Kansas State University


IT News


Thesis, dissertation ETDR walk-in workshops Oct. 22-Nov. 20

Graduate students and faculty advisers:  ETDR walk-in workshops are scheduled over the next five weeks to provide faster help on Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports before the Graduate School’s Nov. 20 semester deadline. These weekly ETDR workshops are an alternative to individual consultations.  Continue reading “Thesis, dissertation ETDR walk-in workshops Oct. 22-Nov. 20”

Grad students: Walk-in ETDR help available Wednesday, Aug. 12, and Friday, Aug. 14

The Graduate School’s deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, for summer graduate students to submit electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDRs) to the K-REx digital repository.  During the deadline week, a computer lab has been reserved for students to walk in and get hands-on help from ETDR support staff on two days in 407 Hale Library:

  • 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12
  • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14

Continue reading “Grad students: Walk-in ETDR help available Wednesday, Aug. 12, and Friday, Aug. 14”

Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR thesis/dissertation overviews in March

The Graduate School, K-State Libraries, and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering two overviews in March on the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program (ETDR).

  • Wednesday, March 4, 1-3 p.m. in Union 209
  • Thursday, March 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in Union 207 

Continue reading “Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR thesis/dissertation overviews in March”

Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overviews Oct. 3 and Oct. 8

The Graduate School, K-State Libraries, and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering two overviews this month of the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program (ETDR).  Both sessions are in Town Hall of the Leadership Studies Building.

  • Friday, Oct. 3, 10 a.m.-noon
  • Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2-4 p.m.

Continue reading “Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overviews Oct. 3 and Oct. 8”

Grad students and K-State writers: “Using Word to write” sessions scheduled April 16, April 23

Graduate students, faculty, and all K-State writers who want to learn more about the ins and outs of using Microsoft Word are welcome to drop by the “Using Word to write” open help session 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, at the west end of the K-State InfoCommons (main floor of Hale Library).  A repeat session is scheduled 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, in the same location.  Continue reading “Grad students and K-State writers: “Using Word to write” sessions scheduled April 16, April 23″

Grad students: Last ETDR overview is Thursday, April 3

The final overview of the semester for the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program, or ETDR,  is 3-5 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in Room 206 of the K-State Student Union. These sessions are a joint offering from the Graduate School, K-State Libraries, and the Information Technology Assistance Center.  Continue reading “Grad students: Last ETDR overview is Thursday, April 3”

Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overview March 12

The Graduate School, K-State Libraries, and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering an overview of the Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports program (also called “ETDR”) 10 a.m.-noon Wednesday, March 12, in Room 206 of the K-State Student Union. 

Continue reading “Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overview March 12”

Graduate students: Nov. 22 deadline for submitting theses, dissertations, and reports

Friday, Nov. 22, at 5 p.m. is the deadline for graduate students to submit their electronic theses, dissertations, or reports (ETDRs) to the K-State Research Exchange if they plan to graduate this semester.  See the Graduate School’s Graduation Deadlines (PDF) for details.  Continue reading “Graduate students: Nov. 22 deadline for submitting theses, dissertations, and reports”

Graduate students and faculty: New ETDR Handbook provides overviews, details, and more

Graduate students: Is this the semester you start working on your thesis, dissertation, or report?  If so, don’t write a single word until you download the new ETDR Handbook (PDF, 42 pages).  Compiled this summer by the ETDR consultants in the Information Technology Assistance Center, the handbook is a complete guide to formatting and submitting your electronic thesis, dissertation, or report (ETDR), including a thorough overview of all the Graduate School formatting requirementsContinue reading “Graduate students and faculty: New ETDR Handbook provides overviews, details, and more”

Grad students and faculty: ETDR LaTeX updated template for graduate students

For graduate students using LaTeX to write their electronic theses, dissertations, or reports (ETDR), a newly revised ETDR LaTeX template is now available on the templates page of the ETDR website.  Here are some of the updates made to the template:   Continue reading “Grad students and faculty: ETDR LaTeX updated template for graduate students”