Kansas State University


IT News

Author: Fred Darkow

“Processing Minors” iSIS training Nov. 11, now available in HRIS

A “Processing Minors” training session is now available for K-State employees who approve minors for graduation. Registration for the training is done through HRIS Self Service. The training session is 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, in 9 Fairchild HallContinue reading ““Processing Minors” iSIS training Nov. 11, now available in HRIS”

iSIS Class Scheduler training sessions Sept. 30-Oct. 7

iSIS Class Scheduler training is now available for staff. Two classes for new class schedulers, and two refresher classes for veteran class schedulers, are available in HRIS. You must have permissions provided for the Class Scheduler role before taking any of these classes. All sessions are in 9 Fairchild Hall.  Continue reading “iSIS Class Scheduler training sessions Sept. 30-Oct. 7”

Last chance this semester for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS

There is only one more session available for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS. You can sign up for the class in HRIS. You must have permissions set up for Master Extract Reporting before you can take this class.

The remaining session is scheduled to take place 1:30-2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26, in Room 9 of Fairchild Hall.   Continue reading “Last chance this semester for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS”

“Advising in iSIS” training sessions now include the KSU Advisor Center

Training sessions for “Advising in iSIS” now include information about the KSU Advisor Center.  Full-time advisors and faculty advisors are invited to come and learn about the original Advisor Center as well as the new KSU Advisor Center.  Sessions are available for sign-up in HRIS.  Continue reading ““Advising in iSIS” training sessions now include the KSU Advisor Center”

“Grading in iSIS” sessions available April and May

“Grading in iSIS” training sessions are now available for K-State employees who enter student grades. You can register for a session is HRIS Self Service. Two training sessions are offered April 30 and May 1. Both sessions occur in Fairchild 9.  Continue reading ““Grading in iSIS” sessions available April and May”

Last chance in Spring 2014 for iSIS Processing Minors training

The last session this semester for iSIS Processing Minors training is 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 9, in 9 Fairchild Hall. The registration deadline for this session is 5 p.m. Friday, April 4.

This session is available for staff who have been granted the Processing Minors permission. The permission is required before taking this class, and must be requested by a departmental supervisor.  Continue reading “Last chance in Spring 2014 for iSIS Processing Minors training”

“Processing Minors” iSIS training now available in HR

A “Processing Minors ” training session is now available for K-State employees who approve minors for graduation. Registration for the training is done through HRIS Self Service. The training session is available 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 9, in Fairchild 9Continue reading ““Processing Minors” iSIS training now available in HR”

iSIS Class Scheduler training sessions March 4-6

iSIS Class Scheduler training is now available for staff.  Two classes for new class schedulers, and one refresher class for veteran class schedulers, are available in HRIS. You must have permissions provided for the Class Scheduler role before taking any of these classes.  All sessions are in 9 Fairchild Hall.  Continue reading “iSIS Class Scheduler training sessions March 4-6”

iSIS training sessions for spring 2014 now posted

iSIS training sessions for spring 2014 are now posted at www.k-state.edu/isis/training. Staff members can now plan which classes they want to attend and then sign up for them in HRIS.

Class sessions offered include:

  • Advising in iSIS
  • Grading in iSIS
  • Class Scheduler New
  • Class Scheduler Refresher
  • Master Extract Reporting in iSIS

Continue reading “iSIS training sessions for spring 2014 now posted”