Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: training

TechBytes Oct. 15: There’s more to BlackBerry

Dale Blasi will present “There’s more to BlackBerry” at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15, in 501 Hale Library. Attend this session to learn how to go beyond just using your BlackBerry for phone and e-mail. There are many useful apps for your BlackBerry.

TechBytes seminars are free and open to the K-State community. The series is also video-streamed live for off-campus viewers and others who wish to view it from their desktop. Use the “View live video” link on the TechBytes homepage to watch the next live video as it’s being recorded.

IT Orientation session Oct. 16: Intro to Computing at K-State

Learn more about Computing at K-State at the next one-hour IT Orientation session 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in 401B Hale Library. It is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Other upcoming IT Orientation sessions this semester include:

  • Library Technology
    2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, 401B Hale Library
  • Emerging Technologies
    2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, 401B Hale Library

See the IT Orientation website for details on the sessions.

UFM fall classes on blogging, iPod touch, Google, Photoshop

The UFM fall 2009 course catalog contains several technology classes available to K-Staters and the Manhattan community.

Technology topics at UFM
Class date
Bloggers Are Us Oct. 17
iCompute with My iPod (touch) Nov. 21
Digital Darkroom for Photographers: Introduction
to Photoshop, Image Processing & Printing
Dec. 1
Does Google Really Do That? Dec. 12

Continue reading “UFM fall classes on blogging, iPod touch, Google, Photoshop”

TechBytes Oct. 1: What is Twitter?

Elaine Edwards will present “What is Twitter?” at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 1, in 501 401B Hale Library. (Note the room change.) Attend this session to learn about the Twitter short-message service and how it is currently being used at K-State.

TechBytes seminars are free and open to the K-State community. The series is also video-streamed live for off-campus viewers and others who wish to view it from their desktop. Use the “View live video” link on the TechBytes homepage to watch the next live video as it’s being recorded.

Register for Oct. 5 IT security training event by Friday!

The deadline to sign up for next Monday’s Oct. 5 IT Security Training Event is coming. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to sign up, this would be your time! Get more details about the Oct. 5 security event and register for the event by Friday, Oct. 2.

This free event is open to K-State faculty/staff and students, as well as IT professionals from other Regents’ institutions. Friendly, non-technical sessions this year will cover:

  • How to make your PC and home wireless network more secure
  • How computers get infected from web browsing and opening music files
  • How to keep data on your mobile device more secure
  • How to get started using IT security resources for K-Staters
  • How to travel more safely with your computer and data

Continue reading “Register for Oct. 5 IT security training event by Friday!”

Mac user group monthly meetings October 2009-May 2010

Meetings for the Kaw River Macintosh User Group (KRMUG) are listed below for the fall semester. (Visit the KRMUG website for possible date changes throughout the year.) The group’s purpose is to instruct and inform users of Macintosh computers on software and hardware issues, as well as provide a community for the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Meetings are typically 10 a.m.-noon on the second Saturday of each month, in Bluemont Hall Room 16.

  • Saturday, Oct. 10
  • Saturday, Nov. 14
  • Saturday, Dec. 12

Continue reading “Mac user group monthly meetings October 2009-May 2010”

IT security training event Oct. 5

Registration is now open for the October IT Security Training Event 8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, in the K-State Student Union. This free, full-day event is open to K-State faculty/staff and students, as well as IT professionals from other Regents’ institutions.

Like past events, this year’s training will include general sessions covering topics relevant to everyone, plus breakout sessions for more-technical and less-technical audiences. Topics include:

Continue reading “IT security training event Oct. 5”

IT Orientation session Sept. 22: K-State Information Systems

At the next one-hour IT Orientation session, learn more about two important K-State Information Systems: iSIS, the K-State Student Information System, and HRIS, the Human Resource Information System. The session will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22, in 401B Hale Library and is open to all K-State faculty/staff and students but requires pre-registration.

Continue reading “IT Orientation session Sept. 22: K-State Information Systems”