–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Q: Why do ants smell so good?
A: Because they use Deodor-ANT!
–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Q: Why do ants smell so good?
A: Because they use Deodor-ANT!
–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth and Dr. Holly Schwarting
Dectes stem borer adults continue to emerge throughout north central Kansas. These adults are currently aggregating mainly around field borders and most commonly on ragweed. They will start dispersing into soybean fields within the next week to 10 days, as they do every year, to begin oviposition. The adult females are relatively mobile and move from plant to plant inserting eggs into, or just below, the petioles of many plants. This oviposition period may last for four weeks or more and may be spread throughout the field! This is one reason why controlling dectes stem borers with an insecticide is so difficult – timing of application.
Eggs hatch in the stem and the small larvae start feeding/boring their way to the main stem and then down this stem to the soil surface. They usually reach the soil line in late August and larvae girdle their way around the inside of the stem, weakening the stem and often leading to lodging, especially if there are strong winds. This lodging is responsible for most yield loss. For more information regarding dectes stem borers, please see Dectes Stem Borer, MF2581: https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF2581.pdf
For more information on soybean pest management, please refer to the KSU Soybean Insect Management Guide: https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF743.pdf
–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Question: What is the favorite cereal of bees?
Answer: Honeycombs
Have a nice July 4th J
— by Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Q: What is the result of crossing a rabbit with an insect?
A: Bugs Bunny (What’s Up Doc?)
–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Q: Why Was The Butterfly Upset When It Went To The Dance?
A: Come To Find Out—It Was A Moth Ball
–by Frannie Miller
Private applicators are required to keep records of their restricted use pesticide (RUP) applications. The classification of several commonly used herbicides to restricted use means more private applicators are in need of an improved mechanism to keep these records. The Kansas State Pesticide Safety program is trying to collect some data on what producers are wanting/needing to be able to keep more accurate, efficient records. The program has developed a short survey consisting of 7 questions and wants to obtain feedback from across the state. The purpose of this survey is to gather your perceptions related to the use of pesticide recordkeeping books/apps and what you would most likely use. The information you provide will aid us in determining the need for and content of a newly developed pesticide recordkeeping book to assist in tracking pesticide application/use.
Please go to: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_86r84ilD5huDIUZ to complete the survey and give us your feedback.
–by Frannie Miller, Pesticide & IPM Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
So do all paraquat dichloride product labels require the additional training?
The Environmental Protection Agency is allowing the sale of paraquat that is already in the channels of trade, so some paraquat sold during this growing season may NOT require the new training requirement on the label. In the future all products featuring the new labeling with the active ingredient paraquat dichloride, such as Gramoxone, Firestorm, Helmquat and Parazone will require the additional training in order to apply these products. Remember if the new training requirement is listed on the label of the product you are using, then you MUST complete the training.
How often am I required to receive the training?
The training is required every three years.
Do I need to be certified to use products containing paraquat dichloride?
The newly labeled products state that “Product may ONLY be mixed, loaded or applied by a certified applicator who has successfully completed the paraquat-specific training before use. Application “under direct supervision” of a certified applicator is NO LONGER allowed. In the state of Kansas, this means that everyone purchasing and using these products has to either obtain a private applicator license (application to agricultural lands owned or operated by individual) or a commercial applicator license (applicators applying to other people’s land for compensation). If you have been applying under someone else’s license in the past you will need to get your own license before applying these products.
How can I complete the training requirements?
The only training that meets the requirements is housed on the eXtension website and can be found by going to: http://usparaquattraining.com. If you don’t currently have an account you will need to create one before it will allow you to take the training.
This information is made available by the K-State Pesticide Safety and IPM Program. Contact your local Extension Office if you need any additional information.
–by Frannie Miller, Pesticide & IPM Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
Do all dicamba product labels require the additional training?
You are required to have additional label-required dicamba training when applying the restricted use dicamba products: Engenia, FeXapan, or XtendiMax.
Where can I get the training for 2019?
