Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Research and reference

Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overview March 12

The Graduate School, K-State Libraries, and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering an overview of the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program (also called “ETDR”) 10 a.m.-noon Wednesday, March 12, in Room 206 of the K-State Student Union. 

Continue reading “Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overview March 12”

3-part series on “Qualitative Research Professional Development” with Kakali Bhattacharya

photo of Kakali Bhattacharyaby the College of Education

In collaboration with the College of Education Associate Dean’s Office, Kakali Bhattacharya is offering a three-part professional development series for those who are interested in qualitative research. Faculty and students are welcome.

All three professional development workshop meetings are scheduled on consecutive Fridays beginning Feb. 28.  Each session will be 9:30 a.m.-noon in 21 Bluemont Hall. Continue reading “3-part series on “Qualitative Research Professional Development” with Kakali Bhattacharya”

“Getting Started with NVivo” presentation Feb. 14

QSR International will introduce “Getting Started with NVivo” 2-4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, in Room 301 of Hale Library.  This interactive presentation (and webinar) will introduce attendees to how to set up a project in NVivo and then use the tool to explore the data. The presenter will be Cynthia Jacobs of QSR International.

The presentation will cover:

  • The NVivo workspace
  • How to create a project
  • How to import documents (including importation of data through NCapture)
  • How to create memos and annotations
  • How to identify themes in the data
  • How to set up data “nodes”
  • How to apply text analysis tools
  • Other capabilities (such as using survey data)

Continue reading ““Getting Started with NVivo” presentation Feb. 14″

Webinar Jan. 31: Charting Collections of Connections in Social Media: Creating Maps and Measures with NodeXL

Marc A. Smith, chief social scientist at the Connected Action Consulting Group, will be presenting a webinar on “Charting Collections of Connections in Social Media: Creating Maps and  Measures with NodeXL” 1-2:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, in 301 Hale Library.  All are welcome to attend.

#bubble hashtag search on a Twitter graph with motifs identified (a NodeXL graph)


Continue reading “Webinar Jan. 31: Charting Collections of Connections in Social Media: Creating Maps and Measures with NodeXL”

“NVivo 10 for Mac” webinar on Jan. 24

NVivo 10 for Mac will be presented 2-3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, in 301 Hale Library.  This webinar will introduce the latest beta Mac version of NVivo 10, a software that all faculty, staff, and graduate students of K-State may access and download.  The presenter for this hour-long presentation will be Stuart Robertson. Continue reading ““NVivo 10 for Mac” webinar on Jan. 24″

Using NVivo for mixed methods research (including demographic data) on Nov. 15

“Using NVivo for Mixed Methods Research (including Demographic Data)” has been scheduled 2-4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15, at 301 Hale Library. This webinar is the third in a series of customized trainings for K-State on NVivo 10, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. The presenter will be Stuart Robinson of QSR International.  Interested individuals are welcome to attend.

Screenshot of NVivo page with New Project window

Continue reading “Using NVivo for mixed methods research (including demographic data) on Nov. 15”

Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overviews Oct. 15, Oct. 31

The Graduate School and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering two overviews this month of the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program (ETDR).  Both sessions will be in the K-State Student Union.

  • Tuesday, Oct. 15, 9-11 a.m. in Union 207
  • Thursday, Oct. 31, 1-3 p.m. in Union 207

Continue reading “Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overviews Oct. 15, Oct. 31”

“Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20

The first of a series of trainings on NVivo, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool, will be held 2-4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, at 301 Hale Library.  The presenter is Cynthia Jacobs of QSR International.

This interactive presentation will introduce attendees to setting up a project in NVivo and then using the tool to explore the data.  More specifically, this will cover the NVivo workspace; how to create a project; how to import documents (including importation of data through NCapture); how to create memos and annotations; how to identify themes in the data; how to set up data “nodes”; how to apply text analysis tools; and other capabilities (such as using survey data).

Continue reading ““Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20″

Graduate students and faculty: New ETDR Handbook provides overviews, details, and more

Graduate students: Is this the semester you start working on your thesis, dissertation, or report?  If so, don’t write a single word until you download the new ETDR Handbook (PDF, 42 pages).  Compiled this summer by the ETDR consultants in the Information Technology Assistance Center, the handbook is a complete guide to formatting and submitting your electronic thesis, dissertation, or report (ETDR), including a thorough overview of all the Graduate School formatting requirementsContinue reading “Graduate students and faculty: New ETDR Handbook provides overviews, details, and more”