Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: Security

Get involved with National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)

October marks the fourteenth annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. The goal of NCSAM is to increase the awareness of the cyber security landscape and to bring awareness to various strategies we all can use to keep our information protected. It is our shared responsibility to protect ourselves, our colleagues, our family members, and K-State’s valuable information and technology resources.

In this video, President Myers weighs in on the importance of cyber security to stay safe online.


Continue reading “Get involved with National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)”

Required IT security awareness training for employees now available

Information Security and Compliance has released an online security awareness training module. The training introduces basic computer security concepts and good security practices. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. All K-State faculty, staff, and employed students are required to complete security awareness training.

To access the training:

  1. Go to www.ksu.edu/its/security.
  2. On the menu, click Security Training.
  3. Sign in with your eID and eID password.

Once you complete the training, your personnel record in HRIS will be updated within 24 hours. It will be listed under the Training Summary as IT Security Awareness (2016), with the course code WIT017.

For questions about your training record, please contact Samantha Roberts in Human Capital Services-Learning and Development at learning-develop-hr@ksu.edu or 532-1920. If you have questions about the security awareness training, contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 532-7722.

Last call: Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6

Departments: This is a last call for an easy way to securely dispose of your paper records. Shred Day is 8:3011 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6.  Call iTAC today to schedule a pickup: 785-532-4918.

For details, see Fall 2015 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6 (IT News, Sept. 14).

Dean Vellenga contributed to this story.

Fall 2015 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6

Shred Day is scheduled 8:30-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, to properly dispose of university paper records on the Manhattan and Salina campuses.

Departments can place their paper documents with personal identity information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit card numbers, etc.) in designated bags and boxes to:

  • Manhattan campus:  Deliver to Mid-Campus Drive near the K-State Student Union.
  • Salina campus:  Deliver to the loading area between the east and west wings of the Technology Center.

Continue reading “Fall 2015 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6”

Fall 2014 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 14

Shred Day is scheduled 8:30-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14, to properly dispose of university paper records on the Manhattan and Salina campuses.

To determine which records can be included, please refer to the university’s records retention policy and schedule, PPM Chapter 3090. If you have any questions about the retention length of records, please contact university archivist Cliff Hight at chight@k-state.edu or 785-532-3420.  Continue reading “Fall 2014 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 14”

Increase in phishing-scam emails trying to steal K-State eID passwords

Don't take the bait. K-State will NEVER ask for your password in an email.The beginning of every semester, K-State sees a significant increase in the number of phishing-scam emails trying to steal eID passwords. These emails try to trick K-Staters into providing their eID and password to criminals under the guise of “false emergency” emails, including:

  • “Upgrade your webmail account!”
  • “Your mailbox storage limit is full!”
  • “Your data/photos/etc. will be lost!”

THESE ARE ALL SCAMS. K-State Information Technology Services staff will NEVER ask for your password in an email. Do not reply to these scam emails, or click a link in email and fill out a form with your eID and password.

Abide by one simple rule and you will be safe from these scams and others: NEVER provide your password to anyone in response to an email!  Continue reading “Increase in phishing-scam emails trying to steal K-State eID passwords”

Departments: Secure disposal of paper, electronic media available all year long

(Editor’s note: Weblinks in this article were updated Oct. 14, 2015.)

In addition to the university’s periodic Shred Day events, departments can securely dispose of paper and electronic media (eWaste) throughout the year.  Continue reading “Departments: Secure disposal of paper, electronic media available all year long”

Only one week left to collect paper for K-State Shred Day Oct. 16

K-State departments have about a week to finish collecting papers with sensitive data for free, secure shredding on K-State Shred Day, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16, on the Manhattan campus and 10 – noon on the Salina campuse.  This event is “paper only” — electronic media will not be collected, and wet or contaminated paper will not be accepted. See below for dropoff, prior pickup, and required forms for each campus.

The goal of this event each semester is to protect individuals and the university by securely disposing of documents with sensitive information — credit card data, personal identity details, personnel files, Scantron forms, grade sheets, class rosters, and so on.  Continue reading “Only one week left to collect paper for K-State Shred Day Oct. 16”

Open forums start Aug. 13 for K-State IT security administrator (CISO)

Three candidates for the position of Chief Information Security Officer will be on campus over the next few weeks. The schedule for candidates is

  • Aug. 13-14 – Cheryl O’Dell
  • Aug. 16-17 – Robert Vaile
  • August (schedule pending) – Arif Basha

The first open forum is for Cheryl O’Dell, at 1:30-2:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, in the Hemisphere Room of Hale Library. All K-Staters and the general public are invited to attend the open forums. Continue reading “Open forums start Aug. 13 for K-State IT security administrator (CISO)”