BASF: (webinars, online training and face to face) https://www.engeniastewardship.com/#/training
Bayer/Monsanto: (online training and face-to-face) https://www.roundupreadyxtend.com/stewardship/education/Pages/default.aspx
Corteva: (online training)
Do I need to attend training if I already did in 2018?
The labels of these products state that prior to applying this product in the 2019 growing season, all applicators must complete dicamba or auxin-specific training on an annual basis, so even if you attended in 2018 you will need to attend a training in 2019 prior to applying these products.
Do I need to be certified to use these products?
The new labels state that these formulations are for retail sale to and use only by certified applicators. In the state of Kansas, this means that everyone purchasing and using these products has to either obtain a private applicator license (application to agricultural lands owned or operated by individual) or a commercial applicator license (applicators applying to other people’s land for compensation). If you have been applying under someone else’s license in the past you will need to get your own license if you are applying these products.
My hired hand and I both hold private applicators licenses. He will be doing all my spraying. I am taking the dicamba training, but does he also have to take the dicamba training?
Yes, anyone who applies one the RUP dicamba products must complete an approved dicamba training and hold either a private or commercial applicator license.
Do other states accept Kansas’s state-approved RUP dicamba training?
Nebraska accepts all other states’ training so long as the applicator receives the Nebraska Department of Agriculture module with its state specific information. Oklahoma and Colorado will accept Kansas’s state approved training. This year Missouri does not have any state specific rules so they will be accepting the registrants training, but applicators need to note they apply in MO so the training can be turned into that state.
This information is made available by the K-State Pesticide Safety and IPM Program. Contact your local Extension Office if you need additional information.
New detections of sugarcane aphid (click here for identification and management information) have been reported this week for Kansas counties: Kearney, Pawnee, Scott, Finney, Comanche, Reno, Barton and Saline.
Several fields in Finney, Ford, Meade, and Pratt have reached threshold levels and have been treated. However populations reported from the other counties remain low and were found on only a few hot spots within a field. Remember that hot weather can increase SCA numbers rapidly! See current map here.
Note that the economic threshold is 20% of pre-boot plants infested with established colonies (>100 aphids), or 30% of plants infested post-boot.
Treatment options are either Transform (1 oz per acre) or Sivanto (4 oz per acre). For earlier stage plants, Sivanto will provide a longer period of protection, but is about 40% more expensive. For plants that have headed out, Transform will be a more economic option, as a long period of residual activity will be less important, and it is also safer for the beneficial species. For a list of products and labels, visit the myFiels.info Insecticide Selector.
DO NOT mix these products with any organophosphates or pyrethroids or any combinations thereof – it will actually reduce their efficacy.
If there is a need to control headworms, these products can be mixed with either Prevathon or Blackhawk, but nothing else.
For help with scouting and identification, click here to see instructions and pictures.
To see local management information, click here.
For more help, contact your local Extension office. Find yours by clicking here.
–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth and Dr. Holly Davis
Late planted sorghum is still causing considerable concern throughout north central Kansas as the leaves grow out of the whorl and are significantly ‘chewed up’ looking. These ‘ragworms’, primarily corn earworms and fall armyworms but also a few cattail caterpillars, are still active in younger plants.
As these plants reach reproductive stages, i.e. flowering, there will be a high probability of having ‘headworms’ (corn earworms and fall armyworms) infesting the kernels. Sorghum heads are the most vulnerable between flowering and soft dough. There are currently significant infestations of these headworms throughout north central Kansas with worms in various stages of development. Headworms cause approximately 5% loss per worm, per head.
There are large numbers of corn leaf aphids, greenbugs, and even a few yellow sugarcane aphids around north central Kansas. The first report of a sugarcane aphid colony from Saline Co. was made on 16 August. These aphids are attracting, and providing food for, large numbers of beneficials which seem to be keeping aphids relatively well controlled. Insecticide applications have not been needed for aphids. More information on sugarcane aphids in Kansas can be found at My Fields: https://www.myfields.info/pests/sugarcane-aphid