Kansas State University


Extension Entomology

Corn Earworms

–by Jeff Whitworth –Field Crops Entomologist


Most corn has recently tasseled, just is, or will be soon. 100% of all the ears we examined in the last 2 weeks, both sweet and field corn, were infested with at least one “earworm”. This is not unusual. All “earworms” were only one half to three fourths grown (see fig 1)

Figure 1: Corn ear worm

as of 18 July. Thus, these worms should cease feeding in the next 7-14 days, pupate in the soil for 4-7 days, and then emerge as adult moths. These moths will then mate and fly to a suitable host plant to start depositing eggs. Whether sorghum or soybeans depends upon the crop’s stage of growth when these moths are actively depositing eggs. Double cropped soybeans may be attractive to moths for another 1-3 months as the plants continue to set pods, and thus there could be another 1- 3 generations of larvae feeding on the bean within the pod. Sorghum, however, should only attract moths from flowering to soft dough–a much smaller oviposition window, but very critical because generally one larva causes 5% loss in grain.



Squash Bug

–by Raymond Cloyd – Horticultural Entomology


Squash bug, Anasa tristis, females have laid eggs and various stages of the nymphs are present feeding on squash and pumpkin leaves. Squash bug adults are flattened and 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length. Adults are dark-brown and have wings with brown-to-black and orange markings along the outer edge of the body (Figure 1). Females lay red-orange eggs on the leaf underside and top of leaves. Nymphs emerge (eclose) from the eggs in seven to 14 days and undergo five instars (stages between each molt) before maturing to adults. First instar nymphs that emerge from eggs have a red head and thorax (middle section) and pale-green abdomen (Figure 2). Second instar nymphs have a black head and thorax and a pale-green abdomen (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Squash bug adult (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Figure 2. Young squash bug nymphs (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Figure 3. Young squash bug nymphs (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Nymphs tend to gather near the eggs after emerging. Older nymphs (3rd to 5th instar) are gray (Figure 4) and tend to distribute themselves over the entire plant (Figure 5). Nymphs are 3/16 of an inch long and cannot fly because they do not have fully-developed wings.

Squash bug nymphs and adults use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to withdraw plant fluids from leaves, stems, vines, and fruits. Damage to leaves appears as small, yellow specks that eventually turn brown (Figure 6).

Figure 4. Older squash bug nymphs (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Figure 5. Older squash bug nymphs on the stem (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Figure 6. Feeding damage caused by squash bug (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Below are the plant protection strategies that you can implement to mitigate problems with squash bugs and prevent subsequent plant damage.

  1. Check plants for the presence of eggs, nymphs, and adults on leaf undersides at least once per week during the growing season.
  2. Destroy eggs, and remove (handpick) nymphs and adults, placing them into a container with soapy water to kill them. Handpick every three to four days.
  3. Place a floating row cover over plants to protect them from squash bug nymphs and adults.
  4. Position wooden boards throughout the garden, turning them over daily to collect squash bugs hiding underneath. You can kill the squash bugs by placing into a container of soapy water.
  5. Apply a contact insecticide when the nymphs are present. The smaller nymphs are easier to kill than the larger nymphs. Contact insecticides are less effective against adult squash bugs because adults have a thickened waxy cuticle (skin) that insecticides cannot adhere to and penetrate. Adults are also protected from insecticide sprays by the leafy plant canopy. Weekly applications of contact insecticides may be required to maintain populations below levels that will prevent plant damage. Thorough coverage of the leaf undersides is important to manage squash bug populations.


For more information on how to manage squash bug populations refer to the following extension publication:


Squash Bug (MF3308 July 2016)




Flower Wasps Getting Attention In Yards and Fields

–by Anthony Zukoff –Southwest Research and Extension Center – Garden City, KS


A wasp commonly found during the summer in Kansas has recently caused concern among home owners and producers.  In one instance, several wasps were mistaken for wheat stem sawfly, a significant pest of wheat that has not yet established in Kansas.  Sometimes referred to as flower wasps, the Five-banded Tiphiid Wasp (Myzinum quinquecinctum), is a harmless solitary wasp found throughout most of the country. 

