Kansas State University


IT News

Category: New projects at K-State

New Information Technology website now live

The new Information Technology Services (ITS) website is now “live” at www.k-state.edu/its. This new website is one of our key 2009 initiatives to improve communication within ITS and with our campus users regarding available services.

The website is being implemented in several stages, with this initial version focusing on making it easier for users to find the services they need and presenting the newly consolidated ITS and its service units as a coherent, branded IT organization serving K-State. The website replaces www.k-state.edu/InfoTech as the entry to ITS services.

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ID Center phases out “smart chip” technology on Wildcat ID cards

by Audrey Taggart-Kagdis, Union marketing sales manager

The K-State ID Center and Information Technology Services announces the conversion of the “smart chip” technology to the prepaid Cat Cash system effective Monday, Oct. 5. At the start of every fall and spring semester, $10 in funds is placed on each student’s eID to be used for limited free printing at participating university computing labs ($5 during the summer). Once those funds are exhausted, the student will now use Cat Cash rather than reloading at a “smart chip” station.

“Transferring this service over to Cat Cash has allowed for a significant savings in technology expenses as well as the consolidation to one standard payment system on campus,” said Craig Johnson, assistant director of the K-State Student Union.

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InfoCommons, labs printing to require Wildcat card Oct. 5

Starting Oct. 5, students, staff, and faculty wanting to print in the K-State InfoCommons and the university computing labs will be required to swipe their Wildcat ID card for both limited free printing and pay-for-print.

Print station in the K-State InfoCommons (photo by Betsy Edwards)

Pay-for-print will be moving away from using the smart chip on the Wildcat ID card and will use the magnetic strip on the back, which is attached to student, staff, and faculty Cat Cash accounts. Continue reading “InfoCommons, labs printing to require Wildcat card Oct. 5”

K-State bids farewell to central IBM computer mainframe

K-State’s 11-year-old mainframe now sits in the basement hallway of Hale Library, with thoughts of better days as it awaits removal to the melting pot. It was dismantled and removed from the K-State Data Center over a two-day period, July 1-2, by Computing and Telecommunications Services staff. So ends 42 years of IBM mainframes at K-State.

A glimpse of K-State's IBM mainframe as it leaves K-State
A window glimpse of K-State's central IBM mainframe sitting in Hale Library's basement hall, awaiting removal from the campus

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Upgrades to IT facilities over winter break

The Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC) worked over the winter break refreshing technology in K-State’s technology classrooms, and updating software and computers in the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons. Here’s a list of some of the upgrades and projects that were undertaken:

Winter-break projects in university computing labs, InfoCommons, tech classrooms

The Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC) will be working over the winter break refreshing technology in K-State’s technology classrooms, and updating software and computers in the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons. Here’s a list of some ugrades and projects that will be undertaken over the break:

  • Install 22 iMacs in the InfoCommons and university computing labs
  • Upgrade 11 projectors in technology classrooms
  • Install a new course-capturing system in Justin 109
  • Upgrade media link technology in 15 technology classrooms, bringing mobile media player compatibility to these rooms
  • Install a new software image on all computers in the university computing labs and InfoCommons
  • Install technology in the Quantitative Center (Q Center) studio classroom in Cardwell Hall (estimated completion is early February 2009)
  • Install new computers in several locations:
    • the Cardwell Physics Studios
    • both of the Union computing labs
    • the Math/Physics and Architecture libraries

Summer changes: Tech classrooms, dual-boot iMacs, group study carts

Over the summer Information Technology Services staff was busy creating tech classrooms, renovating rooms, and deploying new technology around campus. A new technology classroom is almost complete in Gym 10 and features 10 workstations as well as an instructor podium with common core technology and a ceiling-mounted camera. Leasure 1 was upgraded to a technology classroom. Kedzie 106 had a facelift including new floor, seats, ceiling, and a fresh coat of paint. Kedzie 106 and Union Little Theatre got a major technology upgrade.


Kedzie 106

Several technology classrooms now have connections for portable media devices (MP4 players, flash drives) on the instructor podium.

A joint project between Apple, the Union Computer Store, and iTAC brought two dual-boot iMacs to the Caribou Coffee area in the K-State Student Union. These iMacs allow K-Staters to use either Windows XP or Mac OS X on the same computer.

Group study carts that allow users to connect a laptop to a 37″ LCD screen for easier collaboration on projects are now available on the second floor of Hale Library.

The upgrades address the expectations of K-Staters identified in the IT Needs Assessment.