Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Teaching online

K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Jan. 4-15

helpby Information Technology Services

Do you have questions about your K-State Online Canvas courses? We have your answers. Bring your laptop and come to the Canvas walk-in help sessions 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday, Jan. 4-15, 2016, and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, Jan. 5-15, 2016, in 301A Hale Library. Continue reading “K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Jan. 4-15”

K-State Online: Getting started with Canvas

startby Information Technology Services

Whether you are an experienced K-State Online Canvas user or Spring 2016 will be your first semester teaching with the LMS, we have compiled some tips and tricks to help you through the semester in the Getting started with Canvas course for instructors. Continue reading “K-State Online: Getting started with Canvas”

K-State Online: Spring 2016 courses are ready for instructors to use

Spring 2016by Information Technology Services

The Spring 2016 course shells (with the exception of 800-900 level courses) have been created in K-State Online Canvas. Instructors now have the ability to make changes to their courses to prepare for spring. Continue reading “K-State Online: Spring 2016 courses are ready for instructors to use”

K-State Online: Create a new TEVAL in Canvas

TEVALby Information Technology Services

TEVAL is now available in K-State Online Canvas. The TEVAL Student Rating System and Reports at K-State are unique to our university and are intended to provide an indicator of students’ impressions of teaching effectiveness in a given class. TEVAL may also provide some clues as to students’ views of specific teaching practices.

To add TEVAL to your Canvas course, follow these step-by-step instructions.

  1. Open your course.
  2. On the left-hand navigation menu, click Settings.
  3. Click the Navigation tab.
  4. Drag the TEVAL tool up into your navigation.
  5. Click Save.

To learn more about TEVAL and its use, contact the K-State Teaching and Learning Center. The coordination and administration of TEVAL student ratings is the responsibility of each department.

K-State Online: Canvas walk-in help sessions Nov. 20

UpgradeCanvasby Information Technology Services

Do you have questions about your Canvas courses? We have your answers. Bring your laptop and come to the Canvas Walk-In Help Sessions November 20 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in 203 K-State Student Union.
Continue reading “K-State Online: Canvas walk-in help sessions Nov. 20”

K-State Online: Canvas walk-in help sessions Nov. 13

UpgradeCanvasby Information Technology Services

Do you have questions about your Canvas courses? We have your answers. Bring your laptop and come to the Canvas Walk-In Help Sessions November 13 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in 203 K-State Student Union.
Continue reading “K-State Online: Canvas walk-in help sessions Nov. 13”

Mediasite downtime Saturday, Nov. 7

Mediasiteby Information Technology Services

Planned infrastructure maintenance is scheduled for Mediasite from 12:01 a.m. to 4 a.m. Saturday, November 7. Access to Mediasite will be unavailable for brief periods of time during the maintenance window.
Continue reading “Mediasite downtime Saturday, Nov. 7”

K-State Online: Mediasite Overview training available Nov. 11

Mediasiteby Information Technology Services

Are you ready to take learning to the next level? With the My Mediasite app, instructors can capture or upload video lectures, screencasts and tutorials to K-State Online Canvas. Continue reading “K-State Online: Mediasite Overview training available Nov. 11”