Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

Find the status of IT services

Do you need to check the status of an IT service? K-State continuously monitors core IT services and related components. Service updates are available on the IT Status Hub, categorized as follows:

  • Up (green): Service is running and fully functional.
  • Affected (yellow): Service is experiencing partial disruptions.
    Note: Some services may be marked as Affected during maintenance windows or intermittent disruptions.
  • Down (red): Service is currently unavailable.

On the IT Status Hub page, you can also see notifications of any current events, a maintenance calendar and a service history.

KSIS training sessions available during spring semester

Instructor-led KSIS training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff throughout the spring semester. Registration through HRIS is required. For step-by-step instructions, view the Register for classes in HRIS.

KSIS training now available

Continue reading “KSIS training sessions available during spring semester”

KSIS Training sessions for Fall 2022 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for fall 2022. Instructor-led, Zoom based training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Grading in KSIS

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

Visix is the new digital sign provider for K-State

The Division of Information Technology (IT) has announced that Visix is the new vendor for K-State’s Digital Signage.

K-State uses digital signs to publish news and announcements and promote events and services. Visix was selected as the new vendor because of the user-friendly, browser-based interface, access to templates for controlled formatting, and the ability to support a wide variety of multimedia. Continue reading “Visix is the new digital sign provider for K-State”

New issue of the SSC-Navigate Newsletter is now available

The K-State Student Success Collaborative-Navigate is a suite of technology tools designed to provide students with a coordinated care network. The SSC-Navigate tools include predictive analytics, appointment scheduling, robust communication and outreach resources, academic planning, and much more. The goal is to help student success professionals be increasingly connected, proactive, and guided by data.

A new issue of the SSC-Navigate Update is now available. Learn about what is new in the platform, including: Continue reading “New issue of the SSC-Navigate Newsletter is now available”

KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2022 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2022. Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. For step-by-step instructions, view the Using HRIS to register for classes knowledge base article.

KSIS training now available

Continue reading “KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2022 available”

New issue of the SSC-Navigate Newsletter is now available

The K-State Student Success Collaborative-Navigate is a suite of technology tools designed to provide students with a coordinated care network. The SSC-Navigate tools include predictive analytics, appointment scheduling, robust communication and outreach resources, academic planning, and much more. The goal is to help student success professionals be increasingly connected, proactive, and guided by data.

A new issue of the SSC-Navigate Update is now available. Learn about what is new in the platform, including: Continue reading “New issue of the SSC-Navigate Newsletter is now available”

KSIS Training sessions for Fall 2021 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for fall 2021. Instructor-led, Zoom based training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

Reminder: Personal webpage services to be retired August 31

Reminder on August 31, K-State’s existing personal webpage service will be retired. K-Staters with personal webpages are being contacted by the Division of Information Technology (IT) regarding the retirement of this service. If you have a personal website, the URL would be http://www-personal.k-state.edu/~eid.

Example URL: http://www-personal.k-state.edu/~willie

IT recommends faculty and staff publish relevant content, including bios, curriculum vitae, and research information on their academic or administrative unit’s website within the Content Management System (CMS). Using the CMS, every department/unit on campus has a workflow/approval process, based on unit-level decisions, to allow those in their unit to access and post content. Please contact your web manager for the best option on moving K-State-related content to the CMS. Training is required before being granted access to the CMS. For information on training, see the CMS training website. Continue reading “Reminder: Personal webpage services to be retired August 31”