Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: training

Grading in iSIS training offered Dec. 3-13

Training for grade submission in iSIS is now available. Sessions review the grade-submission process in iSIS as well as exporting grades from K-State Online to iSIS.

Sign up for one of the following training sessions:

  • Dec. 3 (Tue) – 1:30 p.m. Fairchild 9
  • Dec. 4 (Wed) – 10:30 a.m. Fairchild 9
  • Dec. 12 (Thu) – 1:30 p.m. Fairchild 9
  • Dec. 13 (Fri) – 1:30 p.m. Fairchild 9

Continue reading “Grading in iSIS training offered Dec. 3-13”

Tips and tricks eNewsletter training Nov. 19

By Communications and Marketing

Developing eNewsletters help colleges, departments and units communicate with alumni, friends and other audiences. Join us for a training session on eNewsletters Tuesday, Nov. 19, in 407 Hale to learn helpful tips and tricks.  Continue reading “Tips and tricks eNewsletter training Nov. 19”

NVivo 10: Importing and Coding Documents and File Management event Oct. 18

“Importing and Coding Documents and File Management” has been scheduled from 2-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, at 301 Hale Library.  This webinar is the second in a series of customized trainings for K-State on NVivo 10, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool.  The presenter is Cynthia Jacobs of QSR International.

This session will cover the following topics:

  • Project setup, project log, save and backup procedures
  • Importing documents and PDFs
  • Coding strategies
  • Node structures
  • Coding using Text Analysis Queries

Continue reading “NVivo 10: Importing and Coding Documents and File Management event Oct. 18”

Last chance in 2013 for iSIS Master Extract Report training

The last session for iSIS Master Extract Reporting training is 1:30-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, in 9 Fairchild Hall.  This session is available for staff who have been granted the Master Extract Reporting permission.  You must have permissions set up for Master Extract Reporting before you can take this class. Sign up for the class in HRIS. Continue reading “Last chance in 2013 for iSIS Master Extract Report training”

iSIS Class Scheduler Training available for staff

iSIS Class Scheduler training is now available for staff.  Two classes for new class schedulers and two refresher classes for veteran class schedulers are available in HRIS. You must have permissions provided for the Class Scheduler role before taking any of these classes.  All sessions are scheduled in 9 Fairchild Hall. Continue reading “iSIS Class Scheduler Training available for staff”

iPad user group has new web presence

By Mary Hammel

logo for K-State iPad user groupK-State’s iPad user group has a new web presence at coe.k-state.edu/ipadusergroup. For now, we have an archive of meetings and apps that were covered; some suggestions for securing your iPad; and a list of built-in apps.

Included is a link to download our first iPad Resource Guide iBook that we created for our faculty in the College of Education: iPad Settings and Essential Productivity Tips.

“Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20

The first of a series of trainings on NVivo, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool, will be held 2-4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, at 301 Hale Library.  The presenter is Cynthia Jacobs of QSR International.

This interactive presentation will introduce attendees to setting up a project in NVivo and then using the tool to explore the data.  More specifically, this will cover the NVivo workspace; how to create a project; how to import documents (including importation of data through NCapture); how to create memos and annotations; how to identify themes in the data; how to set up data “nodes”; how to apply text analysis tools; and other capabilities (such as using survey data).

Continue reading ““Introduction to NVivo 10” webinar training Sept. 20″

Sessions for Advising in iSIS training Sept. 26-27

Two additional sessions for Advising in iSIS are now available to faculty and staff who advise students.  You can sign up for the classes in HRIS. It is recommended that you have Advisor permissions in iSIS before signing up for a class.

Sessions will take place in Fairchild 9 and are scheduled:

  • Thursday, Sept. 26, 10:30 a.m.-noon
  • Friday, Sept. 27, 1:30-3 p.m.

Continue reading “Sessions for Advising in iSIS training Sept. 26-27”

Training offered for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS

Two sessions for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS are now available for staff who have been granted the Master Extract Reporting permission.  You can sign up for the classes in HRIS. You must have permissions set up for Master Extract Reporting before you can take this class.

Two sessions are scheduled to take place in 9 Fairchild Hall:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 1:30-2:30 p.m.
  • Monday, Oct. 2, at 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Continue reading “Training offered for Master Extract Reporting in iSIS”