Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Microsoft Teams

Sept. 21: Microsoft Teams Essentials training

Microsoft Teams Essentials training is scheduled 2-3:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21.

Register for the Microsoft Teams training course and learn ways to be more efficient in our teaching, learning, and remote work environments.

You can also arrange a training session for groups (departments, units, teams, etc.). Complete the group registration form if you are interested in scheduling a group training session.

Help with Microsoft Teams

A team has been created within Microsoft Teams to provide training and support for K-Staters. Sign in to Microsoft Teams and join the team using this link.

Benefits of using Microsoft Teams

  • Reduce the number of emails filling up your Inbox
  • Provides an alternative tool for web conferencing
  • Slick video/calls – without picking up a phone
  • Chat can occur in small and large groups
  • Quick turnaround time on some tasks
  • Use of Microsoft Teams does not require the use of VPN or remote desktop applications.

IT Update: August 2020

Here they come! Fall semester is less than a week away. The Division of Information Technology has been updating the network infrastructure across campus, preparing classrooms where appropriate, collaborating on cleaning protocols for classroom and lab spaces, providing training for teaching and learning, opening up the IT Help Desk in Hale library and more. 

In centrally scheduled and departmental rooms across campus, you will find a camera, microphone and connections for laptops. The training to use these technologies is provided here. Cleaning protocols were developed in collaboration with System Administrators and Facilities and available from the COVID-19 website.

Microsoft Teams training continues. Find dates/times for training here. The university posted the Teams retention schedule that is effective August 24.

The start of semester change freeze begins Monday, Aug. 10 at 12:01 a.m. CST and runs through the grade posting deadline of Friday, Aug. 21 at 11:59 p.m. CST. Information Technology avoids making changes to customer-facing production servers or services to minimize potential risks to and impacts on students, faculty, and staff at the start of the semester.

Maintenance on FIS will be Sat, Aug 22. FIS will be unavailable from 6 p.m., Sat., Aug. 22, through 6 p.m., Sun., Aug. 23.

HRIS, KSIS, and DARS will be unavailable from midnight – 4 a.m., Sunday, Sept 6. Information Technology will be performing maintenance on the Oracle PeopleSoft systems. This maintenance is to keep the system secure and up to date.

For fall semester, Windows and Mac computer stations are available in Hale Library (Windows on 1st and 2nd floors, Macs on 2nd floor) and in the K-State Student Union. Mac computers in Hale Library include Adobe Creative Cloud.  K-State computer labs located in Calvin 306, Calvin 318, and Dickens 001A, as well as the Media Center in Seaton 0001 are closed.

The Information Technology Usage Policy (PPM3420) has been updated. Please take the time to review. The policies clarifies that there is “no expectation of privacy for users” on university/state owned equipment.

Comparison of Phishing Scams and Compromised eIDs Jan. 1 – Aug. 1

YTD 2020 YTD 2019 YTD 2018
Compromised eIDs 321 420 292
Phishing scams 853 916 333
Phishing scam tickets processed 2184 2416 1641


Retention schedule for Microsoft Teams

With the move to Microsoft Teams there have been questions about the length of time chats, messages, etc are retained. The records retention schedule for Teams is now available online and provided below. The schedule becomes effective Aug. 24.

The Microsoft Teams Message Retention Schedule

Function  Timeframe  Description 
Person to person chat 30 Days Chats between two or more parties. Chats over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Teams Channel Messages 365 Days* Channel messages inside of Team sites. Conversations over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Recover Team Sites Timeouts 30 Days The time from when a Team’s site is deleted and when it can be safely recovered.
Video Calls Not Saved Recordings from video calls are not saved unless configured on a per-call basis.
Voice Calls Not Saved Recordings from voice calls are not saved unless configured on a per-call basis.

*Shorter retention can be set for individuals, offices, etc. upon request and approval by IT.

NOTE: Files shared in chat are stored in One Drive, however, as per the retention schedule, the links will no longer be available.



Microsoft Teams Essentials training offered for August

Microsoft Teams Essentials training is now available for the month of August.

Training dates 
  • Aug. 10: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 11: 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 12: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 17: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 18: 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Aug. 19: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 24: 2:- 3:30 p.mm

Register for the Microsoft Teams training course and learn ways to be more efficient in our teaching, learning, and remote work environments.

You can also arrange a training session for groups (departments, units, teams, etc.). Complete the group registration form if you are interested in scheduling a group training session.

