Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: services

New Information Technology website now live

The new Information Technology Services (ITS) website is now “live” at www.k-state.edu/its. This new website is one of our key 2009 initiatives to improve communication within ITS and with our campus users regarding available services.

The website is being implemented in several stages, with this initial version focusing on making it easier for users to find the services they need and presenting the newly consolidated ITS and its service units as a coherent, branded IT organization serving K-State. The website replaces www.k-state.edu/InfoTech as the entry to ITS services.

Continue reading “New Information Technology website now live”

$10 limited free B/W, color printing in labs, InfoCommons, MDC

On Aug. 20, limited free printing in the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons was reset to $10 for the fall semester. This service is available to all students with an active K-State eID, and is available via printers in those facilities as well as the Media Development Center (Hale 213).

Double-sided (duplex) black-and-white printing is the default in the labs and InfoCommons. Duplex printing costs 18 cents, and single pages are 10 cents.

This summer, all computers in the InfoCommons were updated to provide access to color printing, through the color printer in the Media Development Center. Color prints cost 75 cents per page for 8.5″ X 11″ or 11″ X 17″ sheets. Continue reading “$10 limited free B/W, color printing in labs, InfoCommons, MDC”

K-State Online, other systems maintenance Thursday, Sept. 3

On Thursday, Sept. 3, some K-State systems and services may be unavailable for nearly 90 minutes for a storage firmware update. View the Status of K-State IT Resources site for more details and check back for additional updates. Systems that will be unavailable include: K-State Online and all Axio instances; EIS – the DCE course search and registration system; the Survey System; TEVAL -the student rating system; Wimba/Camtasia Relay – the online live classroom and video capture system; and the online Admission Application.

Maintenance will occur between midnight-4 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 3. Service will resume as soon as the maintenance is completed. Information Technology Services apologizes for the inconvenience.

K-State personal cellphone service to be discontinued after Oct. 1

K-State Computing and Telecommunications Services (CTS) is discontinuing cellphone service for personal accounts, after Oct. 1. A letter was recently sent to K-Staters who have a cellphone that will be affected by this change, and those customers will need to make a change in how they receive services. Available options may differ depending on the contract status.

Those under contract for cellphone service with K-State CTS have two options:

  • Option 1. Go to any cellular phone provider of your choice and sign up for service with a new contract. Your K-State CTS contract will be terminated when you return your phone in working condition to CTS. If you pre-paid for any part of the phone’s cost, that amount will be refunded to your account.
  • Option 2. Keep your phone and pay the remaining amount that is left on the contract. You may then take your phone to US Cellular and sign up for a plan without a contract.  To keep your phone number, you must still complete a “change of responsibility” form. This phone will only work with US Cellular.

Those not under contract for cellphone service with K-State CTS have two options: Continue reading “K-State personal cellphone service to be discontinued after Oct. 1”

K-State Alerts to be tested November 19

K-State will test K-State Alerts (formerly known as the Emergency Text Messaging System), starting at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 19, to ensure the service is functioning properly.  Feedback is needed from all K-Staters who enabled this service, since K-State cannot guarantee that alerts will be received, or how quickly they will be received.  An e-mail will be sent after the test to gather this information.  K-State Alerts users who do not receive the test alert should contact the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@k-state.edu or 785-532-7722.

More information about K-State Alerts is available on the K-State Alerts FAQs.

K-State plans for improved Information Technology Services

The consolidation of central information technology units at K-State in July 2009 under the leadership of a chief information officer, a new position, are just some of the ways K-State plans to build its information technology services to meet the university’s future needs, according to M. Duane Nellis, K-State provost and senior vice president.  For more details, see Media Relations’ Sept. 9 news release.