Kansas State University


IT News

Author: Christine Doucette

Records and Information Management month: transitory records

As part of Records and Information Management Month, the Division of Information Technology and K-State Libraries share information about various records and information management topics. At K-State, we have many transitory records in paper, audio, electronic, or other formats. This article focuses on defining the types of transitory records and how to dispose of the records properly.

Examples of Transitory Records

  • Announcements and notices of a general nature
  • Drafts
  • Convenience or duplicate copies
  • Messages where the information has no operational value
  • Superseded lists
  • Publications that are obsolete replaced, or otherwise no longer useful
  • Blank forms

Continue reading “Records and Information Management month: transitory records”

Records and Information Management month: devices and accounts

As part of Records and Information Management Month, the Division of Information Technology and K-State Libraries will share information about various records and information management topics. This article for Records and Information Management Month (RIM) will focus on PPM 3091: Use of University Mobile Devices, Personal Devices, and Account Policy.

Mobile computing is an increasing part of everyday life; as devices become ubiquitous and more powerful, the complexity of tasks achieved away from the office on mobile devices grows. As the capabilities increase, so does the need to adhere to security protocols. Continue reading “Records and Information Management month: devices and accounts”

Records and Information Management month: What is a record?

As part of Records and Information Management Month, the Division of Information Technology and K-State Libraries will share information about various records and information management topics. This article focuses on defining a record and explaining the different types of records created within an organization.

What is a record?

Records are the information you create and maintain while doing your job. Records can be in any media, including paper, magnetic tape, and optical disks. Work-related records, including emails that you produce in your home and on your personal home computers, are still the property of K-State. Your records are unique to K-State and are evidence of who you are and what you do.

The most effective way to know what records you have is to conduct a comprehensive inventory, including records in electronic systems and in all locations. An inventory is the first step in developing a formal records management program. Continue reading “Records and Information Management month: What is a record?”

Duo: Student enrollment continues

K-State is now enrolling students in Duo two-factor authentication. Students have been randomly added to enrollment groups. When you receive your enrollment email, follow the instructions, enroll in Duo, and set up your authentication device.

You need to complete your enrollment within two weeks of receiving the email. Enrollment usually takes less than five minutes and requires a laptop or desktop computer and a mobile device for self-enrollment. For step-by-step enrollment instructions, view the Duo Enrollment Guide.

Need help enrolling in Duo? Contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Additional Hub Monitor Stations available in Hale Library

In February, six Hub Monitor Stations were installed in Hale Library. During spring break, 21 additional stations were added. The Hub Monitor Stations are located in three pods on the second floor of Hale Library, near the IT Service Desk.

The Hub Monitor Stations provide a quick and valuable double monitor experience for students using laptops. With a hub monitor and the USB Type-C cable, you can easily connect a device to a single screen, allowing you to multitask more effectively and increase your overall productivity. The monitors work with both Windows and Mac operating systems. It will also allow you to charge your connected device simultaneously.

The Hub Monitor Stations can be used during the Hale Library hours of operation.

IT Service Desk hours for spring break 2023

The IT Service Desk, Equipment Checkout, and Media Center will have reduced hours during spring break, open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 13-17. Regular hours will resume on March 20.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library. View the IT Service Desk Hours for the spring semester. Continue reading “IT Service Desk hours for spring break 2023”

Duo enrollment: Remember me for 10 days feature

K-State is now enrolling students in Duo two-factor authentication. Students have been randomly added to enrollment groups, so you may receive your enrollment email in March or April. When you receive your enrollment email, follow the instructions, enroll in Duo, and set up your authentication device.

You need to complete your enrollment within two weeks of receiving the email. Enrollment usually takes less than five minutes and requires a laptop or desktop computer and a mobile device for self-enrollment. For step-by-step enrollment instructions, view the Duo Enrollment Guide. Continue reading “Duo enrollment: Remember me for 10 days feature”

Need help? Self-help is available in the IT Knowledge Base

The IT Knowledge Base is a published collection of documentation that includes answers to frequently asked questions, how-to guides, and troubleshooting instructions. The Knowledge Base is designed to make it easy for K-Staters to find solutions to their problems without asking for help.

Collecting all IT information in a single, easily accessible knowledge base provides a one-stop-shop for customer self-service, including:

  • Timely information
  • Enhanced search capabilities
  • Improved accessibility

Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Free on-campus printing

Do you need to print something? A limited amount of free printing is available to K-State students, faculty, and staff on the Manhattan campus. K-Staters get $10 of free printing during the spring and fall semesters and $5 for the summer semester. Unused balances do not carry forward to the next semester.

You can print to available printers wirelessly from computer labs or library computers. Continue reading “Free on-campus printing”