Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: communications

K-State Alerts to be tested November 19

K-State will test K-State Alerts (formerly known as the Emergency Text Messaging System), starting at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 19, to ensure the service is functioning properly.  Feedback is needed from all K-Staters who enabled this service, since K-State cannot guarantee that alerts will be received, or how quickly they will be received.  An e-mail will be sent after the test to gather this information.  K-State Alerts users who do not receive the test alert should contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.

More information about K-State Alerts is available on the K-State Alerts FAQs.

IT newsletter updates

As a work-in-progress, the InfoTech Tuesday newsletter blog is undergoing many changes to better meet the needs and expectations of the K-State community. Many interactive features are available in this new Web 2.0 environment, and some features are being tweaked to define their potential. The latest changes:

  • A Table of Contents is being developed in response to readers’ input last week that they missed this feature from the previous format.
  • The Comments feature has been temporarily disabled while procedures are being developed for posting reader input.
  • Polls, which are easy to use in the new format, are being discussed as tools to identify readers’ needs and preferences.

In the meantime, readers are asked to send suggestions, comments, and viewpoints via the homepage sidebar under “Feedback”, the Contact Us page, or to TellTuesday@k-state.edu.

InfoTech Tuesday overhaul

In an effort to enhance all aspects of InfoTech Tuesday, the iTAC Communications and Training group worked over the summer to bring a new vision to the IT newsletter. The new format, mimicking a blog layout, is a departure from a once-a-week static newsletter webpage towards an always on, always changing dynamic news environment.

In the new website, each article has its own page and its own discussion section where anyone can post comments or vote. Articles are both categorized and tagged and easily printed, e-mailed, and shared to social news and bookmarking sites. The new feature-rich format is tailored for interaction with polls, a tag cloud, lists of most voted for and most viewed articles, and multiple ways to view and share the news the way you want it. Not sure about the new look? Don’t worry, it’s still called InfoTech Tuesday and we’ll still be sending out a weekly e-mail newsletter lineup!

Before you leave, be sure to:

  • vote for an article
  • subscribe to the RSS feed
  • subscribe to the events and deadlines calendar
  • answer the poll question
  • sign up for the weekly e-mail newsletter (all faculty are automatically subscribed)

Wildcat Watch: TV programming for students debuts Sept. 8

For the busy K-State student, a newly developed television program, Wildcat Watch, will feature a weekly calendar, brief interviews, and updates on subjects of interest to students. Wildcat Watch, produced by the Educational Communications Center and a student crew, will debut on K-State TV (cable channel 8) at 1 p.m., 3 p.m., and 11 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8, and will repeat throughout the week (see www.k-state.tv for replay information). View a new Wildcat Watch each Monday and also watch segments online.

“This new program is dedicated to informing students about upcoming events on campus,” said Tyler Traxson, co-executive producer. “In addition, Wildcat Watch will focus on events and people of the university community.”

K-State Online unavailable during Aug. 8-11 upgrade

K-State Online will be unavailable during the scheduled upgrade to version 8.0 beginning 10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8, until 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11. Service will be restored sooner, if possible.

For a complete list of new features, improvements and updates, see What’s New in K-State Online 8.0. You may also download a PDF of the information for printing and easy distribution to other interested faculty.

Course owners will not need to complete any additional steps following the upgrade. Courses will appear as before, but will include the version 8.0 improvements.

by Molly Small, Office of Mediated Education