(Author’s note: This is the third in a series about the faculty demonstrations scheduled for K-State’s technology showcase March 13. Information is excerpted from the complete list of faculty demonstrations on the ksushowcase.wordpress.com website.)
The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty/staff are invited to attend free and see demos, visit with vendors, and win prizes. Pre-registration is required at ksushowcase.wordpress.com/registration and closes March 9.
“Too much information” is a common lament, and no wonder with all the data that technology allows us to acquire. These faculty demonstrations March 13 will show tools and resources for finding, using, storing, and retrieving information.
Digital Innovations in Research, Learning, and Discovery at K-State Libraries — K-State Libraries will demonstrate the newly created “Librarian” role within K-State Online and discuss ways to “embed” a librarian into courses; its new LibGuides platform for customizing course and subject-guide research; and its new discovery tool for finding articles, books, and more with a single search. Learn about instructional videos and other learning objects that can be created and embedded into courses.
Managing Institutional Data With Data Cookbook — The Data Cookbook provides a central, highly visible Web-based location to store and manage our institutional data knowledge. K-State administrators and offices are using the Data Cookbook to define core data in collaboration with partners on campus, to make the reporting process more efficient and provide a central place to share terminology. See real-world scenarios of data requests for reports and the extraction of specific information for official reports. This tool is used by faculty to define the institutional data they need for their research and other work on campus.
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