Kansas State University


IT News

Category: –To K-State Today

IT News articles sent to K-State Today

Do you need IT help?

Do you need IT help? The IT Service Desk staff can help you with your IT requests and services. Whether you need help resolving an IT incident, solving computer problems, or ordering an IT Service.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library. View the IT Service Desk Hours for the fall semester.

Are you looking for self-help?

IT Knowledge Base

The IT Knowledge Base is a collection of technology articles, step-by-step instructions, and support information to answer technology questions or solve technology issues.

IT Website

The IT Website provides valuable resources for students, faculty, and staff about IT services and projects.

Getting started with Canvas for students


Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that supports online learning and teaching at K-State. Whether you are an experienced Canvas user or new to the LMS, learn about helpful tips and resources to help you through the semester in the Getting Started with Canvas course for students.

The course provides helpful tips and resources for the following:

  • Update Your Profile
  • Participate in a Discussion
  • Check Your Grades
  • Submit Peer Reviews
  • Chat

The course is public, so you do not need to be enrolled in the course to participate. To view the course, click Getting Started with Canvas.

IT Service Desk fall schedule

The IT Service Desk’s fall schedule begins on Sun. Aug. 20. Located on the second floor of Hale Library, the IT Service Desk staff can help you with your IT requests and services. Whether you need help resolving an IT incident solving computer problems or ordering an IT Service.

IT Service Desk Hours

All Services — Phone, Live Chat, and Walk-in
  • Monday – Thursday — 7:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Friday — 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturday —  Closed
  • Sunday — 1 – 8 p.m.
Phone and Chat Only
  • Monday – Thursday — 8 – 10 p.m.
  • Friday — 6 – 8 p.m.
  • Saturday –  Closed

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Getting started with Canvas courses updated for fall 2023

startWhether you are an experienced Canvas user or a new user, the Getting Started with Canvas Course for Instructors will provide tips and resources for the following:

  • Canvas Overview
  • Grading/Attendance
  • Quizzes
  • Communication
  • Video
  • Extra Credit
  • Course Templates
  • Zoom (using Zoom within Canvas)

The Getting Started with Canvas Course for Students has also been updated with new information, including:

  • Update Your Profile
  • Participate in a Discussion
  • Check Your Grades
  • Submit Peer Reviews
  • Chat

Both courses are public, so you do not need to be enrolled in either course to participate.

IT summer update

UpdatesOver the summer, the Division of Information Technology has been busy maintaining and improving technology tools and adding some new ones. Below is a highlight of some IT projects completed over the summer. To learn more about ongoing IT projects, view the IT Projects webpage.

Summer highlights

Adobe Creative Cloud — All active K-State faculty and staff have been given free Adobe Creative Cloud license access. The Adobe Creative Cloud, including Acrobat Pro DC, has over 20 applications and services. Learn more…

CatFiles W: Drive reorganizationStorage technology has improved over the years, and security threats have increased. For those reasons, the strategic decision has been made to reorganize CatFiles. Learn more…

Geolocation — Whenever you connect to the internet with your phone, computer, or tablet, your device creates a unique identifier called an IP address. K-State can use IP-based geolocation to find the country or city when a device connects to our services and resources. Being able to verify this information is vital to avoid potential cyber threats. Learn more

Hub Monitor Stations — The Hub Monitor Stations provide a quick and valuable double monitor experience for anyone using a laptop. There are 39 Hub Monitor Stations in three pods on the second floor, six on the third floor, and six on the fourth floor of Hale Library. Learn more…

Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Canvas: New enhanced Gradebook filters

Are you looking for new ways to see and find information in your Canvas course Gradebook? Canvas now has new Enhanced Gradebook Filter functions.

Enhanced Gradebook Filters allow you to select and manage filter types used in your course Gradebook filter. A filter may be used once or saved for future use. Depending on your course is set up, you can filter the Gradebook content by assignment groups, grading periods, modules, sections, student groups, submissions, start dates, and end dates. Continue reading “Canvas: New enhanced Gradebook filters”

Adobe Creative Cloud free to faculty and staff Aug. 1

Effective Aug. 1, all active K-State faculty and staff will have free Adobe Creative Cloud license access. Emeritus and retired employees are not eligible. You will not need to re-download your existing apps if you previously had an Adobe Creative Cloud license through K-State.

The Adobe Creative Cloud, including Acrobat Pro DC, is a set of over 20 applications and services that allows access to a collection of software used for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, mobile applications, and some optional cloud services. You can download individual apps or the entire suite. Continue reading “Adobe Creative Cloud free to faculty and staff Aug. 1”

CatFiles W: Drive to be reorganized

Phase One of the CatFiles reorganization project (Y: Drive) was completed in 2022, and  Phase Two (W: Drive) is now underway. CatFiles was the central file server at K-State for many years. Storage technology has improved over the years, and security threats have increased. For those reasons, the strategic decision has been made to reorganize CatFiles.

Archives and Records Management has partnered with the Division of Information Technology for this project. K-State Libraries is currently taking part in a pilot to help determine the best policies and procedures for this enormous undertaking that will affect 160 departments. More information will be provided about the timeline, archiving process, and storage options in the coming months.

While the long-term goal is to reduce the usage of W: Drive, all the current CatFiles W: Drive business needs must first be addressed. We appreciate your patience as we create an organization process while following the K-State’s Records Retention Policies. Continue reading “CatFiles W: Drive to be reorganized”

Zoom minimum version requirement Aug. 5

Zoom has implemented a Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy requiring a new minimum version every three months—the next enforcement is Aug. 5. This policy ensures all users have the required privacy and security updates and the latest features.

On Aug. 5, Zoom will require version 5.12.2 for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Users can check their Zoom version directly in the desktop client and mobile app. If the version is below 5.12.2, please upgrade to the latest version of the Zoom client as soon as possible. Continue reading “Zoom minimum version requirement Aug. 5”

July 28: Intro to ETDR Templates

Are you a master’s or doctoral student? If so, it is likely that you will be conducting research as part of your studies. At some point, you may be writing a thesis, report, or dissertation to record your work to share with the profession and the world. K-State has made templates available (in Microsoft Word and LaTeX) for students to use to ensure that they include all required information in the proper formatting and have navigable documents.

“Getting Started with ETDR Templates” is an online training on Zoom from 1 – 2:30 p.m., Friday, July 28.

Continue reading “July 28: Intro to ETDR Templates”