Male Flower Wasp


In Kansas, it is found statewide and is most common mid to late summer.  These ¾ to 1 inch long, narrow bodied wasps have dark bodies, long antennae and smoky wings.  Yellow markings are visible on their thorax and yellow bands are present on each abdominal segment.  Subtle differences set apart males and females.  Male wasps have yellow legs, while females have stockier orange-red legs and wider yellow bands on their abdominal segments.  Both male and females visit flowers to feed on nectar.  Females are parasitoids of various scarab beetle larvae, including common turfgrass pests such as white grubs, and have been promoted as biocontrol tools in farm and turf settings.  Female wasps seek out beetle larvae in the ground, digging for them with their stocky legs. She then deposits an egg on the body of the grub and injects a neurotoxin to paralyze it. As the wasp larva develops it will consume the beetle larva.  The wasp then overwinters as a pupa below the ground and emerges as an adult the following summer.  Since the populations of both the wasp and its host fluctuate yearly, the level of parasitism changes from season to season.  This results in some years where many wasps successfully overwinter and emerge in large numbers.

Male Wasps on Corn

The female wasps are not commonly encountered.  In fact, it is the male of this species that most often causes alarm.  This is due to the fact that the males tend to congregate together in large numbers on vegetation and occasionally even on home siding.  These groups are typically attracted to an area because there are nectar sources, shade or tall grass to shelter on over the evening.  When approached or disturbed, the group of male wasps take flight and fly circles around the location, giving the appearance of an angry swarm of wasps.  The males have no stinger and are harmless, however, the hooked appendage at the end of their abdomen is often mistaken for a stinger, adding to the alarm.  Despite their behavior and large numbers, these wasps are no threat to people, pets or landscaping. As summer progresses, these groups of male flower wasps will slowly die off and eventually disappear.


Japanese Beetle Adults

–by Raymond Cloyd, Horticultural Entomologist

Japanese beetle, Popilla japonica, adults are present throughout Kansas feeding on many plants in landscapes and gardens including: roses (Rosa spp), littleleaf linden (Tilia cordata), oak (Quercus spp.), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), crabapple (Malus spp.), and grape (Vitis vinifera). The plant protection strategies that need to be implemented to manage Japanese beetle adult populations are limited and have been for many years. The primary stra tegy involves spraying contact insecticides to kill adults, which will reduce plant damage.

Japanese beetle adults are 3/8 to 1/2 of an inch long, metallic green with coppery-brown wing covers, and approximately 14 tufts of white hair along the edge of the abdomen (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Japanese Beetle Adults Feeding On Leaf (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Japanese beetle adults live up to 45 days feeding on plants over a four-to-six-week period. Adults feed on many horticultural plants including: trees, shrubs, vines, herbaceous annual and perennials, vegetables, fruits, an d grapes (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Japanese Beetle Adults Feeding On Grape Leaf (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Japanese beetle adults produce aggregation pheromones that attract males and females to the same feeding location, which enhances mating (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Japanese Beetle Adult Males And Females Mating (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Adults can fly up to five miles to locate a host plant; however, adults tend to only fly short distances to feed and for females to lay eggs.

Japanese beetle adults feed through the upper leaf surface (epidermis) and leaf center (mesophyll), leaving the lower epidermis intact. Adults, in general, do not feed on tissue between leaf veins. Consequently, feeding on tissue between the leaf veins causes the lace-like or skeletonized appearance (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Japanese Beetle Adult Feeding Damage On Leaf (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Adults are primarily active on warm days, feeding on plants exposed to full sun, which may be why roses are a susceptible host plant because roses require at least six hours of direct sunlight to flower. Japanese beetle adults start feeding at the top of plants, migrating downward as food sources are depleted. Japanese beetle adults will also feed on flowers (Figure 5),

Figure 5. Japanese Beetle Adults Feeding On Rose Flower (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

chewing holes in flower buds, which prevents flowers from opening or causes petals to fall prematurely.

