Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

July 17: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo

“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, July 17, on Zoom. This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture browser add-on (to Google Chrome and Microsoft IE) as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool. (The NVivo for Mac now enables this functionality as well.)

Continue reading “July 17: Tapping Social Media with NCapture and NVivo”

KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2020 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2020.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

CRM introduction training Oct. 31, Nov. 12, and Dec. 2

CRM Introduction Training has been scheduled for Oct. 31, Nov. 12, and Dec. 2. All training sessions will be in Calvin Hall 306, and training will last for 1.5 hours. Training sessions are limited to 20 people per session. You must be enrolled in the session to attend.

To sign up for training, sign in to HRIS.

  1. Under Self Service, choose Learning and Development, then KSU Training Enrollment.
  2. On the Request Training Enrollment page, look for CRM Introduction WIT310.
  3. Select View Available Sessions.
  4. Select the Session you would like to attend.
  5. Select Continue.

Continue reading “CRM introduction training Oct. 31, Nov. 12, and Dec. 2”

Betsy Edwards retires on June 30

Betsy EdwardsElizabeth “Betsy Edwards retires on June 30 after more than 40 years of professional service to Kansas State University.  

Throughout her career, Betsy has served as a friend and colleague to many K-Staters, including IT and communications staff.  All are invited to a reception honoring her career 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, in 146 Unger Complex (rooms G & H). Cards can be sent to the OME office, 146 Unger Complex.  Continue reading “Betsy Edwards retires on June 30”

May 3: Microsoft Visio Pro training

An introductory training for Microsoft Visio Pro is scheduled 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, May 3, in 306 Calvin.

About Microsoft Visio Pro

Microsoft Visio Pro is a common diagramming tool that enables the creation of vector graphics.

Some common examples include the following:

  • flowcharts to describe work or research processes
  • basic diagrams
  • BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) diagrams (with built-in validation based on rule sets)
  • database systems
  • floor plans
  • network designs
  • data-created visuals (with uploaded Excel spreadsheets used in Visio templates from MS Visio Online and / or the Excel back stage)
  • automapping of websites to three levels
  • And more

Continue reading “May 3: Microsoft Visio Pro training”

KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2019 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2019.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

KSIS training now available

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

KSIS Training sessions for Fall 2018 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for fall 2018.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu.

Auto-update temporarily unavailable for LISTSERV mailing lists

by Information Technology Services

K-State’s LISTSERV service  is working and sending mail to all  current  LISTSERV recipients. However, after the Hale fire, the service that automatically updates existing lists and allows the generation of new populations for  LISTSERV mailing lists has stopped functioning.

Because of critical university needs, key mailing lists have been given special consideration and are being updated daily:

K-State Olathe now part of the K-State Mobile app

Image of mobile appThe K-State Mobile app now includes K-State Olathe, and you can set the app location to the Olathe campus.

To change your app location, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Tap My Location and choose the Manhattan Campus, Polytechnic Campus, or K-State Olathe.

The K-State Mobile app connects students, faculty and staff with the resources they need, right at their fingertips:

  • Check your class schedule
  • Use an interactive map
  • Get assistance
  • Connect to campus activities

The K-State Mobile app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

KSIS Training sessions for Spring 2018 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2018.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Class Scheduler Tools (NEW)
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu or 785-532-3138.