Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: training

Qualtrics workshops September-October to learn how to use K-State’s survey tool

Qualtrics is the survey tool used at K-State. Four Qualtrics brown-bag sessions are being offered through the Faculty/Staff Teaching with Technology series this semester. Mark your calendar, bring your lunch, and let’s learn to survey! All events are sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning in partnership with iTAC.

Registration for the sessions is encouraged. Continue reading “Qualtrics workshops September-October to learn how to use K-State’s survey tool”

NVivo 10 software download and customized online trainings available for K-State faculty/staff and graduate students

Faculty, staff, and graduate students at K-State have a site license for NVivo, a data analysis tool used with qualitative and mixed methods research.  This license gives them free access to this multi-modal data management and analysis tool. Four customized and interactive webinars have been scheduled for Fall Semester 2013.

Continue reading “NVivo 10 software download and customized online trainings available for K-State faculty/staff and graduate students”

Last chance to sign up for Grading in iSIS

The final Grading in iSIS sessions will be presented Wednesday, May 8, and Thursday, May 9.  The training is for any faculty or staff member who needs to enter grades in iSIS for the Spring 2013 semester. All sessions are in Fairchild 9.  Register for the class via the www.as.ksu.edu/HRIS website.  Continue reading “Last chance to sign up for Grading in iSIS”

iSIS Help demystifies common processes for campus

The recently redesigned and updated iSIS Help has been one of K-State’s best-kept secrets — but word is starting to get out. Students, faculty, and staff are now discovering the hidden gems contained in iSIS Help, which provides step-by-step instructions for common processes. Continue reading “iSIS Help demystifies common processes for campus”

“Processing Minors” training available Friday, April 19

A “Processing Minors ” training session is now available for K-State employees who approve minors for graduation.  Registration for the training is done through HRIS Self Service.

One training session is available 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 19, in Fairchild 9. Continue reading ““Processing Minors” training available Friday, April 19″

Sign-up for e-newsletter training on April 9

By Communications and Marketing

Sign up for the next e-newsletter training at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 9, by contacting Kimberly Baccus at kbaccus@k-state.edu.

To help colleges, departments and units communicate with alumni, friends and other audiences, e-newsletter templates have been developed. The templates and training sessions are especially targeted to those without a current communication piece, but any K-State faculty or staff are welcome to participate.

For more information, please contact Baccus in the Division of Communications and Marketing at kbaccus@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535.

(Editor’s note: Reprinted from K-State Today’s article published April 2, 2013.)

iSIS class schedule training March 13-14

iSIS training is now available for administrators with the class scheduler permission. Two types of classes are being offered depending on experience with class scheduling. Training personnel include registrar employees involved with the scheduler updates. Discussion topics include:

  • Printing out the class schedule
  • New codes for Olathe classes
  • Room scheduling
  • Class capacity issues
  • Editing class information

All sessions are held in Hale 407:

  • New Class Scheduler, 10:30 a.m.-noon Wednesday, March 13
  • Class Scheduler Refresher, 10:30 a.m.-noon Thursday, March 14

Continue reading “iSIS class schedule training March 13-14”

Windows 8 preview sessions in February and March

The Information Technology Assistance Center will be offering several Windows 8 preview sessions for faculty, staff, and students who are interested in the new operating system released by Microsoft. Come learn about the new user interface, tips, tricks, and have your questions answered. These sessions will be held:

  1. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Hale Library Room 301
  2. Tuesday, Feb. 26, noon-1 p.m. in Hale Library Room 301
  3. Thursday, March 7, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Hale Library Room 301
  4. Friday, March 15, noon-1 p.m. in Hale Library Room 301

(Editor’s note: The March 7 session has been moved to 3:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 21, in Hale Library Room 301.) 

Spring training for using K-State’s technology classrooms

K-State faculty/staff who will be using the university technology classrooms for the first time this spring must attend a short training session before they can request keys for those classrooms. Once training is completed, instructors can request keys through Facilities Key Control in Dykstra Hall. For more information, see the Technology Classrooms website.

These one-time training sessions include:

  • An overview of the different kinds of equipment and software available
  • How to turn on and shut off the systems
  • How to properly lock/unlock the classroom and podium
  • Policies and procedures

Continue reading “Spring training for using K-State’s technology classrooms”

Last chance to sign up for “Grading in iSIS” training

The final “Grading in iSIS” sessions this semester will be presented on Dec. 4 (Tuesday) and Dec. 6 (Thursday).  The training is for any faculty/staff who need to enter grades in iSIS for the Fall 2012 semester.  All sessions are in Fairchild 9.  Register for the class via the www.as.ksu.edu/HRIS website.  Continue reading “Last chance to sign up for “Grading in iSIS” training”