Kansas State University


IT News

Author: Eric Dover

System Administrators Committee meeting Tuesday, May 17

The second System Administrators Committee meeting will be 11 a.m. next Tuesday, May 17,  in Hale 501 (Hemisphere Room). If you are interested in discussing IT happenings across campus or just want to listen in, please feel free to join us. Here is the planned agenda: Continue reading “System Administrators Committee meeting Tuesday, May 17”

New prepaid mobile broadband option for data access

Virgin Mobile has just launched a new prepaid broadband mobile option for those who want to travel with data access for laptops and other mobile devices without being committed to an expensive two-year contract.

Their new toy is a prepaid MiFi device that allows you to create your own WiFi hotspot anywhere cellular data is available that you can share with up to five mobile devices such as iPads, laptops, Sony PSPs, and the like. Continue reading “New prepaid mobile broadband option for data access”

Microcells: Improving cellphone service in your home

Some of you may have experienced dead spots for cell service in and around your home. Several cellphone companies are selling solutions to boost cell coverage in your home. These devices are known as microcells. The way they work is that they piggyback on your DSL or cable modem connection. You plug them into your home switch or router, and they send all of the phone call and data used from your cellphone through your DSL or cable modem connection.

There are two costs for this service. The first is that you need to buy the microcell from your cellphone provider, and the second is a possible monthly service fee for the service itself, depending on provider and options.

Continue reading “Microcells: Improving cellphone service in your home”

Cellphone ban July 1 for Manhattan drivers; allows hands-free kits

This is a friendly reminder that starting this Thursday, July 1, a new ordinance goes into effect for Manhattan banning the use of cellphones held to the ear while driving. (Editor’s note: See related article in this issue.) Hands-free kits such as Bluetooth ear pieces and/or hands-free speakerphone kits are still acceptable.

Continue reading “Cellphone ban July 1 for Manhattan drivers; allows hands-free kits”

iPad apps roundup: epicurious, News Pro, WeatherBug Elite

The iPad has been on the street now for a little over a week, and application developers have been busy creating their latest wares. Here are some of the apps that I have had a chance to play with and find useful and fun.


“Epicurious” is an application that connects to a database housing an array of recipes. You can browse recipes by category, event type, ingredients, and ranking.

Feedback is available from folks who have attempted the recipe. Many will provide helpful deviations or hints, and the rating system of “would make again” has been helpful in narrowing down recipes for further experimentation.

The app is free and is available at the
epicurious-recipes-shopping link in the iTunes store.

Continue reading “iPad apps roundup: epicurious, News Pro, WeatherBug Elite”

Spotlight: The iPad has landed

This past weekend Apple launched their new tablet device — the iPad. As of this writing, Apple had sold about 300,000 of the new devices through their various channels. The iPad is currently being offered in three sizes, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB, with a price range of $499-$699. (See the other iPad article in this issue.)

This version of the iPad is equipped with Wi-Fi only and will be joined by an AT&T-equipped 3G version later this month.

Apple's new iPad functions in both horizontal and vertical format.
Apple's new iPad functions in both horizontal and vertical format.

The iPad is positioned to compete with netbooks and ebook readers by trying to provide a better, portable media and computing experience than either alone.

Continue reading “Spotlight: The iPad has landed”

Technology Service Center moves to Hale

At 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, the iTAC Technology Service Center (TSC) closes at the East Stadium location and moves to 214 Hale Library. TSC will join with Client Services and reopen in the new location by Jan. 14, 2010. Phone numbers will remain the same.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2010, the types of payment for personal computer repair will be credit cards, debit cards, and CatCash. Payment types for departmental repairs will not change.

Spotlight: Smartphone pro/cons for holiday purchases

iphone20091208During this holiday season you may be considering purchasing a smartphone. Here is a rundown of some pros and cons of popular smartphones on the market in Manhattan — the iPhone, Droid, Palm Pre, Hero, and BlackBerry smartphones. NOTE: The purchase of a smartphone usually requires the purchase of a data plan.

iPhone pros/cons


  • Over 100,000 applications available through iTunes Store
  • Plays iTunes content, music, movies, TV shows, pod casts
  • Can purchase apps, music, TV shows and movies from iPhone
  • Integrates well with Zimbra (e-mail, calendar, contacts)
  • Integrates well with Gmail (e-mail, calendar, contacts)
  • Integrates well with MobileMe (e-mail, calendar, contacts)

Smart.fm, a cool learning tool

Smart.fm is a neat, free learning website from Tokyo. It was created as a learning platform that adapts to each learner’s style. One of the cool features about Smart.fm is the ability for individuals to create their own learning modules to share with folks.

Smart.fm currently hosts modules ranging from language learning to animal identification. For those who prefer to do their learning on the go, a free iPhone and iPod Touch application is available. All you need is a network connection, cellular or WiFi, and you should be good to go. Visit www.smart.fm and learn something new today.