Help with Microsoft Teams

A team has been created within Microsoft Teams to provide training and support for K-Staters. Sign in to Microsoft Teams and join the team using this link.

Benefits of using Microsoft Teams

  • Reduce the number of emails filling up your Inbox
  • Provides an alternative tool for web conferencing
  • Slick video/calls – without picking up a phone
  • Chat can occur in small and large groups
  • Quick turnaround time on some tasks
  • Use of Microsoft Teams does not require the use of VPN or remote desktop applications.

Rocket.Chat will be retired Aug. 31

K-State will retire Rocket.Chat, a web chat service on Aug. 31. Rocket.Chat used by IT staff will be replaced with MicrosoftTeams. Since MicrosoftTeams has a chat feature that has been widely adopted across campus, it was time to standardize on one chat platform, reduce support overhead from multiple chat services, and save money.

Continue reading “Rocket.Chat will be retired Aug. 31”

Microsoft Teams for teaching and learning

Microsoft Teams is a communication tool for groups, teams, or departments. Teams is a workspace for communication, meetings, file sharing, and app sharing.

Teams has recently enabled a Class Team type, with assignment/quiz features, a gradebook, and other aspects that can be used for teaching and learning. Final grades will still have to be submitted through Canvas and affirmed in KSIS or input directly into KSIS, to meet privacy and accessibility guidelines. Canvas is the officially supported learning management system with KSIS integrations. Other systems such as Teams are available but have limited support. Continue reading “Microsoft Teams for teaching and learning”

Microsoft Teams Essential training available throughout June

Microsoft Teams is a communication tool for groups, teams, or departments. Teams is a workspace for communication, meetings, file sharing, and app sharing.

Training is available June 16, 18, 23, 25, and 30, from 10 – 11:30 a.m. You need to sign up for training. Continue reading “Microsoft Teams Essential training available throughout June”

Zoom is now integrated with Microsoft Teams

Zoom has been integrated into Microsoft Teams. The integration allows you to  to start, schedule, or join a meeting. You can even share your screen. You can interact with Zoom in the following ways:

  • Zoom app – pinned to the Teams App bar (left navigation).
  • Messaging Extensions – Zoom icon will be added to conversation toolbars.
  • Zoom Bot – allows you to use Zoom commands in Teams and channels.

Meetings can be created in Zoom or from within Microsoft Teams and they will display in both places.

We often hear should I use Microsoft Teams for meetings or Zoom. It is an individual choice. Microsoft Teams is proably better for individual or small group meetings (4-5 people) and Zoom for larger meetings.

Ready to give it a try?

Get started using Zoom in Microsoft Teams

Need help?

Microsoft Teams Essentials training offered during June

Microsoft Teams Essentials training is now available for the month of June. Register for the Microsoft Teams training course and learn ways to be more efficient in our teaching, learning, and remote work environments.

You can also arrange a training session for groups (departments, units, teams, etc.). Complete the group registration form if you are interested in scheduling a group training session.

Help with Microsoft Teams

A team has been created within Microsoft Teams to provide training and support for K-Staters. Sign in to Microsoft Teams and join the team using this link.

Benefits of using Microsoft Teams

  • Reduce the number of emails filling up your Inbox
  • Provides an alternative tool for web conferencing
  • Slick video/calls – without picking up a phone
  • Chat can occur in small and large groups
  • Quick turnaround time on some tasks
  • Use of Microsoft Teams does not require the use of VPN or remote desktop applications.

Microsoft Teams Essentials training offered during May

There still is a great demand for Microsoft Teams training. Training sessions will be offered throughout the month of May.

Register for the Microsoft Teams course and learn ways to be more efficient in our teaching, learning, and remote work environments.

You can also arrange a training session for groups (departments, units, teams, etc.). Complete the group registration form if you are interested in scheduling a group training session.

Help with Microsoft Teams

A team has been created within Microsoft Teams to provide training and support for K-Staters. Sign in to Microsoft Teams and join the team using this link.

Benefits of using Microsoft Teams

  • Reduce the number of emails filling up your Inbox
  • Provides an alternative tool for web conferencing
  • Slick video/calls – without picking up a phone
  • Chat can occur in small and large groups
  • Quick turnaround time on some tasks
  • Use of Microsoft Teams does not require the use of VPN or remote desktop applications.