Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: Office 365

Office 365 Update: Student migration continues

by Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services is making progress with the Office 365 migration. To date 14,445 accounts have been migrated to Office 365. With the successful start to the migration and the beginning of the semester behind us, we will be continuing with student migrations this week. This will include all remaining students with the exception of student employees, GRAs, GTAs and GAs who were employed or had signed contracts before August 7. In other words, if the student was on campus and didn’t have a signed contract on August 7, they will migrate. It is anticipated that the student migration will continue through September and into early October.

Preparation, planning and testing continues for the faculty and staff migration which is scheduled to begin this fall. We will be providing at least a two week notice before departments are migrated. Please keep an eye on the Office 365 project page located at www.ksu.edu/its/office365 for all of the latest information.

Office 365 Update: Progress report

by Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services is in the final stages of moving more than 10 TBs of data in preparation for students to begin using Office 365. On August 22, students who were enrolled in classes as of August 7, those who do not forward their email, and those who are not student employees will begin using Office 365. This process will include about 14,000 email accounts.

Beginning August 23, students who enrolled after August 7, students who forward their mail or graduated within the last year will be transitioned to Office 365. This process includes about 30,000 email accounts and will occur over a period of about one month.

Students began receiving a notice about the change on Friday, August 9.

Faculty, staff, GRAs, GTAs, GAs and student employees will be transitioned from Zimbra to Office 365 later this fall.

During the first two weeks of school, IT Help clinics will be set up in the Union near the food court from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assist students with Office 365, and other IT support needs.

To learn more about the transition to Office 365 visit http://www.k-state.edu/its/office365/ .

Detailed information about the student migration along with helpful links for email client and mobile device support are available from http://www.k-state.edu/its/office365/migration/student-migration.html .

Letter about Office 365 from Ken Stafford, CIO and associate vice provost for technology services

By Ken Stafford

Dear colleagues and students,

For the past number of months, a team of university faculty, staff and students have been working with Microsoft to begin the migration of Kansas State University email service to Office 365. This has been a major undertaking that includes changes to our authentications systems, grouping, training and providing the tools you have come to expect. Continue reading “Letter about Office 365 from Ken Stafford, CIO and associate vice provost for technology services”

Office 365: Comparing the web-based client to the desktop client

By Information Technology Services

As K-State transitions to Office 365, there have been questions about the differences in the web-based Outlook Web App versus the Outlook desktop client. The differences between the two are diminishing over time. If you do not share your calendar or email folders with anyone, the Outlook Web App will fit your needs. If you share email folders, share your calendar with others for them to manage, or manage others’ calendars, you should use the Outlook desktop client.  Continue reading “Office 365: Comparing the web-based client to the desktop client”

Office 365: Email will not migrate if file attachment is 25MB or larger

By Information Technology Services

In the upcoming migration from Zimbra to Office 365, email messages with attachments greater than 25MB will not migrate. Both the email content as well as the attachment will not be moved to Office 365.  Continue reading “Office 365: Email will not migrate if file attachment is 25MB or larger”

Office 365: Frequently asked questions

By Information Technology Services

Office 365 is K-State’s soon-to-be new collaboration service that integrates email, calendaring, notes, and task management (and discontinues Zimbra email/calendaring). This information and other frequently asked questions have been posted to K-State’s Knowledge Base at FAQs about Office 365.

  • What’s the mailbox size limit in Office 365?
  • What’s the size limit for email messages?
  • How do I know if I have too much email to migrate to Office 365?

More information about Office 365 is available on K-State’s Office 365 website.

Office 365: What will Office 365 email and calendar look like?

By Information Technology Services

So what will Office 365 look like? Check out the following for a glimpse of the Office 365 email system that will be implemented at K-State:

For more information, see K-State’s Office 365 website.

July IT happenings include email cleanup, Office 365 testing, Zoom videoconferencing

Email cleanup of Zimbra inboxes should be foremost on every K-Stater’s to-do list, with the impending transition from Zimbra to Office 365.  For tips and how-to, see: Office 365: Information for cleaning out your Zimbra mail.

Office 365 email testing and support is under way for K-State’s upcoming move away from Zimbra central email and calendaring.  Stay tuned this month for important notices that will affect all K-Staters.  Continue reading “July IT happenings include email cleanup, Office 365 testing, Zoom videoconferencing”

Office 365: Email system update

By Information Technology Services

Kansas State University has signed a contract with Microsoft, which provides Microsoft’s Office 365 services. Office 365 includes hosted email and calendaring that can be accessed from a user’s PC, phone or web browser. Our users will have a default mailbox size of 25GB. We are moving to Office 365 to improve the reliability and availability of our email service.

The goal of Information Technology Services (ITS), with assistance from system administrators across campus, is to seamlessly migrate K-Staters to Office 365 over the summer.  A project plan has been developed and we are currently in the testing phase of the plan. An implementation team and steering committee have been meeting and testing migration, authentication and security. The system administrators from across campus are heavily involved in testing the system and providing solutions to migration issues.

An overview of the email and calendaring functions in Office 365 is available online.

Project information will be posted at k-state.edu/its/office365.