Managing Japanese beetle adult populations involves implementing a variety of plant protection strategies, including: cultural, physical, and applying insecticides. Cultural control includes proper irrigation, fertility, mulching, and pruning that are important in minimizing plant stress, which may decrease susceptibility to Japanese beetle adult feeding. Furthermore, removing weeds attractive to Japanese beetle adults such as smartweed, Polygonum spp., may help to alleviate infestations. Physical control such as hand removing or collecting Japanese beetle adults before populations are extensive may minimize plant damage. The best time to remove or collect adults is in the morning when ambient air temperatures are typically cooler. Adults can be collected by placing a wide-mouthed jar or bucket containing rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol) or soapy water underneath each adult, and then touching them. Adults that are disturbed fold their legs perpendicular to the body, fall into the liquid, and are subsequently killed. The procedure may reduce plant damage when conducted daily or every-other-day, for up to four weeks.



The use of Japanese beetle traps in landscapes or gardens is not recommended since the floral lure and synthetically derived sex pheromone (Figure 6)

Figure 6. Floral Food Lure (Bottom) And Synthetically-Derived Sex Pheromone (Top) Associated With Japanese Beetle Trap (Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

may attract more adults into an area than would occur normally. In addition, Japanese beetle adults ma y feed on plants before reaching the traps, which increases potential plant damage.


Spray applications of contact insecticides will kill Japanese beetle adults. However, repeat applications are required, especially when high numbers of adults are present. A list of active ingredients in commercially available insecticide products for use against Japanese beetle adults is presented in Table 1. It is important to understand that these insecticides may also directly harm many natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) and repeated use can lead to outbreaks of other pests including the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Furthermore, these insecticides are directly harmful to pollinators including honey bees and bumble bees. Therefore, apply insecticides in the early morning or late evening when bees are less active.



For more information on how to manage Japanese beetle refer to the following extension



Japanese Beetle: Insect Pest of Horticultural Plants and Turfgrass (MF3488 March 2020)


Table 1. Active ingredients in commercially available insecticide products for use against Japanese beetle adults.


Active Ingredient (s) Product
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Lawn and Landscape Insect Killer
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin 5% Dust RTU
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil Captain Jack’s Neem Oil RTU
Cyfluthrin BioAdvanced Rose & Flower Insect Killer RTU
Deltamethrin Ortho Insect Killer Rose & Flower RTU
Gamma-Cyhalothrin Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer for Lawns and Landscapes
Imidacloprid BioAdvanced All-In-One Rose & Flower Care Concentrate
Imidacloprid and Clothianidin BioAdvanced All-In-One Rose & Flower Care
Lambda-Cyhalothrin GardenTech Sevin Insect Killer RTU
Malathion Spectracide Malathion Insect Spray
Tau-Fluvalinate BioAdvanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control
Zeta-Cypermethrin GardenTech Sevin Insect Killer Concentrate





Soybean Pests

–by Jeff Whitworth, Field Crops — Entomologist


Soybeans finally seem to be starting to grow and develop a little since receiving some moisture and cooler weather. So, as the beans grow so do the soybean pests. Probably the number one pest all across the Midwest soybean growing regions is the bean leaf beetle (see fig 1). This time of year these beetles are feeding a little, which often causes the characteristic round and/or oblong holes in leaves (see fig 2), but also are actively depositing eggs in the soil around soybean stems. When this next generation of adults emerge then they will become active foliage feeders, and sometimes feed on succulent green pods-which may affect the bean inside the pod.

Figure 1: Bean leaf beetle


Figure 2: Leaf damage from bean leaf beetle


Green stinkbug adults (see fig 3) are also very active this time of year, much like adult bean leaf beetles, feeding a little but also depositing eggs. These eggs will be hatching over the next few weeks and the small stinkbug nymphs will also be very active sucking juice from host plants. Thus, as these soybeans grow and develop so will the pests. This indicates that monitoring should be initiated then in the next couple of weeks–or at least as the beans start into the reproductive phases, at which time they are at their most vulnerable to pest attack.

