Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Resources and tools

Library Resources now available in K-State Online

libraryby Information Technology Services

K-State Libraries strive to support all academic courses on campus. Now the connection will be more visible: Starting this semester, each course in K-State Online includes a Library Resources app in its navigation menu. Continue reading “Library Resources now available in K-State Online”

Tech Tips Live! Oct. 19: Project Management the Fun Way!

Dawn Wall will present “Project Management the Fun Way!” at 11 a.m., October 19, via Zoom. Join this session to learn how to combine a project management tool with Qualtrics survey components. Topics include:

  • Overview of Trello – an easy, visual, and interactive project management tool
  • Use Trello solo and in teams
  • Leverage email features in Trello and Qualtrics
  • See examples of Trello boards (virtual bulletin board, assistance ticket requests, study board, general project management)

Join the session at ksu.zoom.us/j/873539443. Visit the Tech Tips Live! website for information about the series and to view videos of previous sessions.

New Courses widget in Connect coming soon

by Information Technology Services

All of your courses for the current semester will soon be together in one easy view – the new Courses widget in Connect at connect.k-state.edu. The new Courses widget combines and improves the previously separate KSIS and K-State Online widgets. Continue reading “New Courses widget in Connect coming soon”

Sept. 23: Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis training

LIWC“Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis” will be presented from 1:30-3:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 23, in Hale 401B. The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) tool enables users to conduct computational linguistic analyses on single texts, collections of texts, and text corpora, in order to better understand the latent data.




Continue reading “Sept. 23: Using LIWC2015 for Computational Linguistic Analysis training”

K-State IT Help Desk is here for you!

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services for free. Get your semester off to a good start by checking out a few of our resources:

  1. Get a free copy of Microsoft Office for personal use on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones.  See the installation instructions for Mac, for Windows, and for mobile devices.
  2. Connect your mobile devices to K-State’s wireless network.
  3. Install free Trend Micro Antivirus software (required for all computers connecting to K-State’s network).
  4. Use Zoom (video and audio conferencing) to meet virtually.
    Use Zoom to setup an online staff meeting, a training session, a class group meeting, beam in a speaker and more. See the Using Zoom guide to get started.
  5. Connect with the IT Help Desk on Twitter and Facebook.

Welcome to fall 2016

More IT resources for K-Staters are on the Welcome to IT at K-State website. Send questions to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722. You can also search the IT Knowledge Base.

A new interface for Qualtrics

On Tuesday, Aug. 17, K-State transitioned to the new Qualtrics interface which is called the Qualtrics Insight Platform. As part of this update, Qualtrics introduced new features, including a new projects framework, more options for distributing surveys, and an improved way to view responses and results.

Qualtrics New Interface


If you have any questions, contact Rebecca Gould (ragou@ksu.edu)

Yammer to be integrated with Office 365

Microsoft will begin releasing Yammer, K-State’s private social network, into Office 365 beginning April 1. Typically, when a new application is integrated into Office 365, the process takes several weeks before everyone has access to it. Once Yammer is available in your account, you will open Yammer from your Office 365 App Launcher.

Yammer in Office 365 app launcherAccording to Microsoft’s announcement, our free version will be integrated into Office 365 which means all groups, networks, and existing conversations should be available in Office 365 when the implementation is complete.

If you have any questions, email Cathy Rodriguez (cathyr@k-state.edu).

5 tech tips to kick-start your semester

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services. Use these five tech tips to kick-start your semester:

5 tech tips to kick-start your semester
Click to enlarge.
  1. Get a free copy of Microsoft Office for personal use on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones. See the installation instructions for Mac, for Windows, and for mobile devices.
  2. Install free Trend Micro Antivirus software, which is required for all computers connecting to K-State’s network.
  3. Use Zoom webconferencing tool for online group meetings, collaborating on projects, sharing screens, and more. You can also record your sessions.
  4. Use the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons (Hale Library), including printing services. You get $10 free printing each semester and you can print from any lab machine, your laptop, and your Android device.
  5. Visit the software licenses page to find out what free or reduced-price software is available to you such as the Adobe Creative Cloud, Read&Write, and more.

More IT resources for K-Staters are on the Welcome to IT at K-State website. Send any questions to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722.

Did you know you can install Microsoft Office for free on your personal devices?

All K-State students and faculty/staff can get the full Microsoft Office suite for free, as part of the university’s Office 365 site license.K-State faculty, staff, and students get Microsoft Office for free

Known as Office 365 ProPlus, the suite provides both desktop and mobile app versions of Microsoft Office.  It is for personal use and can be installed on up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, and five phones.

Continue reading “Did you know you can install Microsoft Office for free on your personal devices?”