Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Mobile devices

PPM 3091: Use of university mobile devices, personal devices, and accounts policy published

""This article for Records and Information Management Month (RIM) will focus on the new PPM 3091: Use of University Mobile Devices, Personal Devices, and Account Policy.

Mobile computing is an increasing part of everyday life; as devices become ubiquitous and more powerful, the complexity of tasks achieved away from the office on mobile devices grows. As the capabilities increase, so does the need to adhere to security protocols. Continue reading “PPM 3091: Use of university mobile devices, personal devices, and accounts policy published”

Phishing scams asking for a text or cell number

This past week, K-Staters may have received an email that appeared to be a note from your boss, your bosses’ boss, an administrator, colleague, or even a friend with the following, “text your available number” or send your “cell phone number.”

These are scams. If you responded to the email, do the following:

  • Send the scam with headers to abuse@ksu.edu. How to send headers is available from here.
  • Alert your technical support staff that you didn’t send the email.
  • For any scam, if you have give out your eID/password, immediately change your password.

Example of phishing scam involving texting cell phone number.

If you didn’t respond, good for you for remaining vigilant. The Federal Trade Commission recommends four steps to protect from phishing:

  • Protect your computer by using security software. Find K-State’s recommendations for antivirus software on the K-State Antivirus Software page.
  • Protect your mobile phone by setting software to automatically update.
  • Protect your accounts by using multi-factor authentication.
  • Protect your data by backing it up. File storage options for safely backing up your data is available here.

Stressful times provide a perfect opportunity for scammers to catch us off guard. Don’t fall prey.

K-State Olathe now part of the K-State Mobile app

Image of mobile appThe K-State Mobile app now includes K-State Olathe, and you can set the app location to the Olathe campus.

To change your app location, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Tap My Location and choose the Manhattan Campus, Polytechnic Campus, or K-State Olathe.

The K-State Mobile app connects students, faculty and staff with the resources they need, right at their fingertips:

  • Check your class schedule
  • Use an interactive map
  • Get assistance
  • Connect to campus activities

The K-State Mobile app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Top Hat training Jan. 9-10 for instructors

by Information Technology Services

Top Hat training sessions will be available for instructors Jan. 9-10, 2018:

  • Tue, Jan. 9, 2-3 p.m., Hale 401
  • Wed, Jan. 10, 10-11 a.m., Hale 301

Representatives from Top Hat will be available after the training sessions to work with individuals one-on-one.

Top Hat’s interactive, cloud-based teaching platform enables professors to engage students inside and outside the classroom with compelling content, tools and activities. Millions of students at 700 leading North American colleges and universities use the Top Hat teaching platform.

To learn more, visit www.tophat.com.

Canvas Teacher app available for iOS and Android phones and tablets

by Information Technology Services

The Canvas Teacher app is now available for iOS and Android phones and tablets. The Canvas Teacher app allows teachers to manage their courses and use Canvas more efficiently from a mobile device.

Canvas Teacher replaces the existing Android and iOS SpeedGrader apps. Existing users may continue to use the legacy SpeedGrader app though it will no longer be supported. Additionally, the Android Canvas Teacher Tools app has been discontinued. SpeedGrader will no longer be supported for mobile devices.  SpeedGrader is still available for use and supported in K-State Online, and is included in the new Canvas Teacher app. Continue reading “Canvas Teacher app available for iOS and Android phones and tablets”

Connecting to the correct wireless network

K-State provides wireless network services for university students, faculty, staff, and guests. The three primary wireless networks are:

  • KSU Wireless — for current K-State faculty, staff, and students not living in K-State residence halls or Jardine Apartments.
  • KSU Housing — for current residents of K-State residence halls and Jardine Apartments.
  • KSU Guest — For temporary visitors to campus. This wireless network has no security.

Save the KSU guest wifi

There has been a surge in the connections to the KSU Guest wireless network causing an overload with that connection. Your devices are probably automatically connecting to KSU Guest without you realizing it.

How can you help?

Configure your device to forget the KSU Guest wireless network. After you forget the KSU Guest wireless network, your device will not automatically connect to it.

See the K-State Knowledge Base article “Forget a wireless network connection” for instructions on how to forget a network on your specific device.

In addition, if you have Windows 10, turn off Wi-Fi Sense which automatically connects to open WiFi access points.

If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 532-7722.

Help K-State improve your experience with online tools

by Information Technology Servicesux-fb-final-profle-pic

Volunteers are needed for upcoming and ongoing studies of K-State online tools. These studies allow Information Technology Services (ITS) to gain feedback from K-Staters like you. ITS will use this information to learn what is working for you, what is not, and make changes as needed.

Continue reading “Help K-State improve your experience with online tools”

iPhone, iPad emergency security patch iOS 9.3.5 from Apple

by Information Technology ServicesIphone_Logo_01

On Thursday, Aug. 25, Apple released an emergency security patch version iOS 9.3.5 after discovering a spyware that lets hackers take full control of any iPhone. The spyware lets hackers spy on your calls and messages.

To download and install iOS 9.3.5 security patch on your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > General > Software Update > tap “Download and Install”.

For more information about the iOS 9.3.5 security update, visit support.apple.com. K-State Information Technology Services recommends that everyone with an Apple iOS device update to version 9.3.5 as soon as possible.

Mobile printing now available in computer labs

Over the summer, ITS staff implemented the ability to print from mobile devices in the university Print station in Hale Librarycomputing labs, K-State InfoCommons in Hale Library, and the new College of Business building. This will allow patrons to print from both iOS and Android phones and tablets to PaperCut printers located in these areas. Once the job is sent to the printer, it can be released from the print release stations just like a job submitted from a computer. This provides a more convenient way of submitting print jobs without needing to find a computer in the labs or bringing a laptop to campus.


Limited, free laser printing is available to all students, faculty, and staff via their K-State eID and password; $10 is allocated per person each fall and spring semester, and $5 each summer. When those amounts are expended, the funds on your Wildcat Card can be used for pay-for-printing. Unused balances do not carry forward to the next semester.

More information on printing and other services offered in university computing labs can be found on the University computing labs and K-State InfoCommons website. For questions, contact the IT Help Desk at (785)532-7722 or helpdesk@k-state.edu.

New K-State Mobile app released


A new K-State Mobile app is available for download from the App Store or K-State Mobile appPlay Store. The app is designed to help manage life at K-State and connect to the campus scene. Features include on-the-go people and departmental directories, transportation information, interactive map, K-State Connect and more.

Users can select from four personas at the bottom of the app: Student, Future Student, Faculty/Staff or Family & Friends with varying content for each group.

The app will continue to evolve over the next several months with plans to mobilize some KSIS features, K-State Online, dining center hours and menus, parking garage availability and more. Plans for the app also include specific content for the Olathe and Polytechnic campuses. Please send suggestions for content and features to mobile@ksu.edu.