Figure 3: Adult green stink bug

(Photos by Cayden Wyckoff)



–by Jeff Whitworth — Field Crops, Entomology

Grasshopper eggs, deposited last fall, have been producing small nymphs for about the past 2 weeks. Thus, if field borders, weedy ditches, or any non-disturbed areas adjacent to crop fields are infested with these small nymphs- it is an ideal time to treat these areas to get good control (see fig 3).

Figure 3. Grasshopper nymphs


Potato Leafhoppers

–by Jeff Whitworth — Field Crops, Entomology

The 1st potato leafhoppers were detected in northcentral Kansas on 10 June, but probably started immigrating in a few days prior to that. They will continue this immigration for about another month. As of 14 June, however, only adults were active (see fig 1) but they are depositing eggs which hatch into very tiny nymphs in approximately 4-7 days. Much alfalfa, however, has just been swathed, or soon will be, and this will help mitigate potato leafhopper damage by removing eggs/nymphs before they cause any damage (see fig 2-often called “hopper burn”). However, adults will continue to migrate into these fields- so monitoring should continue as the new growth emerges.

Figure 1. Adult potato leafhoppers


Figure 2. Hopper burn



KSU Department of Entomology Starting Fall Semester Offering a Bachelor’s Degree

–by Jeff Whitworth — Field Crops, Entomology

Just  FYI: Kansas State University and the Department of Entomology are super proud to announce that starting with this fall semester there is a new undergraduate degree available in Entomology.  Thus, KSU and Entomology are now offering a Bachelor’s Degree in Entomology.  Previously, only Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy degrees were offered by KSU’s Entomology Department, which historically has been one of the top rated departments for research and academics.  If interested in Entomology’s Bachelor degree program please contact Dr. Brian McCormack, Department Head, or Dr. Jeremy Marshall, Undergraduate Coordinator.

Rose Sawflies

–by Raymond Cloyd, Horticultural Entomologist

We have received numerous inquiries associated with insects feeding on the leaves of rose plants. The insects are sawflies and there are at least two species that attack roses this time of year: the rose slug, Endelomyia aethiops, and the bristly rose slug, Cladius difformis. Rose slugs are the immature or larval stage that eventually becomes a black to yellow-colored adult, which resembles a wasp.

Rose sawfly females create openings or slits along the edges of rose leaves with their saw-like egg laying device (ovipositor) and insert eggs. Larvae emerge from the eggs and resemble small slugs. Larvae are approximately 1/2 of an inch long when full-grown and yellow-green, with an orange head (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Rose Sawfly Larvae Feeding on Rose Leaf (Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State University)

The larvae fall onto the soil surface and pupate. Rose slugs overwinter as pupae in earthen cells that are created by the larvae. Bristly rose slug larvae are pale-green and approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length. The body is covered with bristle-like hairs (Figure 2). Both species typically have one generation per year in Kansas.

Figure 2. Bristly Rose Slug Larva Feeding On Leaf Underside of Rose (Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State University)

Rose slug larvae feed on the underside of rose leaves causing the leaves to appear skeletonized (Figures 3 and 4). The larvae create notches or holes on the leaf margins. Bristly rose slug larvae feed on the underside of rose leaves causing leaves to appear skeletonized. However, the larvae create larger holes than the rose slug.


Figure 3. Damage on Rose Plant Caused By Rose Slug Larvae Feeding (Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State University

Figure 4. Damage on Rose Leaf Caused By Rose Slug Larvae Feeding (Author-Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State University)


Small infestations of either the rose sawfly or bristly rose slug can be dealt with by removing the larvae by hand and placing into a container of soapy water. A high pressure water spray will quickly dislodge sawfly larvae from rose plants and they will not crawl back onto rose plants. There are a number of contact insecticides containing various active ingredients that are effective in managing populations of both sawflies. Sawflies are not caterpillars. Consequently, the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, which is the active ingredient in various products (e.g. Dipel®) has no activity on sawflies because the insecticide is only effective against caterpillars.