Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: technology

Technology Service Center moves to Hale

At 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, the iTAC Technology Service Center (TSC) closes at the East Stadium location and moves to 214 Hale Library. TSC will join with Client Services and reopen in the new location by Jan. 14, 2010. Phone numbers will remain the same.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2010, the types of payment for personal computer repair will be credit cards, debit cards, and CatCash. Payment types for departmental repairs will not change.

Free virtual conference Dec. 3 by Campus Technology

Thursday, Dec. 3, is the free online conference hosted by Campus Technology. Sessions will include:

  • The Ed-Tech Journey: Are We There Yet?
  • Panel Discussion: Beyond a Layering of Technology: Reforming Teaching and Learning Practice
  • Five Elements of Exceptional Technology Enhanced Learning
  • SunGard Higher Education: Helping Make Learning Happen
  • Immersive Technology Platform Standards: Sharing Your World

Continue reading “Free virtual conference Dec. 3 by Campus Technology”

K-State Online / Axio Conference 2009 videos now available online

Videos and presentation materials from the K-State Online / Axio Conference 2009 are now available on the Axio Conference website.

  • (Keynote and Provost Lecture Series presentation) A New Generation of Learning: Diverse Students, Emerging Technologies, and a Sustainability Challenge by Mark David Milliron
  • Axio 5 Overview by Scott Finkeldei and Joshua Works
  • Investigating ways to assess AXIO Learning Management Systems as blended/accelerated courses at Colby Community College: Part Two – Feasibility by Angela Dijanic
  • Using Axio Survey for Teaching and Learning, Virtual Team Decision-making and Educational Research by Shalin Hai-Jew
  • Improving Student Retention: The K-State Online Holmes Method by JohnElla Holmes Continue reading “K-State Online / Axio Conference 2009 videos now available online”

IT Orientation session Oct. 28: Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies, the last IT Orientation session for the Fall 2009 semester, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, in 401B Hale Library. Learn more about a variety of emerging technologies that can help in the classroom, office, and at home. The session is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

See the IT Orientation website for details on the sessions.

EDUCAUSE conference sessions to be live online Nov. 4-6

The Information Technology Assistance Center will be facilitating an instance of the online EDUCAUSE Conference scheduled Nov. 4-6. It is the next best thing to being there. Participants can choose to attend as many sessions as their schedule permits. Dates, times and location for the conference are:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 4 — 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. in Hale 123
  • Thursday, Nov. 5 — 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. in Hale 301
  • Friday, Nov. 6 — 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Hale 123

Next week a schedule will be posted in InfoTech Tuesday covering what EDUCAUSE sessions will be streamed and available for viewing. The online conference free and open to all K-Staters.

IT Orientation session Oct. 20: Library Technology

At this week’s IT Orientation session, learn more about library technology at K-State. The one-hour session will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, in 401B Hale Library and is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Continue reading “IT Orientation session Oct. 20: Library Technology”

UFM fall classes on blogging, iPod touch, Google, Photoshop

The UFM fall 2009 course catalog contains several technology classes available to K-Staters and the Manhattan community.

Technology topics at UFM
Class date
Bloggers Are Us Oct. 17
iCompute with My iPod (touch) Nov. 21
Digital Darkroom for Photographers: Introduction
to Photoshop, Image Processing & Printing
Dec. 1
Does Google Really Do That? Dec. 12

Continue reading “UFM fall classes on blogging, iPod touch, Google, Photoshop”

Technology e-books available through K-State Libraries

The K-State Libraries have made high-quality technology titles available through Safari Tech Books Online. Safari includes titles published in the current year and the previous two calendar years, and includes timely topics such as certification, enterprise computing, Java, Linux/Unix, web development, Windows, XML, and more.

Users can access titles through the K-State Libraries’ Catalog (catalog.lib.k-state.edu) or by browsing the Safari database (www.lib.k-state.edu/db/alpha/s.html). Access is limited to two simultaneous users, so if you are unable to get into the database, wait a minute and try again.

These e-books appear just as they would in print. Each title includes a complete table of contents with chapter links, and all charts, graphs, and images are included as originally published.

H1N1 contingency plans for instructors include alternative technology use

A quick reference guide with suggestions for alternatives to face-to-face lectures, homework, class discussions and more is available online at www.k-state.edu/infotech/helpdesk/contingencyplan.pdf (PDF) . The document was prepared by iTAC to assist faculty with alternatives should class disruptions occur due to the H1N1 flu virus.

Reduce ink-printing costs with Ecofont

K-Staters looking for a way to reduce printing costs might want to consider using Ecofont. This font style, created by the Dutch company Spranq, was designed to use less ink than other fonts — about 15 percent to 20 percent less — by placing small holes throughout the typeface.

Image of enlarged ecofont typface
Image of enlarged ecofont typface that uses less ink

Continue reading “Reduce ink-printing costs with Ecofont”