Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Multimedia

Apr. 19: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus

“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Apr. 19, in 306 Calvin Hall (a computer lab). This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Google Chrome and Microsoft IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)


Continue reading “Apr. 19: Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus”

Jan. 30 webinar: Get started captioning with Automatic Sync Technologies

closed caption logoby Information Technology Services

Do you use online video in your courses? If so, this webinar is for you. Closed captions not only help make your video accessible to those with disabilities but they also can improve attention, focus, and comprehension for all students, adding value and improving the quality of your course materials.

At 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, join Automatic Sync Technologies (AST), a university-approved vendor for transcription and captioning services, for a 30-minute webinar via Zoom. AST has been providing transcription and captioning services to higher education across the country for over 14 years and offers integration with Mediasite to provide a seamless workflow.

AST also delivers a number of other related accessibility services ranging from real-time CART, to audio description, to translation. During the webinar, K-State account rep Kara Stark will highlight how to get an AST CaptionSync account, how to utilize the master service agreement, and how to use the various services AST offers. An opportunity for Q&A will follow.

Join the webinar using the Zoom meeting information below:


Video captioning and transcription webinar Dec. 4

by Information Technology Services

Do you use online video in your courses? If so, this webinar is for you. Closed captions not only help make your video accessible to those with disabilities, but they also can improve attention, focus and comprehension for all students, adding value and improving the quality of your course materials.

At 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, join cielo24, a university-approved vendor for transcription and captioning services, for a 45-minute webinar that will highlight the advantages of video captions and how you can use their tools and services to add captions to your videos, including their integration with K-State’s Mediasite video platform. The presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A, so bring your questions! Registration is required.

Dec. 7: Advanced NVivo 12 Plus

“Advanced NVivo 12 Plus” is a follow-up presentation from the “Introduction to NVivo 12 Plus” offered earlier this term. This training will be held 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7, in 306 Calvin Hall.

Continue reading “Dec. 7: Advanced NVivo 12 Plus”

Nov. 16: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus

“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, in 306 Calvin Hall (a computer lab). This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Google Chrome and Microsoft IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)

Continue reading “Nov. 16: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus”

Sept. 28: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics

“Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics” is scheduled 1:30–3:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, 2018, in 306 Calvin Hall (a computer lab). All students, faculty, and staff who use this research suite are welcome to attend.

Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics

Continue reading “Sept. 28: Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics”

Media Center is up and running in Union after Hale fire

With a new name, location, and modified hours, the Media Center (formerly the Media Development Center in Hale Library) is now open for service in the Cat’s Pause Lounge, Room 222, in the K-State Student Union.

The Media Center will have modified hours over the summer:

  • Monday-Friday – 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Saturday – 1-5 p.m.
  • Sunday – CLOSED

Services include:

  • Media production
  • Film
  • Audio
  • 2D design
  • 3D  development
  • Virtual reality
  • Scanning

For more information, visit the website, call 785-532-7422, or email Jahvelle Rhone, media coordinator, rhone@k-state.edu.

Reminder: Mediasite unavailable during Jan. 8 upgrade

by Information Technology ServicesImage of Mediasite upgrade

Mediasite will undergo a software upgrade 9 a.m. until approximately 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8. Mediasite will be unavailable during this time.

Once the upgrade is complete, the MyMediasite portal for faculty/staff will sport a new and improved layout featuring:

  • Responsive design, better suited for a growing variety of end-user devices and screen sizes
  • Better visibility of MyMediasite controls and options
  • Enhanced sharing tools
  • Improved search capabilities

Walk-in help sessions will be held at the Media Development Center. All sessions are in 213 Hale Library.

  • Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Thursday, Jan. 11, 9:30-11 a.m.
  • Thursday, Jan. 18, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 19, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 23, 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1:30-3 p.m.

Closed Captions benefit all K-State students

Closed Captions logoby Information Technology Services

Closed Captions are beneficial for hearing-impaired students, but did you know that Closed Captions are beneficial for all students? More than 80% of students who utilize closed captioning do not have a hearing disability.*

Students use closed captioning for many reasons including:

  • Improved focus — Some students prefer to view instructional videos with Closed Captions on to help them focus on the content.
  • Retention and recall — Growing research indicates that watching videos with Closed Captions on, increases students’ scores on assessments.
  • Poor audio quality — Closed Captions help when the audio quality is poor and the sound is not loud enough.
  • Second language — Many international students use Closed Captions as a tool to assist in language comprehension and for study review.
  • Speaker clarity — Instructors with thick accents are easier to understand through Closed Captions.
  • Loud and/or quiet environments — When students are in an environment where they cannot turn their speakers on or wear headphones, Closed Captions are a great option.

Instructors who are using Mediasite within K-State Online already have the ability to add Closed Captions to their videos with just a couple of clicks. View the Adding Closed-Captioning guide for step-by-step instructions on uploading your files to Mediasite in K-State Online.

Kansas State University has a contract with third-party vendor Caption Sync who will transcribe your instructional videos for a set fee.

To learn more about recording your lectures with Mediasite and adding Closed Captions, view K-State’s Mediasite website.

If you have questions about how to accommodate a specific student, contact the Student Access Center.

Captions and transcripts should accompany audio and video used to deliver course content to meet the university’s legal requirement to provide equal educational opportunities for all.

*Gernsbacher, M.A. (2015). Video captions benefit everyone. Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences. 2(1). 195-202