Kansas State University


IT News

Category: New technology

CRM introduction training scheduled for Fall 2020

CRM Introduction Training has been scheduled for the Fall 2020 semester starting on September 28.

Sessions will be held on:

  • Sept. 28 – 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Oct. 14 – 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Oct. 26 – 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Nov. 11 – 10-11:30 a.m.

All training sessions will be presented on Zoom.  The Zoom session ID will be shared on the morning of the training to attendees. Sessions last for 1.5 hours and are limited to 20 people per session. You must be enrolled in the session to attend.

To sign up for training, sign in to HRIS.

  1. Under Self Service, choose Learning and Development, then KSU Training Enrollment.
  2. On the Request Training Enrollment page, look for CRM Introduction WIT310.
  3. Select View Available Sessions.
  4. Select the Session you would like to attend.
  5. Select Continue.

Continue reading “CRM introduction training scheduled for Fall 2020”

July 17: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo

“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, July 17, on Zoom. This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Google Chrome and Microsoft IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)

Continue reading “July 17: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo”

July 3: Intro to NVivo 12 Plus

NVIVOAn “Intro to NVivo 12 Plus” training is scheduled from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, July 3, for all faculty, graduate students, and staff who may be using this qualitative (and mixed methods, multimethods) data analysis tool.  This session will occur on Zoom.

This presentation, which covers NVivo 12 Plus / NVivo (newest) basics, will address the following:

  • The basic parts of the NVivo 12 Plus interface
  • How to start and structure a research project (including a team project)
  • How to set up a project around a base language (Chinese/PRC, English/US, English/UK, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese/Brazil, and Spanish
  • How to ingest various multimedia file types (and curate heterogeneous and semi-structured digital data and digitized contents)
  • How to ingest some social media contents
  • How to begin manual and/or automated coding various media file types
  • How to run data queries in the tool and analyze resulting data visualizations (word clouds, word trees, matrices, geographical maps, bar charts, and others)
  • How to back up the .nvp / .nvpx project file

Continue reading “July 3: Intro to NVivo 12 Plus”

Managing internet expectations as we teach, learn and work remotely

Managing internet expectations as we teach, learn and work remotely  

On Monday, March 23, K-State students, faculty, and staff will collectively be online – teaching, learning, working. Are you ready? Are we ready? Know that access to applications may be slower, resulting from factors you may or may not be able to control. Response times for assistance may be slower due to demand. An application may be unavailable when you need it. The K-State IT staff have tried to anticipate what students, faculty, and staff will need for the next eight weeks and beyond, but we might have overlooked some things. Bear with us. We will continuously improve. We crowdsourced the following thoughts in hopes of mitigating some unforeseen issues and managing expectations.

Continue reading “Managing internet expectations as we teach, learn and work remotely”

CRM introduction training scheduled for March, April, and May

CRM Introduction Training has been scheduled for March 10, March 24, April 8, April 28, May 6, and May 19. All training sessions will be in Calvin Hall 306, and training will last for 1.5 hours. Training sessions are limited to 20 people per session. You must be enrolled in the session to attend.

To sign up for training, sign in to HRIS.

  1. Under Self Service, choose Learning and Development, then KSU Training Enrollment.
  2. On the Request Training Enrollment page, look for CRM Introduction WIT310.
  3. Select View Available Sessions.
  4. Select the Session you would like to attend.
  5. Select Continue.

Continue reading “CRM introduction training scheduled for March, April, and May”

CRM introduction training scheduled for Jan. and Feb.

CRM Introduction Training has been scheduled for Jan. 14, Jan. 29, Feb. 3, and Feb. 28. All training sessions will be in Calvin Hall 306, and training will last for 1.5 hours. Training sessions are limited to 20 people per session. You must be enrolled in the session to attend.

To sign up for training, sign in to HRIS.

  1. Under Self Service, choose Learning and Development, then KSU Training Enrollment.
  2. On the Request Training Enrollment page, look for CRM Introduction WIT310.
  3. Select View Available Sessions.
  4. Select the Session you would like to attend.
  5. Select Continue.

Continue reading “CRM introduction training scheduled for Jan. and Feb.”

VPN transition extended to spring 2020

GlobalProtect logoOn Nov. 14, the AnyConnect VPN was scheduled to be retired. For the last several months, K-Staters who use AnyConnect were asked to switch to GlobalProtect for their VPN needs. To allow VPN users more time to make the transition, the deadline has been extended to spring 2020.

VPN users are encouraged to switch to Global Protect now and not wait until spring 2020. GlobalProtect is currently available for both Mac and Windows platforms.

At this time, GlobalProtect is only available for use with laptops and desktops. If you install GlobalProtect now on your smartphone or tablet, you will get the error “GlobalProtect is not licensed for this feature or device” when you try to log in. GlobalProtect will be available for Linux computers, smartphones, and tablets during Spring 2020.

Installation instructions

If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk, 785-532-7722, email helpdesk@ksu.edu.

For more information about the VPN visit: https://www.k-state.edu/its/security/secure-data/vpn/

HRIS and KSIS scheduled downtime, Nov. 21 – 24

As part of K-State’s ongoing effort to modernize our IT infrastructure and implement a cloud-first strategy, many of K-State’s systems are moving to the cloud. K-State’s Student Information System (KSIS) will be moving to the cloud, and the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), which is already in the cloud, will be moving to managed services. KSIS and HRIS will be unavailable beginning 7 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 21, and will be back online the evening of Sun., Nov. 24. DARS uAchieve also will be unavailable during this same timeframe. 

If you experience any issues after the downtime, call the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722 or email  helpdesk@k-state.edu. To learn more about K-State’s move to a cloud-first strategy, view the  IT Strategic Plan.

FIS and eForms scheduled downtime, Nov. 15-17

As part of K-State’s ongoing effort to modernize our IT infrastructure and implement a cloud-first strategy, many of K-State’s systems are moving to the cloud. The Financial Information System (FIS) and eForms will be moving to the cloud and will be unavailable beginning 6 p.m., Fri., Nov. 15, and will be back online the evening of Sun., Nov. 17.  Continue reading “FIS and eForms scheduled downtime, Nov. 15-17”

Reminder: VPN users need to switch to GlobalProtect by Nov. 14

GlobalProtect logoOn November 14, the AnyConnect VPN will be retired. K-Staters who use AnyConnect as their VPN client need to switch to GlobalProtect.

GlobalProtect is currently available for both Mac and Windows platforms. GlobalProtect will be available later this year for Linux computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Installation instructions

For more information about the VPN visit: https://www.k-state.edu/its/security/secure-data/vpn/