Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Resources and tools

CRM listening tours

Image of Gary PrattCampus Colleagues,

Last year, our university began a mission to rethink our enrollment strategies and develop an effective foundation to grow enrollment while also promoting student success now and in the future. As a result, the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan was developed.

The plan includes seven key themes with associated observations, goals, and actionable, prioritized strategies that are essential to boosting enrollment and student success. Data, Technology, and Systems is a critical enabler and foundational element that K-State must address and continue to monitor, assess, and enhance on an ongoing basis. Continue reading “CRM listening tours”

Gartner Campus Access available to students, faculty, and staff

Gartner logoGartner is a leading information technology firm that provides research and analysis services to inform and support decision making in higher education and other industry sectors.

Kansas State University is proud to announce a partnership with Gartner Campus Access, which allows students, faculty, and staff to benefit from Gartner’s vast library of research.

Students can gain exposure to real-life business case studies, trends, and expert opinions. Faculty can use the tool to plan courses that are relevant and innovative for business and IT, while leveraging expert opinions when drafting dissertations and research papers.

To access the Gartner portal, go to ksu.edu/gartner and sign in using your K-State eID and password.

To learn more about Gartner Campus Access, attend one of the following K-State Campus Access introduction overview and Q&A WebEx sessions:

KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2019 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2019.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

KSIS training now available

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

KSIS Training sessions for Fall 2018 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for fall 2018.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

June 22: New Features in NVivo 12 Plus training

NVivo 12 Plus, the world’s leading qualitative data analytics software, has recently released a new version. A training session on the new features (Windows) will be offered 2-4 p.m., Fri., June 22, in Calvin 306. There will be time for plenty of questions–as needed. The room will be open from 1:30-4:30 p.m.

An RSVP is NOT required. All are welcome.

Participants are welcome to bring their own laptops and follow along if they wish.  Please note that the Windows and Mac versions of NVivo are somewhat different (although becoming more similar in functional capabilities over time).

This latest version features some new analytics tools, including one for qualitative cross-tab analysis. This software has a data exchange integration with IBM’s SPSS.  There are new data visualizations features as well.



Continue reading “June 22: New Features in NVivo 12 Plus training”

K-State IT Help Desk is here for you!

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services for free. Get your semester off to a good start by checking out a few of our resources:

  1. Get a free copy of Microsoft Office for personal use on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones.  See the installation instructions for Mac, for Windows, and for mobile devices.
  2. Connect your mobile devices to K-State’s wireless network.
  3. Install free Trend Micro Antivirus software (required for all computers connecting to K-State’s network).
  4. Use Zoom (video and audio conferencing) to meet virtually.
    Use Zoom to setup an online staff meeting, a training session, a class group meeting, beam in a speaker and more. See the Using Zoom guide to get started.
  5. Connect with the IT Help Desk on Twitter and Facebook.

Welcome to Spring 2018

More IT resources for K-Staters are on the Welcome to IT at K-State website. Send questions to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722. Also, check out the IT Service Portal which is your one-stop shop for getting help with your IT needs.

K-State employees can submit leave requests through Connect

Submit Leave Request buttonSubmitting leave requests just got a little bit easier for K-State employees. Leave requests can be sent to more than one email address when submitted through Connect, the university’s interactive dashboard of commonly used K-State services.

To submit your leave from Connect:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the K-State website, click Sign in.
  2. Choose Connect and sign in with your eID.
  3. Find the HRIS widget and click Submit a Leave Request at bottom.
  4. Fill in the dates, times, and other required information.
  5. In the Supervisor’s Email Address and optional Timekeeper’s Email Address fields, enter as many email addresses as needed, separated by a comma. For example: willie@k-state.edu,wildcat@k-state.edu
  6. Click Submit the Request.

You can still submit leave requests from K-State’s Human Capital Services website or through HRIS. If you have trouble submitting a leave request, contact the IT Help Desk.

K-State IT Help Desk is here for you!

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services for free. Get your semester off to a good start by checking out a few of our resources:

  1. Get a free copy of Microsoft Office for personal use on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones.  See the installation instructions for Mac, for Windows, and for mobile devices.
  2. Connect your mobile devices to K-State’s wireless network.
  3. Install free Trend Micro Antivirus software (required for all computers connecting to K-State’s network).
  4. Use Zoom (video and audio conferencing) to meet virtually.
    Use Zoom to setup an online staff meeting, a training session, a class group meeting, beam in a speaker and more. See the Using Zoom guide to get started.
  5. Connect with the IT Help Desk on Twitter and Facebook.

Welcome to fall 2017

More IT resources for K-Staters are on the Welcome to IT at K-State website. Send questions to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722. You can also search the IT Knowledge Base.

The IT Service Portal goes live June 5

The IT Service Portal is your one-stop shop for getting help with your IT needs. What can you do inside the portal?

ITS Portal


Search for what you are looking for such as request forms, services, how-to articles, and more.

Get Help

  • Report issues with supported applications and services to the IT Help Desk
  • Ask a Help Desk consultant to find answers to your questions
  • Connect with the IT Help Desk through Live Support Chat
  • Find IT Help Desk contact information and hours

Search the knowledge base

Search the knowledge base for how to articles and answers to common questions.

View the Service Catalog

Do you need to know what IT services are available to campus? Check out the Service Catalog.

Keep up-to-date on the latest IT happenings

Do you want to know the latest scams or the status of IT resources? This can be found in the ITS portal as well. Check out the links on the top toolbar.

Let us know what you think by clicking the Give Feedback link located on the right-side of any portal window.


Money Tips: Stretching your dollar, free Salt financial tool & public service loan forgiveness

Jodi Kaus, director of K-State’s Powercat Financial, will provide the following money tips & answer your questions about:

  • Ways to stretch your dollar
  • Qualifications for the Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness program
  • Free online Salt financial tool

The session is 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Thursday, February 9 via Zoom. Join the session at https://ksu.zoom.us/j/644682117.

Since 2009, Kaus, an expert in financial management, has served as director of the center which provides free financial insight for students by students and recently moved into its new center on the third floor of the Student Union. She has almost 20 years of experience in wealth management and financial planning complimented by a law degree and Certified Trust & Financial Advisor designation.

If you have any questions, contact:

302 K-State Student Union, Third Floor
918 N. 17th Street
Manhattan, KS 66506-2800