Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: training

Grad students: Start writing your thesis in the ETDR template

If you’re starting to work on your thesis or dissertation this semester, you’ll save a lot of time and avoid frustration by using the ETDR Word template. Graduate students are required to submit their theses and dissertations electronically, and the template contains all the formatting required by the Graduate School.

In addition, the template contains several time-saving features, such as automatically creating the table of contents and caption numbers. The template makes use of the “styles” feature in Word. If “styles” is new to you, read about it on the ETDR website or make an appointment with an ETDR consultant at the IT Help Desk to review “styles” and use of the ETDR template.

An overview session may also be scheduled for groups of students in individual departments. Contact Marty Courtois (courtois@k-state.edu, 785-532-4428) for details.

Continue reading “Grad students: Start writing your thesis in the ETDR template”

New events posted on IT training site

Upcoming training events have been posted on the IT Training site. All classes are free for K-State faculty, staff, and graduate students, but require pre-registration. Details are on the specific registration pages. Courses include:

  • Various K-State Online classes
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Introduction to Dreamweaver
  • Various Microsoft Word classes
  • Various IT Orientation classes

Microsoft Office training for all K-Staters

Microsoft Office Training sessions are scheduled this spring semester and are free to all K-Staters. To register for these sessions, see the IT Training page.

Transitioning to Word 2007
Wed, Jan. 13, 1-2 p.m. (Hale 301)
Tue, Feb. 9, 1-2 p.m. (Hale 301)
Thu, March 18, 11 a.m.-noon (Hale 301)
Thu, April 22, 11 a.m.-noon (Hale 301)
Mail Merge in Word 2007
Wed, Jan. 27, 11 a.m.-noon (Fairchild 9)
Mon, March 22, 11 a.m.-noon (Fairchild 9)
Word 2007 Seminar
Mon, Jan. 11, 10 a.m.-noon (Fairchild 9)
Wed, March 17, 10 a.m.-noon (Fairchild 9)

Continue reading “Microsoft Office training for all K-Staters”

IT Orientation session Jan. 19: Technology Resources

Whether new or not so new to K-State, join us Jan. 19 for the first of eight weekly, one-hour IT Orientation sessions being presented this spring. Learn more about the many technology resources available at K-State. The session will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19, in 401B Hale Library and is open to all K-State faculty, staff, and students but requires pre-registration.

Other upcoming IT Orientation sessions include:

Spotlight: Five-minute videos

5minVideopediaThe “5min Life Videopedia” website (www.5min.com) has a plethora of five-minute instructional videos covering many different categories, such as home, food, music, travel, technology, and more.

You can create your own videos and upload them to the site, or add existing videos to your own website with a few easy steps. You can either have a single video that’s related to your page or you can add a video thumbnail strip that displays multiple videos related to your page. In both cases, the VideoSeed tool analyzes the content of your pages and then displays relevant videos.

For starters, check out this video that gives a tour of Windows 7.

Microsoft Word training seminars Tue-Wed, Dec. 22-23

Special, two-hour Microsoft Word 2007 training seminars are being offered by iTAC at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, and 9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, in Fairchild 9. The sessions will be predominantly question-and-answer sessions, with additional usability tips and best practices provided.

K-Staters who attended or registered for a Word class this past semester have been contacted so they can attend and further their skill set. Visit the registration page for details.

Continue reading “Microsoft Word training seminars Tue-Wed, Dec. 22-23”

Do you hate Microsoft Word? Online help for K-Staters

Almost everyone gets frustrated at some point with Microsoft’s Word software. Watch a short, 2-minute video recently created by iTAC that highlights tools and tips to make using Word easier. The video’s opening screenshot (“Reason 1,244 Why I Hate Microsoft Word”) leads into ways to save time when using Word 2007.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

NCSAM1October marks the sixth annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. The theme for 2009 is “Our Shared Responsibility” to reinforce the message that all computer users, not just your IT support staff or industry and government, have a responsibility to protect themselves, their colleagues, family members, and K-State’s valuable information and technology resources.

Even though it’s late in the month, familiarizing oneself with cybersecurity risks and best practices is something everyone needs to do continually, not just one time a year. In conjunction with NCSAM, K-State’s IT security team hosted a Regents-wide IT security training event Oct. 5 in the K-State Student Union. PowerPoints from the presentations are available on the event website. Most presentations apply directly to K-State, so visit the website to learn about a variety of topics with offerings for both less technical and more technical audiences.

Continue reading “October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month”

EDUCAUSE conference sessions to be live online Nov. 4-6

The Information Technology Assistance Center will be facilitating an instance of the online EDUCAUSE Conference scheduled Nov. 4-6. It is the next best thing to being there. Participants can choose to attend as many sessions as their schedule permits. Dates, times and location for the conference are:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 4 — 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. in Hale 123
  • Thursday, Nov. 5 — 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. in Hale 301
  • Friday, Nov. 6 — 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Hale 123

Next week a schedule will be posted in InfoTech Tuesday covering what EDUCAUSE sessions will be streamed and available for viewing. The online conference free and open to all K-Staters.

IT Orientation session Oct. 20: Library Technology

At this week’s IT Orientation session, learn more about library technology at K-State. The one-hour session will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, in 401B Hale Library and is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Continue reading “IT Orientation session Oct. 20: Library Technology”