Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Research and reference

Grad students and faculty: Two ETDR walk-in seminars September-October

Two walk-in help seminars are scheduled September-October for graduate students who want faster help on thesis/dissertation formatting, Microsoft Word, and LaTeX.  Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) sessions are scheduled:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 13 — 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 — 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Both sessions are in 407 Hale Library.  Hale 407 has Windows computers, and attendees are welcome to bring their own Mac and Windows laptops.

Topics include:

  • How to use K-State’s ETDR writing templates (Word and LaTeX)
  • Timesavers, tools, and solutions in Microsoft Word
  • Review your ETDR to meet Graduate School requirements
  • Prior publication and copyright resources
  • Automated features (Table of Contents, figure/table captions, and more)

Each session starts with an overview of ETDR resources and concludes with a question/answer period.  Leave as soon as your questions are answered, or stay and learn more about ETDR resources and using Word efficiently.

Distance students or others who cannot attend may request an ETDR meeting via Zoom webconference, in person, or by phone.  Class presentations are also available in person or via Zoom.  Use the ETDR request form (K-State eID/password required) to specify what help you need and to schedule meeting times.  Response time is 24-48 hours.

New thesis/dissertation requirements for 2017 

These changes are now mandatory for all theses, dissertations, and reports submitted in 2017 and on:

  • Title format must be in sentence case (not ALL CAPS)
  • Author name format must be in standard name format with uppercase/lowercase, as shown in KSIS records (not ALL CAPS)
  • Copyright line new format:  © Firstname Lastname 2017.

For more resources, see the ETDR website.

April 21: Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis training

LIWC“Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis” will be presented from 1:30-3:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, in 401B Hale Library.

The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) tool enables users to conduct computational linguistic analyses on single texts, collections of texts, and text corpora, in order to better understand the latent data.



Continue reading “April 21: Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis training”

March 17: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus training

“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, March 17, in 401B Hale Library. This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Google Chrome and Microsoft IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 11 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)

Tapping social media data with NCapture & NVivo 11

Continue reading “March 17: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus training”

Feb 24: Advanced NVivo 11 Plus training

“Advanced NVivo 11 Plus” is a follow-up presentation from the “Introduction to NVivo 11 Plus” offered earlier this month. This training will be held 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in 401B Hale Library.

Advanced NVivo training

Continue reading “Feb 24: Advanced NVivo 11 Plus training”

February 3: Intro to NVivo 11 Plus training

An “Intro to NVivo 11 Plus” training is scheduled from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, 401B Hale Library for all faculty, graduate students, and staff who may be using this qualitative (and mixed methods) data analysis tool.

Intro to NVivo 11 Plus training

Continue reading “February 3: Intro to NVivo 11 Plus training”

Library Resources now available for students in K-State Online

libraryby Information Technology Services

When you sign in to K-State Online this semester, you’ll notice a Library Resources app in the navigation menu for your courses. Continue reading “Library Resources now available for students in K-State Online”

Nov. 18: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus

Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus is 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, in 401B Hale Library. This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Chrome and IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 11 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)

NVIVO training, 1:30-3:30, Friday, Nov. 18, 401B Hale Library

Continue reading “Nov. 18: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus”

Nov. 11: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics training

“Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics” training is 1:30–3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, in 401B Hale Library. All faculty, staff, and students who use this research suite are welcome to attend.

Qualtrics Advanced Training, Friday, Nov. 11, 3:30-4:30, 401 Hale Library

Continue reading “Nov. 11: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics training”

Free academic licenses for all RapidMiner software products

The creators of RapidMiner are offering free licenses to their software tool to all rapidminer_logo_rgb_v1faculty and students at Kansas State University.  Steve Farr (sfarr@rapidminer.com), Communities Director at RapidMiner, shared the following information.

Continue reading “Free academic licenses for all RapidMiner software products”

Help K-State improve your experience with online tools

by Information Technology Servicesux-fb-final-profle-pic

Volunteers are needed for upcoming and ongoing studies of K-State online tools. These studies allow Information Technology Services (ITS) to gain feedback from K-Staters like you. ITS will use this information to learn what is working for you, what is not, and make changes as needed.

Continue reading “Help K-State improve your experience with online tools”