Networking & Telecommunications Services needs to replace cable that was
damaged last year when the steam tunnels were flooded. While a fix has
been in place, the work occurring next weekend will permanently repair the cable. Repairs will occur outside of normal working hours and will only affect telephone lines and not data connections.
Work begins on Thursday, August 11 at 5 p.m. The first building to be repaired will be Anderson Hall. Service work will be completed during the evening and telephones in Anderson Hall will be back in operation by 8 a.m. Friday morning. Phone cable replacement will continue after 5 p.m. on Friday, August 12 and run through the weekend.
All phones should be operational by 8 a.m. Monday morning, August 15. If
users experience any outages after these repairs, please call the repair line at 532-7111. Updates will be posted on the page.
Buildings where phone cable will be repaired include:
Anderson Hall
Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art
Calvin Hall
Fairchild Hall
Kedzie Hall
McCain Auditorium
Nichols Hall
Thompson Hall