Kansas State University


Extension Entomology

Sugarcane aphid expanding to new counties in Kansas

New detections of sugarcane aphid (click here for identification and management information) have been reported this week for Kansas counties: Kearney, Pawnee, Scott, Finney, Comanche, Reno, Barton and Saline.

Several fields in Finney, Ford, Meade, and Pratt have reached threshold levels and have been treated. However populations reported from the other counties remain low and were found on only a few hot spots within a field. Remember that hot weather can increase SCA numbers rapidly! See current map here.

Note that the economic threshold is 20% of pre-boot plants infested with established colonies (>100 aphids), or 30% of plants infested post-boot.

Treatment options are either Transform (1 oz per acre) or Sivanto (4 oz per acre). For earlier stage plants, Sivanto will provide a longer period of protection, but is about 40% more expensive. For plants that have headed out, Transform will be a more economic option, as a long period of residual activity will be less important, and it is also safer for the beneficial species. For a list of products and labels, visit the myFiels.info Insecticide Selector.

DO NOT mix these products with any organophosphates or pyrethroids or any combinations thereof – it will actually reduce their efficacy.

If there is a need to control headworms, these products can be mixed with either Prevathon or Blackhawk, but nothing else.

For help with scouting and identification, click here to see instructions and pictures.

To see local management information, click here.

For more help, contact your local Extension office. Find yours by clicking here.


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