Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Services and support

iPad warranty and repair services now available to K-Staters and campus units

Apple iPad devices can now be checked in for warranty replacement as well as out-of-warranty replacement services at the IT Help Desk in 214 Hale Library. This program is open for both personally owned and university-owned devices.  Continue reading “iPad warranty and repair services now available to K-Staters and campus units”

Dec. 31 is last day to export data before Axio Survey is discontinued

On Jan. 1, 2014, Axio Survey will be discontinued and survey data will no longer be available. Tuesday, Dec. 31, is the last day to:

  • View surveys in Axio
  • Download reports
  • Export data from Axio Survey

Continue reading “Dec. 31 is last day to export data before Axio Survey is discontinued”

Media Development Center hours for December and semester break

The Media Development Center, 213 Hale Library, has been open extended hours since Dec. 2 to provide more time for student project work before finals week. Regular hours will resume on Saturday, Dec. 14.  Here is the MDC schedule through Jan. 20, 2014.    Continue reading “Media Development Center hours for December and semester break”

Grade-submission deadlines Monday, Dec. 23, for Fall 2013

by Monty Nielsen

Grades for the Fall 2013 term are due by 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 23. The deadline to copy grades from K-State Online into iSIS is 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 23, which allows sufficient time for back-end processes to complete.  Continue reading “Grade-submission deadlines Monday, Dec. 23, for Fall 2013”

Results of 2013 IT Satisfaction Survey at K-State

Text-based (Wordle) image illustrating apps that students would like to be more mobile-friendly: KSOL (K-State Online, webmail, iSIS, etc. To get a better picture of satisfaction with technology and services and to assist with decisions as we move forward in support of K-State 2025, Information Technology Services surveyed students and faculty/staff in April 2013.

Overall, respondents were satisfied with the IT services offered and were favorable about specific IT services. When asked to identify the services needed to make it easier to work or study, comments centered around wireless and the email system. (ITS is addressing concerns about the email system with the migration from Zimbra to Office 365.) Continue reading “Results of 2013 IT Satisfaction Survey at K-State”

Microsoft Office 2013 in university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons

The newest Microsoft Office suite, version 2013, was installed over the summer on all Windows computers in the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons (Hale Library). The software suite is also on three Windows computers near the IT Help Desk at 214 Hale Library. These resources are available to all K-Staters. Continue reading “Microsoft Office 2013 in university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons”

“Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20

The first of a series of trainings on NVivo, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool, will be held 2-4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, at 301 Hale Library.  The presenter is Cynthia Jacobs of QSR International.

This interactive presentation will introduce attendees to setting up a project in NVivo and then using the tool to explore the data.  More specifically, this will cover the NVivo workspace; how to create a project; how to import documents (including importation of data through NCapture); how to create memos and annotations; how to identify themes in the data; how to set up data “nodes”; how to apply text analysis tools; and other capabilities (such as using survey data).

Continue reading ““Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20″

Top questions being answered at the IT Help Desk

Q. I can’t get on the K-State wireless network. What do I do?

Get on the KSU Guest open wireless network, then link to wireless.ksu.edu and follow the instructions.

Q. K-State’s antivirus software won’t work on my computer. What do I do?

First, did you uninstall your own antivirus software before installing K-State’s Trend Micro?  Once you have removed your antivirus, link to antivirus.ksu.edu and follow the instructions.  Continue reading “Top questions being answered at the IT Help Desk”

IT Help Desk hours for fall semester 2013

The IT Help Desk, 214 Hale Library, returns to normal hours of operation on Saturday, Aug. 24, for the fall semester.  Note the extended hours Aug. 22-23, the fall schedule below, and closing for the Labor Day holiday. “All services” support includes live online help as well as phone, email, and walk-in help.  Continue reading “IT Help Desk hours for fall semester 2013”

Remind students to print their class schedules

by Information Technology Services

In the busy days prior to the start of the semester, students are settling in to their living arrangements, meeting new people, getting their devices connected and often forgetting to print their class schedule.  To avoid the rush of Monday, Aug. 26, remind students to print their schedule using K-State Connect, K-State’s interactive dashboard of commonly used services including iSIS.  Continue reading “Remind students to print their class schedules”