Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: cultivation

Aerification… Some people love it, some think it’s a cuss word.

(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

IMG_0591This article by Adam Moeller came across my email the other week and I know a lot of you golf course superintendents receivedĀ it as well but I thought it would be good to share again. There was one quote in here that I really liked – “The greens may not play their best immediately following some aeration treatments, but everyone is playing the same conditions and golfers still can enjoy the game and make plenty of putts. After all, Tom Watson once shot a 58 when playing at Kansas City Country Club just a few days after the greens had been aerified.”

This article addresses many different emotional and scientific


More articles on and a video on aerificaiton;
