Updates to Canvas were released on Oct. 28. Canvas operates on a monthly release cycle, with features added or updated every three weeks.
To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete October Release Notes. In addition to the Canvas release, Information Technology Services releases updates to services and integrations with K-State Online through the month as necessary. Continue reading “K-State Online October updates”→
K-State Online is a collection of systems and tools that support online teaching and learning at Kansas State University. At the core of K-State Online is the Canvas Learning Management System. Whether you are an experienced K-State Online Canvas user or new to the LMS, we have compiled some tips to help you through the fall 2017 semester in the Getting Started with Canvas course for students. Continue reading “Getting Started with Canvas course for students”→
The Canvas Teacher app is now available for iOS and Android phones and tablets. The Canvas Teacher app allows teachers to manage their courses and use Canvas more efficiently from a mobile device.
Canvas Teacher replaces the existing Android and iOS SpeedGrader apps. Existing users may continue to use the legacy SpeedGrader app though it will no longer be supported. Additionally, the Android Canvas Teacher Tools app has been discontinued. SpeedGrader will no longer be supported for mobile devices. SpeedGrader is still available for use and supported in K-State Online, and is included in the new Canvas Teacher app. Continue reading “Canvas Teacher app available for iOS and Android phones and tablets”→
K-State Online Canvas comes with a built-in attendance app called Roll Call. However, many instructors found the app too complicated to use. In response, K-State has developed an alternative attendance app that was released at the beginning of 2017.
The K-State Attendance app has been overwhelmingly accepted and preferred by instructors. During spring 2017, only a couple of courses continued to use Roll Call attendance. Due to the lack of use of Roll Call, a decision has been to permanently retire the feature. Retiring Roll Call will help to declutter the course navigation, and eliminate any confusion of which app to use when taking attendance. Continue reading “K-State Attendance app”→
Instructors will see two new features in K-State Online on Saturday, July 15.
The first new feature is the Course Home Page default, which previously went to the Recent Activity Stream. Now, it will default to the Modules page that has two links to help new instructors either Create a new Module or Add existing content through a course import. Instructors can still choose any home page for their course, but the default will be the Modules layout.
Click image to enlarge.
If Modules is set to be the home page but no modules content exists, Canvas will prompt the instructor to either publish a module or choose a different home page layout.
The second new feature is the Course Setup Tutorial. When viewing Canvas course home pages, instructors can view a course setup tutorial, which shows the purpose of the page and what to do next. This course setup tutorial replaces the existing Course Setup Checklist.
The course setup tutorial is shown to new Canvas instructors in new courses. New instructors are defined as users with instructor roles created in an account after the new tutorial feature has been enabled. The course setup tutorial can be collapsed from view and is persistent across Canvas pages, so if the tutorial is collapsed in one page, it will stay collapsed until expanded again.
Click image to enlarge.
Instructors can end the tutorial series in any page using the End Tutorial button. However, ending the tutorial in one course applies to all other courses. Instructors can view the tutorial in new courses again at any time by accessing their User Settings page and enabling the Course Setup Tutorial user feature option. To learn more, view the article How do I use the Canvas course setup tutorial as an instructor.
Updates to Canvas were released on June 24. Canvas operates on a monthly release cycle, with features added or updated every three weeks.
To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete June Release Notes. In addition to the Canvas release, Information Technology Services releases updates to services and integrations with K-State Online through the month as necessary. Continue reading “K-State Online June updates”→
As a result of the Mediasite service migration last summer, the domain used to access Mediasite video presentations changed from kansasstate.mediasite.com to mediasite.k-state.edu. For the past year, viewers who used the old domain name were automatically redirected to the new one. After June 14, viewers who attempt to view Mediasite presentations using the old domain will no longer be redirected and will instead receive an error.
Updates to Canvas were released on June 3. Canvas operates on a monthly release cycle, with features added or updated every three weeks.
To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete June Release Notes. In addition to the Canvas release, Information Technology Services releases updates to services and integrations with K-State Online through the month as necessary. Continue reading “K-State Online June updates”→