Kansas State University


IT News

Author: Rebecca Gould

Spotlight: Organic chemistry YouTube videos

This spring, Professor Neil Garg of UCLA offered students in organic chemistry an optional extra credit assignment – create a music video about organic chemistry.  Sixty one videos were created by 140 students working in teams.  Titles such as Chemistry Jock, 99 problems, the Tupperwares, Break Alkenes with Me, and others can be found on the course website.

Chemistry Jock is one of the videos created in the class with more than 5,900 views on YouTube.

Continue reading “Spotlight: Organic chemistry YouTube videos”

Digital signage demo Wednesday, June 30

A live, digital signage demonstration by Janus Displays will be 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, June 30, in Hale 401. All interested individuals are welcome.

Faculty and staff interested in this topic can request subscription to a new K-State LISTSERV discussion list, DIGISIGN-L@k-state.edu. To subscribe, send e-mail to listserv@listserv.k-state.edu with these two lines in the body of the e-mail (substitute your own first and last names):

subscribe DIGISIGN-L yourfirstname  yourlastname

CHECK conference presentations available online

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the 2010 CHECK conference at Fort Hays State University, some of the presentations are available online, via “Download” links under presentations listed on the conference agenda webpage. Downloadable files may be PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and zipped files.

Downloadable presentations include:

  • Beyond Wifi: Securing Your Mobile Devices
  • Online Content Accessibility : It’s not what you know, it’s who you know
  • Workforce Changes in the Maturing IT Industry
  • Organizing and Uniting Web Developer Communication on a Decentralized Campus

Free, used computers and other hardware available through June 2

The deadline has been extended one day, so 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 2, is the last day to browse through the free, used computers, printers, and other hardware available from iTAC. For more information, see the June 25 article in InfoTech Tuesday.

To browse through the equipment, contact Tim Bagby at 785-532-4919, tbagby@k-state.edu.

Free, used computers and more available to departments

iTAC is in the process of removing some hardware from university computing labs, technology classrooms, and other offices around campus — and making the equipment available to interested K-State units. Some of the equipment is in working order, some is not. All equipment is available at no cost to the receiving units.


K-Staters are invited to browse the equipment through 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 1. Contact Tim Bagby (785-532-4919, tbagby@k-state.edu) to set up a date/time or stop by the IT Help Desk (214 Hale Library) to ask for a viewing. The equipment includes:

Continue reading “Free, used computers and more available to departments”

Grades due in iSIS 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 19

Wednesday, May 19, at 5 p.m. is the deadline to submit grades in iSIS. The deadline to copy grades from K-State Online to iSIS is 4 p.m. that day. Students will be able to view grades in iSIS on Thursday, May 20.

For more information about online grade submission, see iSIS Final Grade Submission Information.

Leaving K-State (an IT what-to-do checklist)

Do I continue to have access to my eID? Can I keep my e-mail Inbox? Is my eID recycled? These and other questions are addressed on the Preparing to Leave K-State webpages.

A short list of responsibilities and other to-do tasks prior to leaving K-State include:

1. Sign in to eprofile.k-state.edu and forward your e-mail.

2. Copy any files you are entitled to keep, including:

  • Your e-mail Inbox and messages/folders
  • Files on your office workstation
  • Files on the central Unix system
  • Your personal webpages

Continue reading “Leaving K-State (an IT what-to-do checklist)”

Chief Information Officer first candidate to interview April 1

Dewitt Latimer from Notre Dame will interview this week for the position of Chief Information Officer and Vice Provost for Information Technology Services. The open forum is 2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 1, in Ballroom K of the K-State Student Union. The candidate’s background information and schedule can be found at www.k-state.edu/provost/searches/cio/interviews.html. All K-Staters are invited to attend.

To learn more about the CIO/VPITS position, see www.k-state.edu/provost/searches/cio/index.html.

Reminder about textbook information and reporting

March 22 marked the beginning of fall enrollment, warranting a reminder about the availability of textbook information in K-State’s course schedule and the need for faculty to report textbook information when they know the textbook they will use. In addition:

Quote of the week: 2010 Horizon Report

The Horizon Report 2010 edition describes emerging technologies. Included in this year’s list is mobile computing, open content, electronic books, visual data analysis, simple augmented reality, and gesture-based computing. The following quote comes from the introductory remarks to the section on Open Content:

“The movement toward open content reflects a growing shift in the way academics in many parts of the world are conceptualizing education to a view that is more about the process of learning than the information conveyed in their courses. Information is everywhere; the challenge is to make effective use of it”.

The report is available at net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/CSD5810.pdf (PDF).