As the semester comes to an end, final-grade submission time will soon be here. Final-grade submission is electronic and only in iSIS, K-State’s student information system. Students will be able to view their grades in iSIS on Thursday, May 21.
Instructors are encouraged to take note of the following dates and information:
- Saturday, May 9 — Grade rosters will be available in iSIS for grade entry.
- Monday, May 18, 5 p.m. — Grades are due for May 11-13 final exams.
- Wednesday, May 20, 5 p.m. — Grades are due for May 14-15 final exams.
- Wednesday, May 20, 4 p.m. — Deadline to copy grades from K-State Online to iSIS in order to allow time for back-end processes to run.
- Grades for all non-standard courses are due five calendar days after the completion of the course.
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