Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: K-State Online

K-State Online: Updated Canvas training now available

by Information Technology Services


Now is a great time to learn how to use K-State Online powered by Canvas. The Canvas training has been updated based on instructor feedback, and three different classes are available in January. Continue reading “K-State Online: Updated Canvas training now available”

Noon Tuesday, Dec. 23, is grade submission deadline for fall

by Monty Nielsen

Grades for the Fall 2014 term are due by noon Tuesday, Dec. 23. The deadline to copy grades from K-State Online into iSIS is 11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23, which allows sufficient time for back-end processes to complete.  Continue reading “Noon Tuesday, Dec. 23, is grade submission deadline for fall”

Grade submission deadline is noon Tuesday, Dec. 23, for fall 2014

By Monty Nielsen

Grades for fall 2014 term are due by noon Tuesday, Dec. 23. The deadline to copy grades from K-State Online or Canvas into iSIS is 11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23, which allows sufficient time for back-end processes to complete.  Continue reading “Grade submission deadline is noon Tuesday, Dec. 23, for fall 2014”

“Grading in iSIS” training sessions Dec. 3 and Dec. 5

“Grading in iSIS” training sessions are now available for K-State employees who enter student grades. You can register for a session in HRIS Self Service. Sessions are offered Dec. 3 and Dec. 5. Both sessions are in 9 Fairchild Hall. Session times are

  • Wednesday, Dec. 3 — 9:30-11 a.m.
  • Friday, Dec. 5 — 1:30-3 p.m.

Continue reading ““Grading in iSIS” training sessions Dec. 3 and Dec. 5″

K-State Online: TEVAL is now available in Canvas

by Information Technology Services

TEVAL is now available in K-State Online powered by Canvas. The TEVAL Student Rating System and Reports at K-State are unique to our university and are intended to provide an indicator or students’ impressions of teaching effectiveness in a given class. TEVAL may also provide some clues as to students’ views of specific teaching practices. Continue reading “K-State Online: TEVAL is now available in Canvas”