Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: events

What happened: Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase 2012

The 2012 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase on Tuesday, March 13, was a great success with more than 300 faculty and staff in attendance, 30 faculty and staff presenters, and 10 vendor exhibits. (Next year’s showcase is planned in conjunction with the Axio Conference and scheduled for March 5, 2013.) To catch a glimpse of the happenings throughout the day, check out the photo album below.


Slideshow and other photos not credited are courtesy of Shalin Hai-Jew, instructional designer in the Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC)

Three K-State faculty members gave 30 minute mini-presentations in the Flint Hills Room at the K-State Student Union. If you missed the mini-presentations or want to listen to them again, now you can watch them online:

For more videos about teaching and learning from past events, review the Instructional Design archive.

Swasati Mukherjee, instructional designer in iTAC, contributed mini-presentation information for this article. 

Mini-presentation videos from Teaching, Learning and Technology Showcase

On March 13 at the Teaching, Learning and Technology Showcase, three Kansas State University faculty members gave mini-presentations in the Flint Hills Room at the K-State Student Union. Each presentation was a duration of 30 minutes.

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“Virtual world” demos + tools + innovative approaches at tech showcase today

(Author’s note:  This is the fifth and final article in a series about the faculty demonstrations scheduled for K-State’s technology showcase March 13. Information is excerpted from the list of faculty demonstrations on the ksushowcase.wordpress.com website.)  

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty/staff are invited to attend free and see demos, visit with vendors, and win prizes. The pre-registration deadline was March 9, but faculty/staff walk-ins are welcome today.

“Virtual world – real world” demos

Using Virtual Worlds for Teaching — Demonstrations on how virtual worlds like OpenSim, OSgrid, Reaction Grid, or Second Life can be used in teaching.

Visualizing Naturalistic Landscapes — The LARCP department will be highlighting how synthetic landscape generation software is being used to depict virtual landscapes featuring highly detailed terrain, vegetation, water, and full atmospherics. Continue reading ““Virtual world” demos + tools + innovative approaches at tech showcase today”

Acrobat and InDesign free seminar 2-4 p.m. today for faculty/staff

K-State faculty/staff are invited to attend the free Adobe seminar 2-4 p.m. today, March 12, in Room 212 of the K-State Student Union. The seminar is co-sponsored by K-State’s Information Technology Services.

Adobe is doing double duty by providing a free seminar on campus today and also participating in K-State’s Technology Showcase on Tuesday. As one of nine vendors in the showcase, Adobe is also supplying Adobe Creative Suite Software as one of the prizes that can be won by a lucky K-State faculty/staff member at the showcase.

Continue reading “Acrobat and InDesign free seminar 2-4 p.m. today for faculty/staff”

March 9 (today) registration deadline for 2012 technology showcase

Today, March 9, is the last day for K-State faculty/staff to register for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. Come and join the event, and stay for a light lunch. Prize drawings will be held throughout the showcase.

Registration for the event is required. If you haven’t previously registered for an event through the Division of Continuing Education, you must create an account using your email address and setting a password (NOT your eID password).

What’s at the showcase

  1. 25+ faculty demonstrations of technology, tools, tips, and resources
  2. Three mini-presentations: developing mobile apps; music and technology in the classroom; and advancing public knowledge of traumatic brain injury
  3. Nine vendors with technology products and demos
  4. Free lunch
  5. Prize drawings for two 26″ LCD TVs, a Steelcase Node Chair, a Dell 22-inch widescreen monitor, printers, Adobe Creative Suite Software, a Kindle Touch, and more

Showcase details are on the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase blog.

Andy Bennett to present “Developing Mobile Apps” at Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase March 13

K-State’s free Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty, staff, and administrators are welcome to attend. Pre-registration ends Friday, March 9, at ksushowcase.wordpress.com/registration

This is a Q&A with Andy Bennett, professor, Department of Mathematics.

What will your presentation for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase titled “Going Mobile: Developing Mobile Apps” cover?

I will discuss how to set up online materials that are mobile-friendly so that students can use them whether using traditional computers or mobile devices. This will include what doesn’t work well with mobile devices and what new tools are available for creating mobile-friendly materials. Most of this will be usable for materials listed on a website, but tools are available to then wrap such materials into an actual “app.”

Continue reading “Andy Bennett to present “Developing Mobile Apps” at Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase March 13″

26″ LCD TVs among prizes to be given away at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase for K-State faculty/staff, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom will include product demonstrations by Cytek, Steelcase, Office Works, Panasonic, Varney’s, Dell, and Adobe.

Prize drawings will be held throughout the showcase. Faculty/staff must be present to win. In addition, a Varney’s gift card will be given to the first 200 faculty/staff who enter the ballroom.

This is a great opportunity to learn from more than 30 faculty presenters on favorite technology tools and resources. Register online to reserve your spot for the showcase and free lunch. For details about the event, see the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase blog.

IDT Roundtable Feb. 16: Creating Your First Mobile App

Mobile apps are everywhere! Come join Ben Ward 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, in  Room 212 of the K-State Student Union as we take a running tour of the differences between types of mobile apps, devices, and what you can do with them to draw them into your classroom. We’ll also explore how to build your first, simple, web-based app and use K-State Online to share it with your students. Don’t worry, no programming required. Novices welcome!

Continue reading “IDT Roundtable Feb. 16: Creating Your First Mobile App”

Registration is open for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase

K-State faculty will share their teaching experiences and vendors will demonstrate their products at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. Come and join the event, discuss over coffee, and stay for a light lunch. Prize drawings will be held throughout the showcase.

Registration for the event is required for planning purposes. If you haven’t previously registered for an event through the Division of Continuing Education, you need to create an account using your email address and setting a password. This should NOT be your eID password.

Mini-presentations will be held on the half hour at the showcase. To learn more, go to the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase blog.

Continue reading “Registration is open for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase”

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase set for Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Technology Showcase logoMark your calendars for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. There will be faculty presentations, faculty demonstrations, and vendor exhibits.

The goals for the event are to:

  • Showcase exemplary teaching talent on campus
  • Inspire faculty to use technology in innovative ways
  • Share best practices with university colleagues
  • Interact with technology vendors

Presentations scheduled:

  • Using iPads or other Mobile Devices in Mathematics – Andy Bennett
  • Music and Technology in the Classroom – Cora Cooper
  • Advancing Public Knowledge of Traumatic Brain Injury: Creating Change in Kansas – Deb Sellers

Check the IT News blog periodically for more details that will be coming soon.