Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Data management

Oct. 2: LIWC2015 for Computational Text Analysis

LIWC“Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis” will be presented from 1:30-3:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 2, via Zoom. (Link will not be live until the event.)

The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) tool enables users to conduct computational linguistic analyses on single texts, collections of texts, and text corpora, in order to better understand the latent data.


Continue reading “Oct. 2: LIWC2015 for Computational Text Analysis”

Sept. 4: Exploring Microsoft Excel (Basics)

An introductory training for Microsoft Excel (essentials) is scheduled 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, on Zoom.  

About Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the foremost spreadsheet program in use today.

It is commonly used to:

  • Conduct calculations
  • Clean data
  • Graph or plot data (to identify data patterns)
  • Create data visualizations (both static and interactive)
  • Apply visual styles to data tables and data visualizations
  • Create interactive data visualizations (interactive pivot tables, interactive
  • dashboards with sliders, and others)
  • Create simple macros for continuing data handling (with Visual Basic programming language)
  • Process data for analytics in other software programs
  • Enable the share-ability of information
  • Access online survey data (in analyze-able format), and more…

Continue reading “Sept. 4: Exploring Microsoft Excel (Basics)”

Retention schedule for Microsoft Teams

With the move to Microsoft Teams there have been questions about the length of time chats, messages, etc are retained. The records retention schedule for Teams is now available online and provided below. The schedule becomes effective Aug. 24.

The Microsoft Teams Message Retention Schedule

Function  Timeframe  Description 
Person to person chat 30 Days Chats between two or more parties. Chats over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Teams Channel Messages 365 Days* Channel messages inside of Team sites. Conversations over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Recover Team Sites Timeouts 30 Days The time from when a Team’s site is deleted and when it can be safely recovered.
Video Calls Not Saved Recordings from video calls are not saved unless configured on a per-call basis.
Voice Calls Not Saved Recordings from voice calls are not saved unless configured on a per-call basis.

*Shorter retention can be set for individuals, offices, etc. upon request and approval by IT.

NOTE: Files shared in chat are stored in One Drive, however, as per the retention schedule, the links will no longer be available.



July 3: Intro to NVivo 12 Plus

NVIVOAn “Intro to NVivo 12 Plus” training is scheduled from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, July 3, for all faculty, graduate students, and staff who may be using this qualitative (and mixed methods, multimethods) data analysis tool.  This session will occur on Zoom.

This presentation, which covers NVivo 12 Plus / NVivo (newest) basics, will address the following:

  • The basic parts of the NVivo 12 Plus interface
  • How to start and structure a research project (including a team project)
  • How to set up a project around a base language (Chinese/PRC, English/US, English/UK, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese/Brazil, and Spanish
  • How to ingest various multimedia file types (and curate heterogeneous and semi-structured digital data and digitized contents)
  • How to ingest some social media contents
  • How to begin manual and/or automated coding various media file types
  • How to run data queries in the tool and analyze resulting data visualizations (word clouds, word trees, matrices, geographical maps, bar charts, and others)
  • How to back up the .nvp / .nvpx project file

Continue reading “July 3: Intro to NVivo 12 Plus”

AnyConnect VPN client to be retired June 30

Start using the GlobalProtect VPN client today! As of June 30, AnyConnect will be turned off and no longer available.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install GlobalProtect, go to K-State’s VPN webpage. Once you have tested the GlobalProtect VPN and can use it, then you should uninstall AnyConnect.

Need help? For self-help, view the IT Knowledge Base articles. Need more help, contact the IT Help Desk 785-532-7722 or your local IT support staff.

AnyConnect VPN client to be retired June 30

Time is winding down for those of you still using the AnyConnect VPN client. As of June 30, AnyConnect will be turned off and no longer available.

Please install GlobalProtect. Once you have tested the GlobalProtect VPN and can use it, then you should uninstall AnyConnect.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install GlobalProtect, go to K-State’s VPN webpage.

Need help? For self-help, view the IT Knowledge Base articles. Need more help, contact the IT Help Desk 785-532-7722 or your local IT support staff.

April 24: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics

“Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics” is scheduled 1:30–3:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, online on Zoom. All students, faculty, and staff who use this research suite are welcome to attend.



Continue reading “April 24: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics”

AnyConnect VPN client to be retired June 30

Last week notices were emailed to almost 200 individuals who were continuing to use the AnyConnect VPN client. As of June 30, AnyConnect will be turned off and no longer available. If you received the notice, please install GlobalProtect. Once you have tested the GlobalProtect VPN and can use it, then you should uninstall AnyConnect.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install GlobalProtect, go to K-State’s VPN webpage.

Need help? For self-help, view the IT Knowledge Base articles. Need more help, contact the IT Help Desk 785-532-7722 or your local IT support staff.

ImageNow: Keeping our confidential and proprietary data secure

As we continue to learn, teach, and work remotely, we all need to do our part to keep confidential or proprietary data secure by adhering to K-State’s Data Classification and Security Policy. ImageNow users need to follow the remote work guidelines. Continue reading “ImageNow: Keeping our confidential and proprietary data secure”