Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

The rain didn’t stop us….Turfgrass Field Day 2019!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 Turfgrass Field Day in Olathe, KS. Our morning was filled with rain, but most attendees waited it out to learn more about the Turfgrass research + insect/disease updates from K-State   specialists. The BBQ lunch was a big incentive for waiting it out too… 🙂

We wanted to share a few pictures from the event. There were 8 different stops at the field day. Here are the highlights:

  • Tree Pruning: Principles and Practices— Tim McDonnell taught about the different types, methods and reasons for tree pruning. Specifically, he demonstrated structural, raising and thinning practices, as well as making proper pruning cuts.

  • Ornamental Potpourri — Cheryl Boyer gave updates for ornamentals in Kansas, including the status of the John C. Pair Horticulture Research Center, popular new cultivars from local growers, an Earth-Kind Ninebark trial, and new Facebook marketing research results. She had a beautiful booth, full of luscious plants from KAT Wholesale Nurseries and Loma Vista Nursery.

  • New Tall Fescue Cultivars — Steve Keeley shared insights on a new tall fescue cultivar trial with over 130 entries that were established at Olathe in 2018. He showed the top performers and gave recommedations for tall fescue cultivars in Midwest lawns and sports turf.

  • Turf & Ornamental Insect Update —Raymond Cloyd shared an update on insect and mite pests of ornamentals and turfgrass, including new insecticides and miticidies, common insect and mite pests of 2019, and lots of “bug” samples.

  • Turf and Ornamental Disease Update—Megan Kennelly talked about diseases and stresses and how to identify and manage them. She also showed some tall fescue/zoysia blend plots and demonstrataed how the two species can complement each other.
  • Managing Shaded Turf —Dale Bremer talked about shade stress and how it affects turf performance, along with options to maintain turf quality in shade.

  • Turfgrass Weed Control Update — Jared Hoyle & Dani McFadden covered many aspects of turfrgass weed control advancements, including information about new herbicides, and how they influence your weed control program.

  • Advancements in Zoysiagrasss — Jack Fry showed of his “Innovation’ and ‘Chisholm’ turf plots – the new zoysias K-State has released. There are over 1,000 genetically different zoysias that are being evaluated at the Olathe Center.