applications? But, in all honestly it is not “if the water gets cut off” it is “when is the water getting cut off”?
This is one of the many reasons we have been researching the use of buffalograss. Buffalograss is a low (NOT NO) input turfgrass, including water. There is a lot that is unknown about buffalograss and how it can be used. Not to mention many new cultivars of buffalgorass are being developed for darker green color and longer color retention but much of the past research has been conducted on older cultivars. Also, many of the recommendations for buffalograss management were all based on the older cultivars of buffalograss.
Some might think the research season for buffalograss is winding down but it is not. There is still plenty of research to be done and many questions to be answered. This fall, KSU Turfgrass Graduate Student, Evan Alderman, is going to conduct research on dormant buffalograss. Objectives of his research are to investigate the longevity of turf colorants when subjected to simulated golf cart traffic, explore the effects of turf colorants on buffalograss at fairway height, and to evaluate the effects of simulated golf cart traffic on dormant buffalograss.
Ryegrass overseeding in buffalograss fairway prior to trial initiation
Treatments will involve three different turf colorants, as well as a more traditional Perennial Ryegrass overseeded treatment. Turf colorants will be applied when there is approximately 15-20% canopy color left in the buffalograss. Treatments will be replicated four times and will be subjected to simulated golf cart traffic. Traffic treatments will be applied once a week with plots receiving 0, 2, 4, or 8 passes per week. The study will run throughout the late fall, winter, and spring months.
We should get some interesting results. Ultimately, we hope to find out if we are able to maintain an aesthetically pleasing healthy turfgrass all while maintaining a quality-playing surface for golfers.
(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
This Turfgrass Student Spotlight is focused on Evan Alderman. Evan is a Master’s student here at KSU and has been here since this past May. Evan has hit the ground running. He graduated from Iowa State Univeristy with a B.S. in Turfgrass Science in May, packed his bags, moved to Manhattan and started his graduated degree in just a week or two. In the short amount of time he has been here, he has initiated three divot recovery trials, one traffic tolerance trial, one weed control trial and has helped out the other turfgrass research, teaching and extension faculty, staff and students on many projects.
Evan with other KSU Turf Graduate Students (Jake, Ross and Zane) at 2014 KSU Turf Field Day
One of Kansas State Univeristy’s five Grand Challenges facing Kansas is water. To work towards this grand challenge Evan is researching the use of a drought tolerant turfgrass species in golf courses, buffalograss. More specifically he is evaluating the use of fertilizers on buffalograss to withstand golf cart traffic and divot recovery. For more information about Evan’s project check out his latest blog post. https://blogs.k-state.edu/turf/influence-of-nitrogen-rate-and-source-on-buffalograss-divot-recovery/
So if you see Evan around, tell him he is doing a great job and we are glad he is here helping KSU tackle one of the grand challenges.
(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
The other day, Gus van der Hoeven stopped by my office and dropped off a book simply titled “Turfgrass Science”. It was Gus’s book from college. I opened it up and came across the lecture schedule for Agronomy 408, Turf Ecology, in 1973. As I looked through the lab and lecture series I initially noticed that not much has changed from 1973 to 2014 when it comes to the basics of turfgrass management. But then I dug a little further and found a lot of interesting facts about turfgrass. So today I just wanted to share a couple of them from Gus’s Turfgrass Science Textbook from 1969.
Did you know there are biblical references to grass? In the first chapter of Genesis (1:11-12), reveals the benevolent nature of creation: “And God said, let the earth bring forth grass,…And the earth brought forth grass,…”
Golf is one of the oldest sports played on turfgrass. Originated in Holland’s Kolf and spread to England and Scotland and then into the United States about 75 years ago (Now we probably have to add 45 years to that because this book was copyright in 1969). This was way before there was mowers to keep the grass cut short. So what did they use? Sheep. To mow the golf course they used a combination of close cropping and “treading”. As the putting green developed there were times where the game had to stop until the “impediments” were brushed away.
This fact is one of my favorites. As early as 1200 A.D. the inhabitants of the Midwest, used sod strips to build their houses. The sod that was used was from the plains and was composed of buffalo-grammagrass. We know that the sod was used but we still do not know how the sod was cut and lifted. The walls of the house were blocks of sod with the joins overlapping. The roof was “shingled” with strips of sod. This most certainly was buffalograss. These houses were called “soddies” and were cool in the summer and warm in the winter. One problem, unfortunately, heavy rains saturated the sod, which then continued to drip inside the house for a couple days even after the rain had subsided.
