Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: selfie series

Turfgrass Selfie Series #2 [VIDEO] – Wild Violet Control

(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

“We have hit the mother load!”  Behind Throckmorton Hall I ran into the largest patch of Wild Violet I have ever seen so we decided that would be a good Turfgrass Selfie Series Video. Enjoy!

IMG_0750Also, we tried to work out some of the kinks from the first episode but still have a ways to go to get all the kinks out. The goal of this video series is to use our phones and to make short videos without too much editing and taking too much time but to deliver insightful information. With that being said we can’t cover everything in the short video but at least it gets the basic information out there.

So for the second Turfgrass Selfie Series we bring you wild violet control… “We have hit the mother load!”

For more information go to www.ksu.edu/turf