Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

Q/A: Where to find K-State phone manuals?

Q. When I got my new desktop phone, I was told the user manual was available online. Where can I find K-State phone manuals?

K-State’s telephone user guides are all online in PDF format and cover 16+ models.

Easiest way to find the phone manuals? Go to the K-State homepage and search for “telephone”.  The top search results link to various pages on the Voice website (by Information Technology Services) and they all have a User guides link in the right column.

New prepaid mobile broadband option for data access

Virgin Mobile has just launched a new prepaid broadband mobile option for those who want to travel with data access for laptops and other mobile devices without being committed to an expensive two-year contract.

Their new toy is a prepaid MiFi device that allows you to create your own WiFi hotspot anywhere cellular data is available that you can share with up to five mobile devices such as iPads, laptops, Sony PSPs, and the like. Continue reading “New prepaid mobile broadband option for data access”

Dancing on K-State TV begins April 2

No Kate, Pam, or Jake, but you can watch our own K-State celebs as they break out their best moves to win the mirror-ball trophy on the UPC’s “Dancing with the K-State Stars”. The contest takes place on March 30 at McCain Auditorium, and K-State TV’s Wildcat Watch crew will be there to record all the fun. You can see the event on K-State TV in its entirety beginning 8 p.m. April 2 and throughout the following week during the regular Wildcat Watch timeslot. Check the K-State TV website (www.k-state.tv) for dates and times.

Continue reading “Dancing on K-State TV begins April 2”

March issue of Axio Quarterly (K-State Online newsletter) now available

The first issue of 2010 is now available on the Axio Learning website. Inside this issue are articles about social collaboration with Axio, improving student retention, and using Axio to structure a virtual team workflow.

Axio Learning at the Office of Mediated Education produces this newsletter for K-State Online users and other Axio members.

Continue reading “March issue of Axio Quarterly (K-State Online newsletter) now available”

How to prepare for voicemail transition to Modular Messaging Jan. 8

Computing and Telecommunications Services will switch voicemail systems from Audix to Modular Messaging Jan. 8, 2010. Modular Messaging offers users the advantages of accessing voicemail messages not only through traditional dial-in, but also through the Web or by using an IMAP-configured e-mail client.

The voicemail phone number is not changing with this transition. Users will continue to access voicemail by dialing the same phone number they have always used to retrieve voicemail, 2-2300 (on-campus) or 785-532-2300 (off-campus).

After the transition, all unread and saved messages on Audix will be available for retrieval and playback by dialing 2-0000 (on-campus) or (785) 532-0000 (off-campus).

The Modular Messaging system will make it unnecessary to use the Message Manager application, as users will be able to access messages via the Web or with an IMAP-configured e-mail client. (To learn how, see the Voicemail website.) Billing for Message Manager will be cancelled automatically, starting Jan. 1.

Continue reading “How to prepare for voicemail transition to Modular Messaging Jan. 8”

Smart.fm, a cool learning tool

Smart.fm is a neat, free learning website from Tokyo. It was created as a learning platform that adapts to each learner’s style. One of the cool features about Smart.fm is the ability for individuals to create their own learning modules to share with folks.

Smart.fm currently hosts modules ranging from language learning to animal identification. For those who prefer to do their learning on the go, a free iPhone and iPod Touch application is available. All you need is a network connection, cellular or WiFi, and you should be good to go. Visit www.smart.fm and learn something new today.

October issue of Axio Quarterly (K-State Online newsletter) now available

The latest issue of Axio Quarterly is now available on the Axio Learning website.

Inside this issue, you will find articles about the fourth annual Axio Learning/K-State Online Community Meeting and Conference. This issue also contains articles about Manhattan Area Technical College and Colby Community College, two Axio partners.

Spotlight: Using Twitter to stay in touch with people, issues, sites

Twitter has been all the rage since its launch in March 2006. It’s part of the so-called microblogging phenomena (also known as “micro-sharing” and “micro-updating”), which allows people to offer 140-character messages in virtually real time using this web-based interface (on their computers, laptops, or web-enabled mobile devices). The Twitter homepage may be accessed at twitter.com.


This site shows what people are “tweeting” about down to the microsecond, for a real-time awareness of popular issues and “sentiment.” The popular sites are represented in text at the bottom part of the site, and these are clickable links to the publicly available tweets. (Monitoring tools are available to track microblog postings for company image management.)

Continue reading “Spotlight: Using Twitter to stay in touch with people, issues, sites”

IT Orientation session Oct. 16: Intro to Computing at K-State

Learn more about Computing at K-State at the next one-hour IT Orientation session 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in 401B Hale Library. It is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Other upcoming IT Orientation sessions this semester include:

  • Library Technology
    2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, 401B Hale Library
  • Emerging Technologies
    2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, 401B Hale Library

See the IT Orientation website for details on the sessions.

IT Orientation session Sept. 22: K-State Information Systems

At the next one-hour IT Orientation session, learn more about two important K-State Information Systems: iSIS, the K-State Student Information System, and HRIS, the Human Resource Information System. The session will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22, in 401B Hale Library and is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Continue reading “IT Orientation session Sept. 22: K-State Information Systems”