Something to think about “If we can build a house out of buffalograss, we should be able to maintain it on our lawns…”
The first turf research, appears to have been conducted in the Olcott turf garden in Connecticut in 1885, and continued until the death of J.B. Olcott in 1910. The next step in turfgrass research occurred in 1890 at the Rhode Island Agriculture Experiment Station. The first mention of turf in the Agriculture Appropriations Act of the Federal Government was in 1901. Seventeen thousand dollars were provided to research …turfing lawns and pleasure grounds… and other areas for ranges, pastures, and erosion control.
In Kansas, turfgrass research was initiated in the late 1920’s by J. Zahnley and L. Quinlan at Kansas State University. And lastly, the very first turfgrass conference in Kansas was held in 1950.
Many things have changed when it comes to turfgrass but many things are also the same. Keep with the basics (maybe my next blog post).
Hope you enjoyed the Fun Fact Friday about Turfgrass. Until next time hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
(By Evan Alderman and Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
Buffalograss Fairway
In recent years, water conservation has been a growing trend in the golf course industry.With the spotlight on the golf course industry to become more conscious of the environment, one of the classic prairie grasses may be able to help low-budget golf course operations save water and money. buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides, is known for being drought tolerant, which is why it fits into the discussion as a viable option for water conservation. Additionally, buffalograss is also known for its disease resistance, as well as its slow growing characteristics.
Buffalograss is very versatile and can be utilized on the golf course in native areas, roughs, and fairways. Many courses in Kansas are currently using this species in one of these three ways, however limited research exists to explore buffalograss management.
In order to explore buffalograss in further detail, we decided to look at how fertility influences recovery from divot injury. Furthermore, we looked at the influence of quick and slow release nitrogen fertilizers and their rate on the divot recovery.
Currently, we have three different divot studies in progress; two at the Rocky Ford
Divot making tool
Turfgrass Research Station in Manhattan, KS, and one at the Council Grove Country Club, in Council Grove, KS. Divots were made using a modified edger with 13 circular blades. This device was able to produce a divot similar to a real divot one would find on the course.
Field Trial at Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center; Manhattan, KS
Each study consists of eight treatments arranged in a two by four factorial. Factors included nitrogen rate and nitrogen source. Nitrogen rates were 0, 1, 2, and 3 lbs N /1000ft2. Nitrogen sources were Urea and Polymer Coated Urea (Table 1).
Table.1 Influence of Nitrogen Rates and Sources on Buffalograss Divot Recovery Study Treatment List.
0 lbs N/1000ft2
1 lbs N/1000ft2
2 lbs N/1000ft2
3 lbs N/1000ft2
Polymer Coated Urea***
0 lbs N/1000ft2
Polymer Coated Urea
1 lbs N/1000ft2
Polymer Coated Urea
2 lbs N/1000ft2
Polymer Coated Urea
3 lbs N/1000ft2
*The quick release fertilizer that was used was a 46-0-0 Urea, and to achieve the 1lbs, 2lbs, 3lbs two half-rate applications were made, one on the initiation date, and the second four weeks after initiation.
**The slow release fertilizer used was a 120 day controlled release polymer coated Urea, with an analysis of 43-0-0. Just one application of the slow release was made.
Divot filled with pink sand to easier analyze divert recovery with digital image analysis.
Pictures of each divot are analyzed with digital image analysis software to measure how quickly the divot recovers. Other data taken include visual color, quality, and percent recovery.
Since the initiation of the study, we were able to see a definite flush of green from the application of the quick release fertilizer at all rates. In terms of quality, the plots that received 2lbs and 3lbs resulted in the highest quality. Plots receiving 1lbs of N/1000ft2 also resulted in acceptable turfgrass color and quality although lower than the 2lbs and 3lbs N/1000ft2 treatments. As far as the nitrogen rates influencing divot recovery, we hope to find at which nitrogen application rate and source will result in the quickest buffalograss divot recovery.
(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
The 2014 KSU Turfgrass Field Day is here!
This year we will have something new for all attendees. If you have a smart phone, download a QR reader before field day. We will have QR codes for everyone so you can get more information about the field day stops right at the palm of your hands!
We have a great line-up this year. Graduate students, faculty, and staff will be presenting about all sorts of topics including weed control options, bermudagrass removal, buffaograss establishment, moss control, Kentucky bluegrass cultivars, disease management, turf colorants, bermudagrass cultivars, zoysiagrass cultivars, and insect control.
It will be at the Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center in Manhattan, KS on August 7, 2014.
You can also earn recertification credit hours for your commercial pesticide applicators license. (3B- 1 hour, 3A- 0.5 hour, and 0.25 GCSAA education credits)