Kansas State University


Extension Entomology

Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Cassandra Olds – Dept of Entomology Extension Personnel

–by Dr. Cassandra Olds


Dr. Cassandra Olds has extension responsibilities in vector-pathogen-host interactions, specifically how these can be managed to reduce the negative impact of arthropod pests and their associated pathogens on animal health and wellbeing. Successful transmission of vector-borne pathogens is dependent on complex interactions between vector, pathogen and host. We research various aspects of tick vector competence to better understand endemic stability and immune responses of cattle to vector-borne pathogens. In addition, we also conduct studies investigating the role of filth flies in the spread of anti-microbial resistance.

Dr. Jeff Whitworth – Dept. of Entomology Extension Personnel

–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth


Dr. Jeff Whitworth, Professor in Entomology, Field Crops providing responsibilities as a consultant (by telephone, email, zoom or in person) with County Extension Agents/consultants/agricultural chemical company representatives/producers etc. to provide education and as up-to-date information as possible on all things entomological, relative to field crops and household/structural pests for about the eastern half of the state. Visit sites of pest outbreaks when requested and conduct insecticide efficacy trials as needed. Help with arthropod identifications for our Insect Diagnostic needs.


Anthony Zukoff, Dept. of Entomology Extension Personnel – Southwest Research & Extension Center

–by Anthony Zukoff

Anthony is an Extension Associate providing extension entomology outreach and programming focused on all things insect-related with an emphasis on current and emerging pest issues facing crop production in western Kansas.  He can be reached at the Southwest Research and Extension Center in Garden City. Follow him on Twitter (@westksbugs) for regional entomology happenings and updates.

Commercial Applicator Training Offered this Spring

–by Frannie Miller

Are you an applicator that is still short some hours to renew your 2020 commercial applicator license or just want to get credits to renew this year? If your license expired during the COVID-19 State Disaster Emergency (2020) it shall remain valid until 90 days following the termination of the emergency declaration (date yet to be determined). The Kansas State Pesticide Safety Program is providing a training opportunity this April for several of the categories to help these individuals renew. This training will be offered in a virtual format via zoom. These will be the only trainings offered by the program this spring. In order to hold the training, we must have at least 20 registered participants.

Training dates and categories:

April 21-22: Right-of-Way, Industrial Weed, and Noxious Weed (7 hours 6, 7C & 9A plus core)

April 28-29: Forestry, Ornamental, Turf and Interiorscape (5 hours 2/3C, 7 hours 3A/3B plus core)

April 30: Ag Plant (7 hours 1A plus core)


Training information is available at https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/pesticides-ipm/commercial-applicator.html or e-mail fmiller@ksu.edu to have the flyer e-mailed to you!


Fun Ditty on 2020

–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth



2020 was really a strange year

And once it is gone, we can all cheer

But the KSU Entomology Newsletter still provided up-to-date info

Relative to all things entomolgical.

So please stay well and have a great winter season

We will plan on starting again on a regular basis

Next Spring as soon as we have good reason