CatFiles, or the Y: Drive, is the central file server at K-State. Catfiles is a network storage location used by faculty and staff for storing K-State work-related files. Earlier this semester, it was announced in K-State Today that the Y: Drive was being retired. In preparation for retirement, all Y: Drives will be read-only after 4 p.m. on Friday, October 14.
What do I need to do?
You are set if you have already moved your files off Y: Drive to OneDrive. The only thing left to do is make sure you have deleted your files from Y: Drive.
If you still have files on the Y: Drive that need to be moved, you have until 4 p.m. on Friday, October 14, to move your files to OneDrive. After you move your files to OneDrive, you need to delete your files from the Y: Drive. Deleting your files off of the Y: Drive will help to ensure that you do not have duplicate copies of your files and that edits to your files are not made in two separate places. Once you have moved your files to OneDrive, you may need to update shortcuts or links associated with those files. Continue reading “Personal CatFiles/Y: Drive to be read-only starting Oct. 14”