Kansas State University


IT News

Category: –To K-State Today

IT News articles sent to K-State Today

Copy final grades from Canvas to KSIS

Instructors can copy their final grades from Canvas to KSIS using the Copy Grades to KSIS tool in the left-hand navigation of each course in Canvas.

Grades for the spring 2024 term are due by 4 p.m. (if grading in Canvas) Tuesday, May 14, for term courses with final exams given Monday, May 6 – Friday, May 10.

Grade rosters are now available for grade entry in KSIS. For step-by-step instructions, see Copy Final Grades from Canvas to KSIS. Continue reading “Copy final grades from Canvas to KSIS”

Phishing Scams: Watch out for job scams

Are you looking for a job? While looking for a job, be on the lookout for cybercriminals because they are looking for you. At the end of a semester, it is common for cybercriminals to target students, faculty and staff who may be looking for a job.

Cybercriminals will target you with emails “inviting you to interview with their company.” The emails will include a sense of urgency, such as “interview with us now because slots are filling up” or “schedule your interview now before the position is filled.”

Some cybercriminals will ask you to download a particular app or device for the interview. Do not click on any links or download any apps; this is a scam. These malicious apps can install malware on your device and leak personal information. After stealing your information, cybercriminals could use it to impersonate you, commit financial fraud or scam other unsuspecting people via your accounts. Continue reading “Phishing Scams: Watch out for job scams”

Zoom minimum version requirement May 4

On May 4, Zoom will require version 5.15.5 for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows. Users can check their Zoom version directly in the desktop client and mobile app. If the version is below 5.15.5, please upgrade to the latest version of the Zoom client as soon as possible.

Zoom has implemented a Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy requiring a new minimum version every three months. This policy ensures all users have the required privacy and security updates and the latest features. Continue reading “Zoom minimum version requirement May 4”

IT Service Desk, Equipment Checkout and Media Studio summer schedules

The IT Service Desk, Equipment Checkout and the Media Studio will begin their summer schedules on Sunday, May 12.

IT Service Desk Summer Schedule

  • Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (all services)
  • Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. (all services)
  • Saturday, 1-6 p.m. (phone and chat only)
  • Sunday – 1-6 p.m. (all services)

The Equipment Checkout and the Media Studio, including the Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab, will be open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday -Friday.

The IT Service Desk, Equipment Checkout and Media Studio will be closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day and Thursday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library. View the IT Service Desk Hours for the summer semester.

Continue reading “IT Service Desk, Equipment Checkout and Media Studio summer schedules”

Download your assignment submissions from Canvas

Students, you can download all your assignment submissions in Canvas. Submissions are for current and concluded courses and only include files submitted to fulfill an assignment; they do not include any submissions modified by instructors, such as annotated submissions.

The download also includes submissions for group assignments, even if another student in your group made the submission. Submissions are downloaded as a ZIP file when the export has finished generating.

For step-by-step instructions, view the knowledge base article How do I download assignment submissions from all my courses?

Need help? Self-help is available in the IT Knowledge Base

The IT Knowledge Base is an online database of technology guidance with step-by-step instructions and other support information. It is designed to assist K-Staters in finding solutions to their technology problems, including everyday computer and mobile device setup and connecting to K-State systems and resources.

The IT Service Desk keeps the knowledge base up-to-date by adding new information based on student, faculty, and staff support requests.

Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Phishing Scam: “URGENT: Suspected Exposure Incident Detected”

A new phishing scam email has been circulating through several colleges and universities nationwide and even in Kansas. The email’s subject line is “URGENT: Suspected Exposure Incident Detected.” DO NOT fall for this scam. DO NOT click on any links. Immediately delete the email.

The links within the phishing email are cloned to login pages and even ask you for Duo verification. If you fall for this phishing email, immediately change your eID password and report the incident to abuse@k-state.edu.

The “URGENT: Suspected Exposure Incident Detected” phishing scam preys on people’s fear of spreading a contagious virus. The email provides a link to a webpage to determine if you have been in contact with the virus. It is important to note that the scammers send emails from university employees or department heads. Do not fall for this scam.

To learn more about identifying phishing scams, view the Phishing Scams webpage.

Think before you click. More than 90% of successful cyberattacks start with a phishing email. If you receive a suspected phishing email, immediately report the email to abuse@k-state.edu.

Zoom desktop app will no longer support Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1

The Zoom desktop app will no longer be supporting Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 with the new 6.0.0 release. Version 5.17.11x will be the last version available for these operating systems.

Zoom is expected to stop working on Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 by February 2025. To avoid losing service, upgrade your device to Windows 10 or 11.

Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library.

Manhattan campus computer labs

Do you need to use a computer? The computing labs on K-State’s Manhattan campus offer many options.

  • Cardwell Hall Math/Physics Library — Room 105
  • College of Business Admin. — Rooms: 1052, 1053, 3112, 3114, and 3121
  • Hale Library — Located on the first, second, third, and fourth floors
  • K-State Student Union — First floor
  • Paul Weigel Library of AP Design — Room 1128, Regnier Hall
  • Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab — First floor, Hale Library

Continue reading “Manhattan campus computer labs”

Records & Information Management month: Email records management

As part of Records & Information Management Month, the K-State Libraries and the Division of IT collaborate to illuminate crucial aspects of records and information management. This week’s focus is on email records.

Every K-State employee is individually responsible for handling and maintaining records (including University email and other electronic records) under university policy and requirements. Emails are records that may contain evidence of official University actions, decisions, approvals, or transactions. Email is subject to statutes of the State of Kansas, KSA 45-401 through 45-414, which applies to preserving and destroying records.

Email Records Frequently Asked FAQs provide guidance for creating, managing, archiving, and deleting emails. Retention periods are listed on the Records Retention Schedule. Continue reading “Records & Information Management month: Email records management”