Kansas State University


IT News

Category: –To K-State Today

IT News articles sent to K-State Today

IT Service Desk spring break schedule

The IT Service Desk will have reduced hours during spring break, open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 11-15, closed March 16. Regular hours will resume on March 17.

The Media Center will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 11-15. The IT Equipment Checkout will be closed during spring break.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library. View the IT Service Desk Hours for the spring semester.

Continue reading “IT Service Desk spring break schedule”

Manhattan campus computer labs

Do you need to use a computer? Many options are available at the computing labs across K-State’s Manhattan campus.

  • Cardwell Hall Math/Physics Library — Room 105
  • College of Business Admin. — Rooms: 1052, 1053, 3112, 3114, and 3121
  • Hale Library — Located on the first, second, third, and fourth floors
  • K-State Student Union — First floor
  • Paul Weigel Library of AP Design — Room 1128, Regnier Hall
  • Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab — First floor, Hale Library

Continue reading “Manhattan campus computer labs”

When to use K-State’s VPN

You must use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when accessing protected proprietary and confidential data and campus resources while working offsite on an unsecured wireless network. A VPN encrypts your data so it cannot be intercepted by others using the same unprotected wireless network, such as at a hotel, airport or coffee shop. K-State’s VPN is GlobalProtect and is free for all active K-State students, faculty and staff.

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Hub Monitor Stations available in Hale Library

Are you working on a big project this semester and need an extra monitor? Use one of the Hub Monitor Stations in Hale Library. The stations are located throughout Hale Library: 18 on the second floor, six on the third floor and six on the fourth floor.

The stations provide a quick and valuable double monitor experience for anyone using a laptop. With a hub monitor and the USB Type-C cable, you can easily connect a device to a single screen, allowing you to multitask more effectively and increase your overall productivity. The monitors work with both Windows and Mac operating systems. The stations will also charge your connected device while you work.

The Hub Monitor Stations can be used during the Hale Library hours of operation.

Be aware of phishing scams

""Phishing scams are used by cybercriminals to trick you into sharing personal information, such as passwords, credit cards, social security and bank account numbers, by sending you fraudulent emails or directing you to a fake website. K-State and legitimate businesses will never ask for your account, personal or financial information by email. Learn what a phishing scam looks like.

Sophisticated attackers will even attempt to get you to disclose passcodes from your Duo app to bypass the protections that two-factor authentication provides. K-State will never ask you to provide a Duo passcode immediately after completing the standard login confirmation. If you are ever asked to give that in combination with your password – you are being scammed. Continue reading “Be aware of phishing scams”

Zoom minimum version requirement Feb. 3

On Feb. 3, Zoom will require version 5.14.5 for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Users can check their Zoom version directly in the desktop client and mobile app. If the version is below 5.14.5, please upgrade to the latest version of the Zoom client as soon as possible.

Zoom has implemented a Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy requiring a new minimum version every three months. This policy ensures all users have the required privacy and security updates and the latest features. Continue reading “Zoom minimum version requirement Feb. 3”

Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk

Need help? The IT Service Desk staff can help you with your IT requests and services. Whether you need help resolving an IT incident, solving computer problems, or ordering an IT Service.

You can contact the IT Service Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722 or via Live Chat. For face-to-face service, visit the IT Service Desk on the second floor of Hale Library. View the IT Service Desk Hours for the spring semester.

Continue reading “Need help? Contact the IT Service Desk”

IT Service Desk closed Jan. 15

The IT Service Desk will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, during the Martin Luther King holiday. For those who need assistance, you can access the IT Knowledge Base. The IT Knowledge Base is a collection of all IT information in a single, easily accessible knowledge base that provides a one-stop-shop for customer self-service. The IT Service Desk will resume its regular operating hours on Tuesday, Jan. 16.

Located on the second floor of Hale Library, the IT Service Desk staff can help you with your IT requests and services. Whether you need help resolving an IT incident, solving computer problems, or ordering an IT Service. Continue reading “IT Service Desk closed Jan. 15”