Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: gtd

TechBytes Nov. 13: Google Docs

Thomas Kuhn will present “Google Docs” at 1:15 p.m. Thursday, November 13, in 301A Hale Library . Come join this session to discover how Google Docs can be used as a collaboration tool for personal and professional projects.  The basics of Docs, Sheets, Presentations and Google Talk will be discussed. Google Docs is a free service that allows you to:

  • Create basic documents
  • Upload existing documents
  • Share and collaborate online instantly
  • Control who has access to your documents – documents can be available to a select few or published to the world

Google Docs is a great tool if you need to work with others on documents. Rather than editing documents and then e-mailing to another person or group to edit, everyone can just edit the documents live and online. See the Google Docs tour page for examples of how others are using the tool.

RSS explained

RSS is one of the single most important technologies to spur on Web 2.0. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. What it does is exactly that — it syndicates (publishes) content, so that instead of you going to the content, the content can come to you. Because of this, it’s a real paradigm shift for navigating the Internet. Consequently, creating a structure that is RSS-friendly was one of the biggest motivating factors for the new InfoTech Tuesday format.

Unfortunately, RSS is like many other technologies that don’t make any sense until you give it a try. The video below, “RSS in Plain English,” is a good, brief explanation of what RSS is, how to use it, and what it can do for you. Continue reading “RSS explained”