Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: summer

Watering Landscape Ornamentals

By Dr. Cheryl Boyer

It’s that time of the year when it’s both very hot and, likely, very dry. While it’s important to water landscape ornamentals all year long, now is a critical time to make sure plants have all the resources they need.

We have several publications about best practices for watering:

Newly planted trees (within their first year) should be watered at least weekly but check the soil to make sure it’s draining well. Slow-release watering methods like micro-pore bags and 5-gallon buckets with small (1/8-inch) drainage holes are a good way to apply irrigation to trees and some shrubs. However, remember to remove the bags when they are empty to ensure good airflow around plant stems and reduce pests and diseases. Removing turfgrass and other ornamental plants to at least the tree dripline (or beyond) will help trees access more water and grow more quickly—make sure to mulch the turfgrass-free zone to help retain applied water.

Established trees will benefit from a thorough soaking (to a depth of 12 inches out to and beyond the drip line) every 3 to 4 weeks. Established shrubs need water every 2 to 3 weeks during this drought- and heat-prone time of year. Plants growing in raised beds and berms may need to be watered every 1 to 2 weeks. Soaker hoses work well for watering established trees and shrubs.

You may want to consider taking advantage of a light rainfall (if you get one in July and August) by watering immediately afterward to help moisture move deeper into the root zone.

Any way you slice it, watering is a good thing. There are many other factors to consider for successful planting, but right now watering is top of the list. Keep it up—plants are thirsty just like you!

It is time to…..WATER, WATER, WATER!

By Brooke Garcia

The temperatures are reaching summer high’s this week, and it is more important than ever to be monitoring and increasing watering schedules. Adjusting irrigation settings to accomodate for extreme temperatures will be vital for the health and survival of new plantings, as well as established plantings.

Featured in the Horticulture e-Newsletter, Ward Upham discussed the importance of watering for trees and shurbs. The article is featured in the link here.

Here are some other timely blog posts about watering as well:

Japanese Beetles

By Raymond Cloyd

This article is featured in the Kansas State University Extension Entomology Newsletter. 

Japanese beetle, Popilla japonica, adults are one of the most destructive insect pests of horticultural plants in landscapes and gardens. Japanese beetle adults are present throughout Kansas feeding on many plants including: roses, Rosa spp., littleleaf linden, Tilia cordata, oak, Quercus spp., Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, apple, Malus spp., and grape, Vitis vinifera. The plant protection strategies implemented to manage Japanese beetle adult populations are limited, and have been for many years. The primary strategy has been spraying contact insecticides to kill adults, which will reduce plant damage.

Read more here: July 9, 2021 No 14

1, 2, 3…..look for bagworms!

By Brooke Garcia

The June 11, 2021 issue of the Extension Entomology Newsletter featured a recent post on Bagworms. The cool weather may have slowed the development of these landscape insect pests, but they are still going to be present this summer in the Kansas landscape on broadleaf and evergreen trees and shrubs.

Learn more in the Entomology Newsletter here: https://entomology.k-state.edu/doc/extension-newsletters/2021/KSInsectNewsletter%2010.pdf

Photo by: William Fountain at the University of Kentucky