Are you still deciding whether to attend the Kansas Turf Conference next week?
Here are just a few of the many reasons why that answer should be YES!
* Looking for some networking opportunities? Over 400 of your peers in the turf, landscape, and ornamentals industry have already signed up. The trade show floor will be a great place to exchange ideas, see old friends, and meet some new ones. In last year’s conference evaluation, 96% of survey respondents said, “The conference gave me opportunities to network with others in the industry.”
* In last year’s evaluation, 96% of survey respondents said, “The conference was worth my time and effort.” We think this year’s conference will be too!
* In last year’s evaluation, 92% of survey respondents said,”The conference increased my understanding of integrated pest management.” This year includes many different sessions about insects, diseases, and weeds, with lots of opportunities to earn pesticide credit including a hands-on disease id booth in the trade show.
* In last year’s evaluation, 91% of survey respondents said, “The conference increased my understanding of people-related skills.” The 2016 conference will feature hot new topics about how to be a better competitor, cultivating professionalism, and more business topics.
Not convinced yet? Check out the full program here:
You can register online here: